Chapter 330 Star, I Confess

When Ji Hanxiao woke up again, looking at the top of the white metal spaceship, he still couldn't recover. Didn't he die?
Raise your hand to hold your heart.

It was still warm and throbbing.

Ji Hanxiao suddenly sat up from the bed, he is not dead!
He really isn't dead!
Is he still alive?

Ji Hanxiao's eyes lit up, the world is so beautiful, but luckily I'm still alive.

With such serious injuries before, Ji Hanxiao felt that he must die, but he did not die.

Then there was only one reason. Thinking of the elixir he had taken before his "death" and his intact body now, Ji Hanxiao really wanted to hug his son and kiss him.

The cub is simply his goddess of luck, his savior.

but! !
The cub didn't seem to tell himself that he would faint after taking this elixir. Fortunately, he was rescued by his subordinates. Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome if he fell into the hands of the Zerg.

Looking at the familiar configuration beside his bed and the familiar room, Ji Hanxiao knew that he must have been saved by his own people.

Ji Hanxiao wanted to get up and get out of bed, but found that his legs were unconscious.

He frowned slightly.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Ye Qianxing walked in.

Seeing his face that he thought about day and night appeared in front of him, Ji Hanxiao's eyes were instantly filled with broken light.

His tone was full of waves and disbelief.


"Yeah." Ye Qianxing's face looked unhappy, with the displeasure of having to settle accounts afterwards.

Ye Qianxing stirred the soup and medicine inside the bowl he was carrying, and then handed it to Ji Hanxiao: "Drink it up."

Ji Hanxiao took it in one go, not even a scrap of medicine left.

Ye Qianxing raised his eyebrows curiously: "You don't even ask, what did I give you?"

What if it was poison?What about vigilance?
Ye Qianxing really doubted that Ji Hanxiao's title as God of War was worth something.

"It's not poison anyway."

"Even if it's poison, I'm happy with it."

Ji Hanxiao stared at Ye Qianxing naked like this, with suppressed turmoil in his eyes.

In the past, Ji Hanxiao liked Ye Qianxing too, but it was always hidden.

But if you like someone, how can you hide it? During this time between life and death, Ji Hanxiao was crazy and wanted to see Ye Qianxing again, but now that he really saw someone, Ji Hanxiao really couldn't control his frenzied heart.

Ye Qianxing turned his head and looked, the man's nonsense came out as soon as he opened his mouth.

Fortunately, I used to think that Ji Hanxiao was as high-spirited as a fairy, but now it seems that he is a shameless dog.

But in order to avoid being misunderstood, Ye Qianxing still explained.

"You were seriously injured and took the elixir I gave you. You should not have fainted, but you were also poisoned by the tarantula, which is why you fainted for so many days."

"During your period, you were dragged into the cave by the tarantula."

As if recalling some scene, Ye Qianxing couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

"We found you from the tarantula's cave."

Coughing twice, Ye Qianxing finally praised: "Ji Lianzhu is really pretty, not only can you take all men, women, old and young, but you can also cross species."

When Ji Hanxiao heard the first half of this sentence, he still thought it was a compliment, but when he heard the second half, he felt a bad premonition inexplicably.

"What do you mean by that?"

Ye Qianxing shook his head and said nothing.

Suddenly Ye Qianxing's expression became serious, and he questioned: "I think Master Ji Lian needs to explain this thing to me carefully!"

Ji Hanxiao looked at the huge red-marked S-file, and Ji Hanxiao's heart skipped a beat. Looking at Ye Qianxing's face, he quickly thought of the reason for the explanation.

Three seconds later, Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing solemnly and said, "Xing Xing, I confess!"

Ye Qianxing just folded his arms like this, standing in front of Ji Hanxiao's bed, with an expression like I'm waiting for you to make up a story.

It's just that there is still a little threat on the face, that seems to be another word.

If it is well edited, everyone is happy, but if it is not edited well, blood will flow like a river.

Ji Hanxiao swallowed.

(End of this chapter)

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