I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 354 No, the stars are important

Chapter 354 No, the stars are important

Everyone looked at each other and winked: "I think this feeling of being full of hope and falling into the abyss is really great."


"Thought together."


"Kill them!"

"Another worm!"

"One more!"

"Let them all die!"

"All dead!"

"Hurry up, labor and management will give you money, and let another worm come out!"

Everyone stretched their arms and screamed on their seats. They wanted to release another worm to see that these human beings were like mice. They had just seen hope and collapsed into despair again.

They usually like to watch exciting things, but the lives of these people are in their eyes, not even a fart.

Ji Hanxiao didn't want to look any further, he stretched out his hand, made a gesture, and soon there were two black shadows, which gradually disappeared into the distance.

And here, the judges thought it would be like every time before, as long as they gave money, they would be able to see everything they wanted.

In the end, they waited for a long time, and they didn't even wait for the new worms to enter the arena. These people immediately went crazy: "Fuck!! You don't want to open this Colosseum."

"Do you not want your father to come?"

"Quickly release insects to labor and management!"

"Insect Beast!?!"

"Are you particularly deaf?"

No. 15 stood there calmly, looking at those people above, screaming wildly with bloodshot eyes, can't these people see that they are more terrifying and ugly than insects and beasts?
It took a while for the staff to come out to appease the scene: "I'm very sorry, all the judges, the lives of the rest of us today have been bought by a customer, and we cannot sacrifice again for the time being."

"I hope the judges can understand that our Colosseum still has its own rules."

"Of course, we have also started to prepare for the next wonderful performance for everyone, please stay tuned."

The staff originally came out to calm their emotions, but they never thought that these casual words made these people even more angry.


"The laborers have taken off their trousers, so why don't you show me this?"

"Fuck you, what kind of bullshit, do you think it's just your family's Colosseum? There are so many places to go, labor and capital exchange for one."


"I want them!! Just kill them!"

"Then how much money was paid for killing X, the labor and management department doubled, kill me!"

Everyone clamored and kept throwing chips down.

And there are some people who actually made a move.

There are not only rich people here, but also some talented practitioners. Wouldn't it be easy for them to kill two ordinary people?

The weapons in many people's hands were thrown to the audience by them, and several of those humans were stabbed to death in an instant.

This action seemed to have triggered a novel way of playing, and instantly aroused the response of many people. Everyone smiled ferociously and smashed their weapons down.

All of a sudden, countless weapons flew into the pit.

want to take the lives of these people.

No. 15 looked at those who threw weapons fiercely, his eyes were cold.

Ji Hanxiao looked at the two subordinates behind him who hadn't come back, and hesitantly looked at Ye Qianxing in his arms.

In the end is sitting and not moving.

The stars are more important, wait a minute, there are still people watching behind.

But after waiting for several minutes, the two subordinates still hadn't come back, and two more people in the pit had died, a cold light flashed in Ji Hanxiao's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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