Chapter 328 Open Vehicle

The black mist gradually condensed into the shape of a bird, and that drop of blood also turned into the bird's two eyeballs.

In Ye Qianxing's eyes, this was an extremely normal scene, but in Shangguan Shi's eyes, he was taken aback, this! !

Is this some new technology?
Why does it look a little weird.

The little black bird circled twice in mid-air, then flew directly to a high place, and flew in one direction.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly waved to Shangguan Shi: "Your co-leader is not dead, come with me quickly."

A group of people hurriedly ran towards the depths of the woods. Along the way, they encountered three waves of worms. The worms also came to look for people. Obviously, they also knew that something happened to Ji Hanxiao. Want to cut grass and roots.

Looking at this scene, Shangguan Shi was really worried: "Sister Xing, can we go faster?"

"I'm afraid that the joint leader will be found by them, that would be bad."

Ye Qianxing stood up, too.

"Let them walk slowly behind, we two go first."

As soon as Shangguan Shi finished explaining to the subordinates behind him, Ye Qianxing directly pulled the back of his neck and put it on the sword, and the sword in his hand suddenly became bigger and lifted into the air.

The speed of the black bird in front also suddenly increased, Ye Qianxing looked at Shangguan Shi who was blown into a daze, and raised his hand to put a protective shield on Shangguan Shi.

Looking at the big tree gradually turning into small black spots under his feet, Shangguan Shi was afraid of heights for the first time.

It's hard to imagine that the kind of person who drives a mecha battleship and shuttles the spaceship in the universe every day is afraid of heights.

Shangguan Shi stood stiffly on the sword, not daring to move, and his face turned pale little by little.

Ye Qianxing didn't notice it at all, because even if she was killed, she would never have imagined that interstellar people would be afraid of heights.

When the black bird landed on the ground, it pecked twice with its lips on a rock, and then the red blood drops fell on the ground, and the black smoke dissipated.

Only then did Ye Qianxing raise his eyes to look at the rocks here.

What is obvious here is the sealed rock, and there is no trace of Ji Hanxiao at all.

But it's impossible to go wrong with a tracker bird.

Ye Qianxing turned to look at Shangguan Shi, and asked him to dig up the rock.

In the end, he looked at Shangguan Shi, turned around and vomited, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Ye Qianxing: ...


"what are you doing?"

Shangguan Shi vomited and said, "Sister Xing, your means of transportation is too crude. I'm afraid I'll fall to my death. There's not even a protective cover."

"Wait until I go back and give you a good hover car."

"This means of transportation is too rubbish."

"It's worse than primitive people."

While wiping his mouth, Shangguan Shi despised the Lianzhu in his heart. After all, Sister Xing is also the Lianzhu's girlfriend. After following him for so long, she still let Xingjie use this kind of hood simple battleship.

There is not even a shed, which is a bit too picky.

Ye Qianxing twitched the corner of his mouth, turned his head, and picked up his sword to dig the soil.

"No, my transportation is pretty good."

"Can go for a ride."

But as soon as the sword pierced in, Ye Qianxing felt as if his sword had been inserted in, it was very simple.

The bottom here is actually hollow, and Ji Hanxiao is probably here.

"Shangguan Shi, don't throw up, come and dig, your master is here."

Shangguan Shi hurried forward to help dig. As more and more holes collapsed, a big hole that was as tall as a person was leaked. It felt that two people could go in without any problem.

Shangguan Shi hurried forward: "Sister Xing, I'll go ahead."


(End of this chapter)

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