I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 341 Liaison Master, You Want Regulations

Chapter 341 Liaison Master, You Must Be Moderate

"It just so happens that I don't have anything to do recently, so let's think about it ourselves, shoot the film ourselves, and then show it to them for publicity."

Ye Qianxing was a little suspicious: "Will they agree?"

In case the video they took is not good, or has other effects...

Ji Hanxiao snorted: "If you don't agree, get someone else who agrees."

Ye Qianxing understood, thinking that what Ji Hanxiao said was that the minister just now disagreed, so he changed to another minister.

In fact, what Ji Hanxiao said was that if the Ministry of Culture disagreed, the entire Ministry of Culture would be blown up.

After confirming that there is still work to be done, the two of them ate their meals and plunged into the room to discuss.

The first promotional video must be based on popular science.

But it needs to be eye-catching so that everyone can understand and like to watch it.

It is also necessary to give full play to the real history of the ancient country.

Only Ji Hanxiao knows the real history.

He has inherited memory.

They also need to restore various scenes, mission clothing, and props.

The scale of the scene is too large, and it can be generated with a virtual machine. The role played by two people requires clothing, hairstyles, insertions, and storylines.

Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao discussed and produced together. For nearly 20 days, neither of them left the room.

Shangguan Shi looked at the closed door.

The Lianzhu is really too strong.

It's been 20 days.

21 days……

22 days……

Shangguan Shi has gone from shock at the beginning to numbness later.

I was also thinking about whether to provide some supplements for the Lianzhu.

It was not until the 28th day that the door of the room finally moved. Shangguan Shi hurriedly stood at the door, ready to help him at any time. There was even a stretcher in the space ring. If something went wrong, he rushed up to help the Lianzhu. stand up.

Shangguan Shi looked nervous, his pupils stared at the crack of the door, getting bigger and bigger.

Then I saw a pair of black shoes leaking out, followed by Lianzhu's slender legs, but it seemed that he was walking a little weirdly, as if he didn't dare to use force.


People come out.

Put your hands on your waist.

Shangguan Shi hurried forward to hold the Lianzhu's arm, as if I really guessed it right.

"Master, I will help you."

"Master, I have a stretcher here, how about you lie down on it?"

"My lord... there is something that I shouldn't say as a subordinate, but for your health, I think it is necessary to persuade you."

"Vertical! Desire! Hurt! Body!"

"You still have to know how to control yourself, these 28 days are really too long..."

At the beginning, Ji Hanxiao didn't understand why his powerful subordinate was going crazy, but now...

Ji Hanxiao understood.

His face was livid, seeing that Shangguan Shi wanted to continue, Ji Hanxiao gritted his teeth and said, "My legs are numb and my waist is sore."

"What are you talking about?"

Numb legs?Backache?

A picture appeared in Shangguan Shi's mind, he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

If Ji Hanxiao didn't feel that his legs were numb and couldn't move, he really wanted to give Shangguan Shilai a kick and kick him out of the main star.

"We were just shooting a promotional video in the room, Shangguan Shi, do you want to die?"

"Promotional video?" Shangguan Shi found the keyword in horror, and then looked at Ji Hanxiao in disbelief.

The co-owner is so poor that he wants to go to sea to shoot a promotional video?
Can't get over it?

Seeing that Shangguan Shi was thinking about it again, Ji Hanxiao's hand creaked.

He hadn't realized that his subordinate was so stupid before.

The next moment, Ye Qianxing came out from behind Ji Hanxiao, kicked Shangguan Shi out of the door with his long legs.

 Bet on, bet on.

  Everyone guess, Brother Hu, how many days are there in a day?

  It can't be said that there is less, or Brother Hu will lose face?

(End of this chapter)

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