I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 373 Why Are You The One Who Can't Get Up Every Time?

Chapter 373 Why Are You The One Who Can't Get Up Every Time?

Ye Qianxing still insists on this.

"Your injury is a little serious, I'll stay for a while longer."

"I'll leave after your injury is healed."

"It is estimated that depending on the condition of your injury, I will prescribe medicine for you."

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Ji Hanxiao's eyes, he was obviously overjoyed, but he didn't dare to show it.

"Actually, it's okay, it will disappear, it just takes a little longer."

"Your studies are still more important. If you are really busy, you should go back."

Ji Hanxiao pretended to decline.

Ye Qianxing shook his head: "It's okay."

The two of them quickly returned to the main star, and when the levitation car drove to Ji Hanxiao's own yard, Shangguan Shi was waiting for Ji Hanxiao to come out at the door.


Before the person came out, he heard a girl's voice calling from inside: "Shangguan Shi."

Shangguan Shi stared, it was the mistress! !

The Lianzhu actually found the mistress, but the Lianzhu has already found someone, why didn't he contact his subordinates?

There are still many people in the interstellar world, looking for a needle in a haystack.


Ye Qianxing yelled again, his voice aggravated by two points.

Shangguan Shi hurriedly ran inside, only to see his co-leader lying on the bed again.

Last time, hold your waist?
Is your walking posture wrong?

Can't get up at all this time?
Is my own stretcher going to work?

Moreover, the Lianzhu is so shameless that his back is still naked. Shangguan Shi saw the muscles on Ji Hanxiao's arms.

Ji Hanxiao's back was put up, so Shangguan Shi didn't see his injury, but felt that the Lianzhu was slightly indiscreet.

"The lord..."

"Why are you the one lying on your stomach every time?"

Is the mistress really so powerful?
Keeps you awake every time?

Can't you? ?
Although Shangguan Shi didn't say these words, it was almost written on his face.

Ji Hanxiao was really angry, he wanted to smash Shangguan Shi's head.


These three words, shouting is called a gnashing of teeth.

Ye Qianxing went straight out of the hatch.

As a result, after Shangguan Shi saw Ye Qianxing go out, Shangguan Shi quietly asked Ji Hanxiao: "Master, I have a secret recipe here, do you want it?"

"Strong (sun) sun!"

"The effect is that the thief pulls it well."

"Time is getting longer and longer, and the mistress can definitely feel..."

Ye Qianxing had already walked to the door, but when Shangguan Shi spoke, he didn't deliberately cover up his voice, so for a Jindan stage, Shangguan Shi's words still drifted to her ears along the wind.

Ye Qianxing's footsteps stopped.


The mistress...it shouldn't be me, right?

Ha ha ha ha?Certainly not myself.

Ye Qianxing simply walked two steps faster and went straight back to his room.

Ji Hanxiao here finally endured until Ye Qianxing disappeared.

Only then did he turn over from the bed and kick Shangguan Shi out of the cabin.

Cold voice.

"Support missions on remote planets, you go."

Shangguan Shi was still clutching his chest, feeling a little wronged, he didn't know what happened, and it turned out like this.

"Cough cough..."

"Lianzhu..." Do you still want the medicine?

Even if Shangguan Shi was beaten, he was unwilling to give up thinking about the good life of the Lianzhu.


Ji Hanxiao's face became even colder.

The voice sounded dangerous and frightening: "Shangguan Shi! Let me hear you say I can't do it in the future, and I will kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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