Chapter 348 The Flying Sword
[Now that human technology can explore the entire planet, return it to the underworld?soul?It really makes me laugh, the ghosts will believe it. 】

[I believe it, when I saw this chaotic atmosphere, I suddenly remembered that a planet I descended to by chance in the past was such a chaos. 】

[I feel like the world is not separated. 】

[There are still rules between heaven and earth, and the existence of the Dao of Heaven, I admit it. 】

[I don't know how to say it, and I feel that it looks quite logical, but I also feel that something is wrong. 】

【Why?I'm the only one who cares, what does Ye Qianxing mean?Did she want to say that the cultivation methods of humans in ancient countries and interstellar humans are different? 】

[The hope of the people of the ancient country has come? 】

[I believe it, otherwise some things really cannot be explained. 】

【Do you remember that Ye Qianxing can fly with a sword?Edgeworth?Is that the word? 】

[Is that a magic weapon? 】

[She has already found it, is it a cultivation method that belongs to the people of the ancient country? 】

[Is there a secret inheritance? 】

【this matter.Shouldn't the universe be announced, let everyone know, and participate? 】

[Is this the reason why she became a super genius and won No.1? 】

Everyone became suspicious. They didn't care whether the video was real or not, but they wanted to get the practice method.

But since Ye Qianxing posted this video, he didn't want to hide it anymore.

But to be honest, even if this exercise is told to interstellar people, they will never be able to do it. Even their bodies are crippled. How can they use the cultivation method?
[I don't care about your mess, I just lick your faces. 】

[Cut a lot of pictures, Ye Qianxing and God of War's looks are really super resistant. 】

[Same, upstairs. 】

[Everyone plays different types, but they can easily tell who is which, and the costumes and props are also super awesome. 】

[Is there any film and television company that wants to buy this copyright?Then make a second part or something? 】

【I want Xue Ying to act later. 】

【Ahhh! !I want, too!Let Lou Yingdi be the male lead. 】

【But I don’t think I took that one】

The topic gradually became distorted. The history of this ancient country actually didn't have much response. Everyone just joined in the fun, and only most of the people in the ancient country took it seriously.

So they didn't resist much, because their interests were never touched.

And Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao didn't explain anything, and didn't exacerbate the fermentation of this matter.

Originally, Ye Qianxing said that after the matter here was settled, he would go back to stay with Shuangshuang and the others for a while, and school would start.

Ready to go to Star Academy.

But Ji Hanxiao said that the main star also has a lot of interesting places, and he wanted to do his best to let Ye Qianxing stay for two more days.

After Ye Qianxing agreed, Ji Hanxiao brought Ye Qianxing to a place that night.

When getting off the suspension car, Ye Qianxing looked at the black gate in front of him. This place looked a little strange, and there was a trace of bloody smell from the gate, which was blown to the tip of Ye Qianxing's nose by the wind.

"What is this place?"

Ji Hanxiao stretched out his arm to Ye Qianxing, asking her to put it on: "You'll know once you get in."

"Besides, you must follow me well."

Ye Qianxing originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing the second half of Ji Hanxiao's sentence, he still put his hand through Ji Hanxiao's arm.

"it is good."

"I see."

(End of this chapter)

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