I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 352 Wolf Cub No. 15 [4 in 1 chapter]

Chapter 352 Wolf Cub No. 15 【Four in One Chapter】

Ye Qianxing's breath sprayed on Ji Hanxiao's neck, making him feel itchy.

His fingers moved slightly, gently poking Ye Qianxing's face.

But Ye Qianxing was sleeping soundly and did not react at all.

Didn't even move.

But because Ji Hanxiao moved by himself, Ye Qianxing's head followed Ji Hanxiao's shoulder, and his body gradually tilted.

Seeing Ye Qianxing sleeping so soundly, Ji Hanxiao couldn't control it anymore, and directly picked Ye Qianxing up from her chair like a child, and then stuffed her into his arms.

This chair is very spacious, it is no problem for three adults to sit, and one adult can also lie down.

So Ye Qianxing's petite body just nestled in Ji Hanxiao's arms.

Ji Hanxiao sighed comfortably.


The feeling of satisfaction, this satisfaction not only means that the arms are filled, but also the heart is full.

That feeling is beyond words.

It's not lust, it's not lust, it's the feeling that it seems like it's been longing for several lifetimes, and finally it's satisfied.

Some moved, even a little want to cry.

Ye Qianxing moved slightly, Ji Hanxiao was startled, thinking that she was about to wake up, her whole body's movements were stiff, but the next moment, Ye Qianxing only moved on Ji Hanxiao's leg twice, and fell into a deep sleep again past.

The arc of Ji Hanxiao's mouth widened and never fell down again. The bloody scenes below did not destroy his good mood.

The beast's cage on the opposite side has been opened, but the human's cage has not been released yet.

The insect beasts that were released this time were two different types of insect beasts. One insect beast was called the Tentacle Beast. It had a huge mouth on its chest with two layers of ferocious sawtooth.

And the whole body is full of fringed tentacles like jellyfish.

When it rolls, it looks a bit like a fluffy ball. If you don't look at its ferocious mouth, it's quite cute.

But everyone watched it facing the human cage, and after rolling over, it stretched out its tentacles, and the suction cups on the top of the tentacles directly sucked a human being next to the cage.

A long needle appeared in the suction cup, it was hard, and it was inserted directly along the person's abdomen.

The sound of human screams, the sound of blood dripping.


It was ferocious and terrifying, but it made many viewers gradually excited, with expressions of enjoyment on their faces.

Then everyone saw a scene that made their blood boil even more. The human being who had been needled gradually deflated.

The already thin human beings have become even more strangely thin, which looks really scary.

Then this sucked No. 12, except for the intact skin, all the other organs in the body were softened and became soft.

The whole body is like a soup dumpling, which looks creepy.

The needle was taken back by the worm, and the "soup dumpling" was dragged by the suction cup, directly through the railing, and dragged outside.

The tentacled worm opened its huge mouth, biting the "soup dumpling" with its sharp teeth, the skin of the "bun" was broken, and the red soup stained the teeth.

The audience around stood up, groaning and groaning.

They applauded desperately, they were obviously very excited about this scene, and this scene could arouse their restlessness.

They yelled desperately, and some people wanted to be more bloody and exciting.

"Let people out, let them out quickly."

"This is not exciting enough!!"

"It's not exciting enough at all!! Need more blood, more blood!"

"Is it okay, if you can't, get out!"

"Eat the living! Eat the living!"

The whole scene began to become chaotic, Ji Hanxiao's brows and eyes gradually became condensed, and he slightly covered Ye Qianxing's ears.

But he didn't intend to intervene, he only came today for one person, other interstellar people are not under his jurisdiction at all.

What does it matter to him that these people want to humiliate their own compatriots?

Looking down coldly, many people have already thrown chips into the pit.

"Give you money!! Give you money!! Give labor and management cannibalism!"

"Eat raw!!"

"Damn it!"

"hurry up!"

Hulala is all the sound of throwing chips. When the occasion is over, the staff here will go down and pick up all the chips. At that time, they will ask the customers for the corresponding star coins and money.

At this time, it was obvious that the venue felt that it had collected enough rent, so soon, a metal claw appeared in the cage where the humans were placed.

this paw.

It seems to have its own consciousness, just shake it directly in the crowd, people scream and run away, trying to escape from this metal claw.

And the metal claws were not in a hurry, as if the cat was teasing the mouse, swaying to one side and then to the other.

Then people ran away screaming, fear, fear, screams, filled Ji Hanxiao's eardrums.

And at this time, the judge finally laughed heartily, it was really great, that's all they wanted to see.

Fear, fear, in this way, they have a feeling that they are creator gods, in charge of the life and death of all things, and let them do whatever they want.

On the other side, people don't dare to approach the mouth of this cage, because besides the tentacle worm, there is also a crocodile-like worm, but its tonnage is much larger than that of a crocodile.

And there are barbs all over his body.

The sharp thorns are like his armor, giving people a feeling of being unable to attack.

The thorny beast, called the crocodile beast, is a kind of beast with relatively strong attack power among the beasts. It is also very powerful. His hard head is hitting the mouth of the cage fiercely, drooling a little Some stayed, wanting to break open the cage and eat the delicious food inside.



"bang bang..."

"Eat! Eat!!"

"Go up! Go up!"

"Waste! What a waste!"

"You are such a big guy, hurry up and rush up, and you will be able to fill your stomach if you rush up!"

"eat fast!"

The roars and noises of the people watching clearly made the two worms more restless, and the force of their impact was much greater.

And at this time, the metal claws seemed to have appreciated the struggle and fear of these little mice enough, and began to select a target, intending to catch it and feed it to the insect beast.

No. 15 was also caught in the middle of everyone, surviving in the cracks, he tried his best to squeeze into crowded places, trying to save his life.


There is nothing left, only this life, he has not seen the outside world, he does not want to die.

But he is a newcomer after all, and newcomers are all oppressed existences. He was pushed out, and countless hands grabbed his clothes, trying to push him outside.

Number 15 knocked out those hands one by one, he caught them!


He wanted these people to let him go.

But in the end, it was hard to beat four hands with two fists, and he was pushed out, but with a fierce look, he stretched out his hand and pulled one more person, and both of them fell to the ground.

The metal claws seemed to have noticed the change here, and came directly over, trying to catch a little mouse.

Originally, it was No. 15 that he was looking at, and the claws were slowly lowering on the top of his head. Even No. 15 himself felt that he was going to die.

totally unexpected……

This man's claws became dull for a moment, and then they failed.

The claw stopped suddenly, and the person who operated the mechanical claw was also stunned.

The boss's roar came from the headset: "What's going on?"

"What's the matter with you? Do you want to do it? If you don't want to do it, get out!"

"There are a lot of people missing under the Colosseum."

What the boss said was that if he didn't do well, he should be sent to fight the insects.

The sweat dripped from the man's forehead.

"It's broken, it's malfunctioning, it's malfunctioning all of a sudden."

"Don't worry, I'll fix it right away, fix it right away, and fix it soon."

"I'll fix you a coin!! Fuck your ancestors!"

"Go to repair it now, where are you going to repair it? The customers are still waiting to see, you get out of the labor and management, you don't have to do it, get out!"

The boss's voice over there was like thunder, and the man felt ashamed, and wanted to run away, but he was held down by someone, and then he took off his clothes and replaced them with a pair of animal skins.

The boss was still thinking about how to remedy it, but No. 15 looked at the paw that stopped suddenly, and his eyes hardened.

He didn't have time to think about whether there was a problem with the machine, whether it was broken, or whether the operator did it on purpose, but as long as he caught a chance, he couldn't give up.

No. 15 used almost all the strength of his body. Before everyone could react, he picked up No. 8 who was pulled out by him on the ground, swung it hard, and threw him directly from the gap in the metal railing. went outside.

The crocodile leaped forward.

His mouth is long, and his bite force is amazing.

No. 8's leg was directly bitten off by the sharp teeth of the worm, making a crisp cracking sound like biting a bone.

And this sound was also recorded, on the seat, 360 degrees, stereo surround sound playback, Ji Hanxiao reached out to turn off the sound of his seat.

No. 15 felt creepy when he heard this sound.

After being bitten by the crocodile beast, there was still a lot of blood on the ground. These dazzling red colors made many people present breathe heavily.

Under the bloody stimulus, morality gradually degenerates.

And the crocodile beast finally had a full meal, this person was not enough for it to stuff its teeth, so soon, the ground was bloody, the sound of clicking stopped, and it crawled towards the cage again.

No. 15 wheezed, quickly got up from the ground, and looked fiercely at those who pushed him just now.

Those people were more or less remembered by No. 15's ruthlessness without hesitation, and they all kept away from him silently.

Just throwing chips, now these spectators started throwing weapons again.

But these, things that cannot be called weapons.

Just some wooden thorns, wooden sticks.

They let this group of people, who were already powerless, take tattered weapons to fight against the vicious insects and beasts. Their original intention was to kill people.

They just want to see how people in various postures are eaten by insects and beasts.

And the struggle is just to give them a chance to make their master laugh.

Only a few people threw down some iron objects.

Ji Hanxiao threw down all the weapons beside him, because he hadn't reached a certain stage, so the guests were given cold weapons here.

Simple cold weapon.

The behind-the-scenes people of the venue must rely on this to make money, and they will take out the hot weapons casually, and when the insect beast dies in the next shot, the guests will still watch the documentary of the battlefield.

The marksmanship is more accurate.

At this time, the cage where human beings were held was finally opened, and No. 15 raised his head and looked at these hateful faces sitting on the tiankeng, and couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

Can these people be called human beings?
But he doesn't seem to be a human being.

He is lingering like a beast, but it doesn't matter, A Niang said, the life of a beast is cheap, and it is not so easy to die.

With a little bit of hope in his eyes, No. 15 looked at the people above the tiankeng.

It is impossible for him to leave this place by himself, but he can rely on the strength of others, if someone is willing to help him.

No. 15 felt that the mechanical claw stopped just now, and it was not that simple.

It may be that someone big is helping him.

Suddenly, No. 15 squinted his eyes, against the dazzling light, and looked at the tall voice holding the petite woman.

Number 15 feels as if he has found it.

Ji Hanxiao didn't dodge at all, he didn't avoid No. 15's gaze, and just looked at him steadfastly.

Number 15 watched the figure's mouth move.

He only said one word.


No. 15 nodded heavily at the man.

This is his only chance to leave.

Ji Hanxiao saw that No. 15 looked fierce like a wolf cub, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up, very good.

Whether you can win or not, the momentum is fierce.

Raising his hand, Ji Hanxiao threw the last weapon by his side, which was a metal weapon, at the foot of No. 15.

Others were also quick to grab it, but No. 15 hurriedly held his position. He directly held the sharp spear, and aimed at a man who wanted to grab the weapon, turning his carbine back.

The metal head pierced directly into the opponent's thigh, and there were screams.

Seeing that No. 15 was still so ruthless in attacking, everyone immediately didn't dare to go forward, and turned to fight for the weapons on the ground.

Here, you may not be able to live with a weapon, let alone without a weapon, it is simply courting death.

It is natural for everyone to rush to grab weapons in a mess. If there is a bloody incident, you can enjoy the bloody fight just by looking at it.

The judges blushed with excitement and roared non-stop.

But the person behind Ji Hanxiao, after seeing Ji Hanxiao throwing all the metal weapons down, immediately cursed at Ji Hanxiao.

"Cao Nima's insanity, you!

"This is just the beginning, what are you doing throwing so many weapons?"

"It's really a stupid X!!"

"Stupid X to see what fighting beast? Go home and eat!!! Go milk!"

"Ha ha!!"

After finishing speaking, he laughed arrogantly hahaha.

Ji Hanxiao turned his head abruptly, his eyes were as black as ink.

 Number 15 is not of the blood of the ancient country.

  This one is four chapters in one~
  Report, I love you very much today too~
  Thank you Wang Jian, 999 book coins for reward~
  Thank you Nine Burning Baby, 100 Book Coins as a reward~
  Thank you, Tong Tong, for a reward of 200 book coins~
  Thank you Shanshui baby, 300 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you Bobo milk cover baby, 1888 book currency reward [Hahaha, I also want to thank myself for the reward. 】

  Thanks to the homeless baby in the building, 300 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you Wang Jian, 588 book coins as a reward~
  Thanks to Mu Jiachen, baby, 999 book coins for reward~
  Thanks to the little mushroom, 1888 book coins reward~
  Thank you Bobo brand milk candy, 394 book coins reward~
  Thanks to the virtual baby, 588 book coins are rewarded~
  Thank you little sweet ball, 100 book coins reward, ~
  I love you~~
  I don’t know if it’s the same as the last thank you list, I don’t remember where I wrote it, hee hee!

  I love you guys. Recently, I have some texts that are too stuck. I sit for four hours and write 500 words. I don’t know how to start. Let me slow down~~
(End of this chapter)

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