I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 334 The Future Development Plan of the Ancient Earth

Chapter 334 The Future Development Plan of the Ancient Earth
Ji Hanxiao nodded: "Yes."

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao with some embarrassment: "But I wanted to buy the ancient earth before, so that it would be easier to manage, but I found out that the ancient earth is not allowed to be bought and sold. There is no authority."

Ye Qianxing was originally prepared, thinking that when he became famous, he would fight to a high position on his own, or he would know some important person, so he could trade, and then he would go back and find a way to get the ancient earth down.

But looking at Ji Hanxiao now, isn't the thickest and biggest thigh right here?
Ji Hanxiao seemed to have just remembered, and replied: "I set this authority to prevent the ancient earth from falling into the hands of others. We were born on the ancient earth, and we will definitely develop on the ancient earth in the future." .”

"When you graduate and have enough status, the ancient earth can naturally be sold to you."

Ji Hanxiao casually made a promise.

"Okay." Ye Qianxing looked at this matter, and it was solved so easily, and he immediately let go of a stone in his heart.

"However, in fact, you can also buy the ancient earth, we can now develop this morning..."

Ye Qianxing also wants to talk to Ji Hanxiao about the development plan of the ancient earth.

But Ji Hanxiao shook his head: "The ancient earth can only be placed under your name, not mine."


Ji Hanxiao's identity brought him not only status, status, and glory, but also war, enemies, killing, and enemies.

If he mainly develops the ancient earth and supports the people of the ancient country, it will definitely do more harm than good. Before the people of the ancient country grow up, Ji Hanxiao can only help secretly.

Ye Qianxing's brows and eyes were clear: "Yes, it's because I didn't think carefully, so I'll wait."

The two were about to talk further, when there was a knock on the door outside, Ye Qianxing walked over to open the door, it was Shangguan Shi.

"Sister Xing, the head of the Cultural and Propaganda Department came outside and said that he needs to talk to you about something. Would you like to see me?"

"In other words, we have already left the L galaxy and have now landed on the main star."

"We're in the Lord's house."

"Minister of Culture and Propaganda Department?" Ye Qianxing blinked twice.


"If Sister Xing doesn't want to see her, I'll get her away."

"No need, I'll go see you, you can go to Ji Hanxiao by yourself."

Ye Qianxing turned around and left the door, Shangguan Shi entered, and was greeted by Ji Hanxiao's death ray.

"Lianzhu." Shangguan Shi hurriedly bent down.

"Hmm." Ji Hanxiao sized Shangguan Shi up and down, and then asked a question softly: "Tell me about what happened after I issued the will."

"Nothing too small."

Shangguan Shi nodded and began to narrate: "Yes."

"Received the will..."

Shangguan's worldly affairs are described in detail, without the slightest emotion.

When Ji Hanxiao heard that Ye Qianxing said that he wanted to see people in life and corpses in death, and that he wanted to come to him, he felt very happy.

It feels like the cub really loves her, but she hasn't found out yet.

But when Ji Hanxiao heard that he was in the tarantula cave, the more he heard it, the more he felt something was wrong.


Shangguan Shi said that the tarantula was male, and it was only then that Ji Hanxiao understood what Ye Qianxing meant when he said that men, women and children could eat all, and that they were cross-species.


Thinking of Shangguan Shi's description of how the tarantula's tail pointed at him and pressed down, Ji Hanxiao turned his head and vomited.

 Brother Tiger: Almost ate a lollipop from a male tarantula.


(End of this chapter)

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