I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 338 Ji Hanxiao Gets Angry

Chapter 338 Ji Hanxiao Gets Angry

Cheng Le had a bitter haha ​​on his face. Before that, he thought Ye Qianxing didn't know how to flatter him, so he didn't even smile at him.

But seeing Ji Hanxiao come out now, even the endorsement fee has increased tenfold in an instant.

Cheng Le felt even more distressed. After this matter was done like this, he didn't know how he would be criticized when he went back.

To face Ji Hanxiao, it would be better to face Ye Qianxing, at least, that girl is not so arrogant, but from the current situation, the relationship between Ji Hanxiao and Ye Qianxing seems to be unusual.

Cheng Le didn't dare to refute, so he had no choice but to respond: "Ji Lianzhu said [-] million, then [-] million."

"I don't know what Miss Ye wants."

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao.

This guy seems to know a little better, why not let him talk, anyway, he is also a descendant of the ancient country, and his purpose is the same as mine.

Ji Hanxiao gave Ye Qianxing a look of acceptance.

My heart couldn't help being happy.

That's right, that's it, that's it, baby, boy.

Rely on me a little more in the future, and I can become your most loyal fan and most heartfelt knight.

Escort for you, go through life and death.

This is the first task Xing Xing gave himself, so he must do it well.


"How are you going to promote it? Let's talk about it in general first, and see what we need to cooperate with."

Ji Hanxiao's voice became serious.

Cheng Le looked at Ji Hanxiao in disbelief, feeling that Ji Hanxiao was like a manager working for Ye Qianxing at this moment.

"Well, she!"

"Let's see what she needs to cooperate with. You know, after a while, the Star Academy will start school, so studies are more important."

Ji Hanxiao discovered the misunderstanding in his words, so he explained it.

Cheng Le: "Oh oh oh."

"Master, I understand this, and we won't take up too much of Miss Ye's time. Just as she is on the main star, these tasks can be done directly on the main star, which means it will take ten days and a half months. If it is more efficient, it may not be used for ten days and half a month."

"Tell me about the job description."

"We just need Ms. Ye to cooperate with us in making a short film as a promotional video."

"What video? Content."

"The ancestors of the ancient country have always been the heroes in our eyes, the heroes who sacrificed for the hope of all mankind, so we want to restore the history. In history, how the ancient country fought bravely and saved..." Human beings are in dire straits among...


Crash, the sound of the cup breaking, looking at the broken cup on the ground, the flying debris hit Cheng Le's feet directly.

He didn't dare to move, he didn't even dare to take a breath, he was terribly frightened.

"Master Jilian..."

Cheng Le's heart sank, seeing Ji Hanxiao's ugly face, suddenly cold sweat dripped down.

He suddenly remembered, what others said, Ji Hanxiao's taboo.

One, it is not allowed to mention the history of the ancient country saving mankind in front of him.

Second, it is not allowed to slander the people of the ancient country in front of him.

Ji Hanxiao's golden pupils became colder and colder. He looked at Cheng Le as if he was looking at a dead person.

Finally, he said coldly: "Get out!"

Cheng Le swallowed her saliva, and under Ji Hanxiao's strong coercion, even tears rolled out of the corners of her eyes.

Not even daring to wipe away the tears, Cheng Le scrambled and ran out.

Others don't understand the two taboos of Ji Hanxiao, but Ye Qianxing does.

(End of this chapter)

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