I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 359 R56Y8 spaceship, release

Chapter 359 R56Y8 spaceship, release

He shook his head quickly: "No..."

"No need, I'll take care of it myself, the Lianzhu should be quicker."

Hastily hung up the phone, and within 2 minutes, Ji Hanxiao arrived at the L checkpoint.

He was the first to find the person who called him just now, and that person just hung up the phone, feeling like he was in a trance, why did he call Ji Hanxiao.

As a result, when he turned his head, Ji Hanxiao was standing at the door of his spaceship.

The man was so startled that he almost sat down on the ground.

fuck! !

so fast?

Come to settle accounts?

He felt that what he said just now was not too much, he was really in a hurry to attend the meeting, woo woo woo...

The man looked at the killing god standing outside, and suddenly remembered that when Ji Hanxiao killed the Zerg, the man almost cried when he raised the knife and dropped it.

He didn't dare to stop the movement of his feet, and hurried forward to open the hatch: "Lian... Lianzhu..."

"I... I just..."

But Ji Hanxiao did it again. Before he finished speaking, he went directly into the spaceship cabin, carrying the most advanced equipment in his hands, not letting go of every corner, and finally confirmed that there was indeed no one in the spaceship. After that, Ji Hanxiao said a word to Guangnao.

"R56Y8, spaceship, let go."

The man didn't expect that Ji Hanxiao came to inspect the spaceship first, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Ji Lianzhu...

It's still pretty good.

Knowing that I was really in a hurry, I checked myself first and put water on myself.

Although the arrogance is a bit arrogant, it is still measured.

As for being domineering, unreasonable, and being sealed as soon as you say it, men don't think it's any big deal, and if they don't use their rights, wouldn't they be stupid?
If he were to be a local emperor, he would be more free-wheeling than Ji Hanxiao.

"Thank you Ji Lian, thank you Ji Lian."

Ji Hanxiao had already walked out of the hatch, and turned around and said, "Aren't you in a hurry? Are you still leaving?"

"Immediately, immediately!"

The man drove the spaceship away quickly, and Ji Hanxiao walked to the checkpoint step by step, preparing to check one by one.

There are two brothers, Ma Zimian and Ma Gan, there are only two spaceships in front of them.

Once the two spaceships had been inspected, it was their turn to leave.

Who would have imagined that suddenly the checkpoint was closed, not only can't walk, but also can't move.

The two of them suddenly had their hearts in their throats again.

look at each other...

"This time, I really provoked a big shot."

Can block the main star casually, isn't this a big shot?I'm afraid it's a big character.

The two swallowed in unison, and suddenly felt worried about the head on their necks.


"Brother, what should we do now?" Ma Gan's voice became a little panicked.

With a pockmarked face, she finally calmed down a bit: "It's okay."

"Don't panic, it's people who are no longer on our spacecraft, and they can't detect anything when they detect it."

"As long as we don't panic, there will be no evidence to prove it. We must not let our feet slip."

"Let's go to the cabin, where the woman was lying just now, and check again to see if there is anything left by the woman. Secondly, let's put some star beasts on it to block it."

"Be sure to check carefully, and don't let the hair go."

Pockmarked face is ready to deal with the aftermath quickly.

"Okay." Ma Gan replied, and was about to turn around, but when he looked up, he saw Ji Hanxiao on the edge of the checkpoint, his face turned pale instantly, and a dense layer of beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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