Chapter 332 Sorrow
"The result is not a coincidence. I encountered a space-time storm."

"I was swept away at that time, and it was difficult to get out some time ago."

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao, as if he was thinking about the truth of this matter.

But blood can't be faked.

And it was indeed Ji Hanxiao who escorted the female corpse to the ancient earth.

This optical brain hot search has written about it, and a lot of things have happened because of Ji Hanxiao's disappearance.

It seems that there is no sign that Ji Hanxiao is not from the ancient country, and it is completely consistent.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Hanxiao threw another bomb, with a serious expression on his face: "There is a secret place in the ancient earth, and only the blood of the ancient country can enter it. Have you checked the memory in it?"

As soon as Ji Hanxiao finished speaking, Ye Qianxing completely let go of her doubts.

"seen it already."

There was some hatred in Ji Hanxiao's eyes, and his voice was terrible: "Actually, I have witnessed these memories. Before I was sealed by my family, I saw this scene with my own eyes, but after all, I A person, with weak strength, can't do anything."

Ye Qianxing thought of the deaths of those ancestors, and she was completely defenseless against Ji Hanxiao. She patted Ji Hanxiao on the shoulder, how young Ji Hanxiao must have been at that time, he had already borne so much at such a young age.

This child is also poor.


Ye Qianxing's voice was faint, but it seemed to carry the hottest temperature, trying to dispel the coldness in Ji Hanxiao's heart.

"It's okay, sooner or later, the people of the ancient country will use their actions to prove that they are the ones who can truly dominate the universe."

But Ye Qianxing calmly asked another question of his own.

"Actually, the survival of the people of the ancient country in the universe is very difficult. They are rejected and even displaced. As the God of Star Wars, why don't you do something for the people of the ancient country?"

Ye Qianxing waited for Ji Hanxiao to explain.

Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing, and he knew that the boy would ask this question.

With a glance, there was actually a vase beside the bed, with two bowl-sized yellow chrysanthemums stuck in it.

It must be because there are plants on planet L, Ye Qianxing cut them back, and Ye Qianxing often arranges flowers.

Ji Hanxiao tore off a lot of the slender petals of the chrysanthemum.

Then, pinch one petal and place it on the table, then pinch another petal and place it opposite the first petal.

Then he began to pile up the remaining petals little by little. Ye Qianxing looked at the petals that were getting higher and higher, and the only two petals below.

"If you pile it up like this, it will fall down soon."

Ji Hanxiao raised his head and looked at Ye Qianxing: "My exercises are not suitable for the people of the ancient country to practice. I don't have any suitable exercises for them. I have tried a batch of them, but they all exploded and died."

For a moment, Ye Qianxing didn't realize that there was any connection between the two sentences Ji Hanxiao said.

Ji Hanxiao: "I forcibly pulled the people of the ancient country up, and there were only two results, collapsed, or puppets."

After Ji Hanxiao finished speaking, he pushed down all the petals with his fingertips, and finally put them in the palm of his hand, crushing them.

Ye Qianxing understood.

"I understand. The real rise is always on your own. You can't protect them for a lifetime."

Ji Hanxiao saw that Ye Qianxing understood, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "But you are different, your exercises are very suitable for everyone to practice, aren't they?"

"For example, you taught Shuangshuang's."

It was only at this time that Ye Qianxing understood why Ji Hanxiao went to learn cooking from a little-known little guy of his own, and why did he say it was for his girlfriend?
 A scary question, have you finished your holiday homework yet?Ha ha!school starts.

(End of this chapter)

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