Chapter 383

For example, the most famous Baishuang Lianzhu, before him, he was of the blood of the ancient country.

But he made some money himself, and he did genetic modification.

It was because the aptitude of the blood of the ancient country dragged him down. After he completed the genetic modification, his strength soared by accident. In addition, after marrying the daughter of the previous co-leader, he transformed himself and used his own wrist to climb up to the position of the co-leader. .

But later, Bai Shuang never mentioned the fact that she is from the ancient country.

This period of history seems to have been wiped out by people.

Even facing the people of the ancient country, Bai Shuang didn't have a good face. Many people seemed to think that Bai Shuang treated the people of the ancient country very well.

In fact, only Ji Hanxiao knows that Bai Shuang hates humans in the ancient country.

If anyone mentions in front of him that he used to be from the ancient country, he will turn his face.

So everyone understands that people who have left the blood of the ancient country will still look down on the people of the ancient country.

So even if Ye Qianxing is from the ancient country, they dare not mention it.

I was afraid of breaking Ye Qianxing's taboo, but I never thought that she would say it so frankly.

This feeling of being finally recognized by the strong and the genius, and finally no one can escape.

No one feels disgusted.

Let everyone burst into tears.

"Hey, family."


"Then, can mom?" the little boy asked again.

The woman nodded with tears in her eyes: "Yes!"

Ye Qianxing patted the little boy's shoulder: "I have everything here, including meat and tools. You just need to bring some water up."

"I'll take out the prey later, please help me slaughter it together."

"Today we're having BBQ!!"

Everyone smiled together: "Okay."

People started to get busy, and brought chairs for Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao, let them sit, and let them direct the whole process, not let them do anything.

Even the kids are busy.

Ji Hanxiao raised his eyebrows, seeing the cub's welcome, the corners of his mouth gradually deepened.

It turns out that I am not the only one who has the discerning eye to know the bead and can spot the cub.

But the cub itself is a jewel, shining with brilliance, which cannot be ignored.

The little boy who couldn't speak clearly just now stumbled to Ye Qianxing's side, and stretched out his arms to Ye Qianxing: "Sister~"


This cute little milk voice, cute little face.

The ghost could bear it, Ye Qianxing quickly picked up the baby, kissed the little guy on the cheek twice: "You are so cute, little guy, what's your name?"

The little guy's fair skin, after being kissed, seemed a little shy, and immediately covered his little face with his fleshy little hands.

"Sister, shame on your face, kiss me."

"My name is Jojo."

Ye Qianxing smelled the fragrance of milk on the little guy's body, and felt that his heart was about to soften.

Little did he know that Ji Hanxiao, who was at the side, felt unhappy.

The cub hasn't kissed himself yet.

The cub hasn't hugged himself yet.

The cub hasn't boasted about himself yet.

This little guy looked really cute in the past, but now he looks a bit obtrusive.

Ji Hanxiao's face was slightly cold, he stretched out his hand to Qiao Qiao: "Qiao Qiao, can you give me a hug for brother?"

But Ji Hanxiao didn't wait for the little hand. Instead, the little girl wrinkled her nose and said seriously: "Mom said, you are not brother."

Ji Hanxiao was a little confused.

"It's uncle!"

Ji Hanxiao's face turned blue instantly.

Ye Qianxing let out a chuckle, and Qiao Qiao said again: "Uncle likes Qiao Qiao too, so do you want to hug Qiao Qiao?"

Ji Hanxiao: ...

Actually don't like it anymore.

I don't want to hug either.

But I don't want my son to hug you even more.

Are you qualified to sit in that embrace?
"Yeah." Ji Hanxiao replied with a stinky face.

"come over."

"Also, I'm so young, I'm still a brother, not an uncle."

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao with the expression of arguing with a child, and couldn't help laughing.

The mighty and domineering Lord Ji Lian who was promised is so childish.

But Qiao Qiao was ghostly, holding Ye Qianxing's neck and asked her: "Then sister, do you like Qiao Qiao?"

Ye Qianxing couldn't understand the child's brain circuit, but she still answered seriously: "I like it."

Qiao Qiao's soft mouth kissed Ye Qianxing's face.

Ye Qianxing lost his mind for a moment.

so cute.

So warm.

so cute!


After Qiaoqiao finished kissing, she broke her little finger worriedly and said, "Sister, I like you very much too."

"But I also like Uncle Ji very much."

"But there is only one Jojo, what should I do?"

Qiao Qiao was extremely embarrassed, looking at Ye Qianxing and then at Ji Hanxiao, as if he was thinking about a century-old problem.

"How to do it?"

Ye Qianxing was almost amused by this little bun's face.

She really wanted to tease the child, so she also asked, "Yes, what should I do?"

But Ji Hanxiao's focus is completely different from the two of them.

He just looked at Qiao Qiao with a little cold eyes.

He looked at the drool on Ye Qianxing's face.

And that uncle.

Ji Hanxiao felt that he should show this little Douding a little bit of strength.

She took advantage of her own wife.

But this little Douding patted his head and said a word, which instantly made Ye Qianxing's face stiff, and Ji Hanxiao was like a spring breeze.

she says.

"How about, sister and uncle together, have another cute baby like me, after that, you two can have one each."

After Qiao Qiao said this, he seemed to think that this idea was really good.

She clapped her little hands.

"Sister!! Uncle, you guys are going to have a baby soon, I want to see my little sister too."

"You don't know it, I'll teach you."

Ye Qianxing looked down at the little guy in astonishment, but the little guy pulled Ji Hanxiao's hand and put it on Ye Qianxing's.

Ji Hanxiao caught up instantly.

Ye Qianxing's face flushed instantly.

"Sister, hold hands and kiss."

"You kiss uncle, so that you can plant a baby~~
"After a few months, the baby can come out."

Ye Qianxing's face was about to smoke.

She watched the little guy clasping his palms together, staring at him with a look of anticipation, and suddenly his whole face was almost scorching hot.

Tong Yin continued to urge: "Quick kiss, sister."

"Uncle, dear, don't you want a baby?"

Ye Qianxing struggled several times, trying to pull his hand out of Ji Hanxiao's.


However, the curvature of the corners of Ji Hanxiao's mouth gradually increased, and his whole body looked extremely turbulent.

"Jojo is right, I really want a baby."

"I think this suggestion is feasible."

Ye Qianxing finally shook off Ji Hanxiao's hand, his face was full of anger and shame: "Ji Hanxiao!!!"

 Which mother-in-law has the corners of her mouth turned up high?
  let me take a look.

  Hahaha, shit!
  Sweet death I forget, ha ha.

  Ji Hanxiao: "Qiao Qiao, you are still too young."

  "Having a baby is not as easy as you think."

  "There is still a need for romance."

  Jojo: "Romantic?"

  Ji Hanxiao: "Yes!"

  "My sister is in charge of the romantic wave ~ I am in charge of slowness."

  Hahaha, shit

(End of this chapter)

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