I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 361 Dead! [For fairy fans, add more little mushrooms]

Chapter 361 Dead! [For fairy fans, add more little mushrooms]

Ma Gan also understands that what his brother said is right, and now he has to give it a go. The two plans are also the final plan.

Ma Gan nodded, raised his sleeves to wipe off the sweat on his face, and followed the pockmarked face to the place where Ye Qianxing was placed just now. They searched carefully inch by inch, and they really found two hairs of Ye Qianxing. Silk.

They worked hard to restore the things to their original positions, and filled in the place where Ye Qianxing had just been placed.

These two people sat on the chairs, and at this time Ji Hanxiao had already come out of the second spaceship, the two spaceships had flown away, and it was their turn, watching Ji Hanxiao getting closer and closer, The hearts of the two of them were beating wildly.

Pockmarked face took a deep breath: "Take a deep breath!"

"Ma stick, hold on tight!"

"Hold on!"

The two of them quickly wiped sweat from the neckline, face, and even the palms and backs, keeping their bodies neat and tidy at all times.

Then he opened the smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked eagerly at the door of the spaceship cabin, which had already been opened.

The moment they saw Ji Hanxiao, the two of them pinched their palms fiercely, which was enough to see the unrest in their hearts.


The moment pockmarked face saw Ji Hanxiao's appearance, he was so excited that he couldn't contain himself, as if he was excited to see an idol.

Ma Gan was speechless at the side.

Ji Hanxiao looked down at the two people, and waved to the person behind him at the same time: "Search!"


This word is a reply to the two brothers.

"Why did you two come to the main star, where are you going now, and what are you going to do?"

When Ji Hanxiao asked, he stared closely at the two brothers and carefully observed their expressions.

Seeing Ma Gan's speechless situation on his pockmarked face, he knew it was going to be bad.

Little did he know that Ma Gan also felt that he was very uncomfortable. Only when he faced Ji Hanxiao with his own eyes, could he know that the coercion on Ji Hanxiao was so hard to even look up.

This kind of strong man stands in front of you, that kind of feeling that even the space is distorted, and the world consciousness seems to surround him.

Especially when Ma Gan was still guilty, it was even worse.

"You, look up and look at me."

Ji Hanxiao's finger pointed at the hemp stick.

Ma Gan didn't dare to hesitate, seeing his brother's fierce eyes, he quickly looked directly at Ji Hanxiao: "I..."


"I used to worship God of War too much, so I was really nervous when I saw God of War for the first time."

"I'm still a little excited and don't know what to say."

"God of War...God of War, sign for me, is it in my hand?"

That fear was transformed into blazing heat.

Ji Hanxiao didn't answer the question, but he didn't pursue it any further. He just repeated the question he asked earlier: "Where did you come from, where did you go?"

Pockmarked face hurriedly took a step forward, wanting to answer the question, but Ji Hanxiao pointed at the hemp stick: "Say it!"

Ma Gan widened his eyes in surprise.

Ji Hanxiao stared at Ma Gan with blank eyes for a moment, which was obviously a symptom of thinking and recalling.

Asking where you are from and where you are going, this is obviously a question that needs to be answered after thinking, but on this man's face, it froze for a full two seconds.

The eyes are vacant all the time.

Even if he looked directly at him, the corners of his mouth were abnormally stiff, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Ji Hanxiao was almost [-]% sure that Ye Qianxing was kidnapped by these two people, Xing Xing was definitely not on the spaceship now, but Ji Hanxiao didn't want to let him go.

Anyone who dares to touch the stars will all - die! !
 This is the Jiageng that promised Little Mushroom. My baby wrote me a four-page letter. In fact, I don’t advocate fans sending me things, because the babies are all students, and you need to eat well [These four words are good] The feeling of earth, but I always like to say these four words. 】

  But this letter does not require money, and I have never received a letter from a small fan, so I was so moved, I agreed to her sending it to me.

  To be honest, the moment I received it, tears came out [I really cried. 】

  I am really touched, really, thank you very much, I wrote a book by myself, and then I can meet you group of cuties, don’t look at what I usually don’t say, in fact, each of you voted for my ID, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, Reward, your IDs are really familiar to me, but I can't write that much, and the number of words is limited.

  I can only say that I have received every love from you.

  I will not disappoint.

  The text written by Bobo is actually not very good, but I have been working hard to write better, it's as simple as that.

  Recently, my little boy will start school on the 8th. After he starts school, I will settle down and update as much as possible. I am still the same sentence. I will not mention this book and grades, but I will not abandon it. , do not give up, I will continue.

  I really love you~~
  love love love~
  Love is so spicy, so spicy.

  I can't express it in words. This update is not only for the little mushrooms, but also for you. Although the update is a bit small, I love a lot! !

  I will work harder in the future!babies.

(End of this chapter)

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