I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 385 Spirit Root Detection

Chapter 385 Spirit Root Detection

A group of people were happy and had a lively barbecue.

Probably to avoid embarrassment, even when eating barbecue, Ye Qianxing stayed far away from Ji Hanxiao.

Even if Ji Hanxiao approached, Ye Qianxing hurried away.

The whole time, he looked like he couldn't avoid it.

After everyone finished eating, Ye Qianxing took out a ball from the space.

"Actually, before I came here, I never thought about teaching everyone the exercises."

"It's not that I'm reluctant, it's because the people of the ancient country have not yet formed a scale."

"There is no planet to live in. I wanted to wait for everyone to gather together in the future and then teach systematically."

"However, now I feel that I should train a group of pioneers for the ancient country first."

When the ancient country is established, it will need elders, someone in charge, and a strong military force.

If everyone started from scratch.

The person Ye Qianxing selected would be difficult to convince the public.

So Ye Qianxing planned to train the people present first.

"Now, I do have exercises that are suitable for the people of the ancient country to practice. If you are willing to learn, you should line up first and come here one by one to test the spiritual roots."

When everyone heard Ye Qianxing say this, they all went crazy.

They didn't expect Ye Qianxing to be so casual that he wanted to teach them exercises.

So everyone was so excited that they all went to line up.

They can't wait to get stronger.

Ye Qianxing put his hand on the crystal ball, and told everyone another thing: "The ancient country is not suitable for publicity now."

Ye Qianxing always felt that someone was targeting the ancient country, whether it was the status of the people of the ancient country or the people of the ancient country.

It seems that someone is manipulating it.

So Ye Qianxing didn't want to attract attention for the time being.

"So, I have a request for you to learn the exercises."

"This skill can only be practiced by the blood of the ancient country, and no other blood can be practiced. If you practice it forcibly, your body will explode directly."

"In order to avoid accidents, I still want each of you to take an oath."

"Without my permission, the exercises are not allowed to be passed on to anyone."

"If you violate it, your soul will fly away and you will never enter reincarnation."

As soon as Ye Qianxing finished speaking, everyone immediately nodded without any resistance.

So Ye Qianxing asked everyone to come up and test their spiritual roots, no matter if they were adults or children.

"You put your hand on this and it's done."

The man was very nervous, and after he put his hand on it, the crystal ball quickly turned a khaki color, and the khaki color was so rich that it almost turned into substance.

The man was frightened by the change, and wanted to take it back, but Ye Qianxing held him down.

"do not move."

Then the man saw that after the yellow was extremely rich, a little bit of light blue appeared below, but the light blue was very little and very small, almost squeezed out of place.

Ye Qianxing gave him a yellow sign: "Earth and water have dual spirit roots. The earth spirit root accounts for 90%, and the water spirit root only accounts for [-]%."

"You stand aside first."

The man was inconceivable: "Is this the end?"


"Then is this qualification good or not?"

Ye Qianxing raised his head and looked at everyone: "Spiritual roots, there is no good or bad."

"A single spiritual root is relatively pure, which means that you will be more sensitive to absorbing a certain element in the future, but at the same time, it will also have a single combat value, but the advantage is that the cultivation speed is fast."

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, corresponding, gold, green, blue, red, yellow, several colors."

"According to our ancient country, gold, wood, water, fire, and wood, as the five elements, complement each other."

"Double spiritual roots, or three spiritual roots, or four spiritual roots, are different."

"Some people have multiple spiritual roots, each of which is evenly distributed. Although their cultivation speed will be slower, the combat effectiveness of multiple spiritual roots is strong."

"Therefore, there is no good or bad spiritual root. Every kind of spiritual root, as long as you practice hard, can give you the best reward."

"The reason why I tested your spiritual roots is not to test your talents, but to give you exercises, because each spiritual root has different exercises."

In fact, how can there be no good or bad qualifications, but good or bad, they will know when they practice.

But what a spiritual root is has nothing to do with whether one's aptitude is good or bad.

Unless it's a single attribute with full value, a heavenly spirit root, or a five-element spirit root like Ye Qianxing.

The Promise Sect never judges a person's future based on the quality of his spiritual roots.

So Ye Qianxing wouldn't either.

When everyone heard what Ye Qianxing said, they were immediately relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the interstellar people, the people of the ancient country are called rubbish of qualification waste, and the people of the ancient country comfort themselves that everyone has a different cultivation system.

But if it is in one's own family, the qualifications are also poor.

That's really no excuse.

"Wait for people with the same color brand as everyone, and stand in a team."

Ye Qianxing asked everyone to start the test in an orderly manner.

"Single water spirit root."

"Water and fire twin spirit roots."

"Golden Lingen."

"Gold, wood and soil, three spiritual roots."

"Three spirit roots, and double spirit roots, you stand separately first."

When it was Qiao Qiao's turn to test, he put his little hand on it, but the crystal ball didn't fluctuate at all.

Everyone was stunned.

"Why no color?"

"Is the crystal ball broken?"

"what happened?"

The smile on Qiao Qiao's face disappeared in an instant, and the big eyes were full of mist: "Sister, why is Qiao Qiao's colorless? Does Qiao Qiao have no spiritual roots?"

The expression on Ye Qianxing's face was also somewhat surprised.

She put her hand on the crystal ball and felt it carefully.

The next moment there was a pleasant smile on his face: "It's not that Qiao Qiao has no spiritual roots."

"Jojo is a space spirit root."

Ye Qianxing looked at Qiao Qiao in surprise, always feeling that he had found a treasure.

Space spirit root.

It is a rare breed.

If one can develop a good heart in the future, cultivators of spatial spiritual roots will be the most difficult to deal with, and they will also be the best seeds of a craftsman.

Only the space spirit root, when refining the weapon, does not need to put space sand or space stone into the cutting space.

Because they can cut with bare hands, they are like ducks in water when it comes to space.

"Spatial spiritual root?" Qiao Qiao sniffed twice, it's not as if there is no spiritual root.

She was relieved.

Seeing that Qiao Qiao still didn't understand, Ye Qianxing took Qiao Qiao's hand: "Let me show you how to feel it."

Ye Qianxing is not a space spirit root, but her cultivation is barely capable of space folding.

Ye Qianxing led Qiao Qiao, and the next moment the two of them disappeared in place and appeared on the other corner of the rooftop.

Turned back the next moment.

Ye Qianxing didn't actually move, it was just that she folded the space.

Everyone stared blankly.

Qiao Qiao also clapped his hands: "Wow!! So amazing!"

"Your spirit root is great."

"You stand on the other side first, okay?"

"it is good!"

Qiao Qiao obediently left.

As a result, the next person gave Ye Qianxing even more surprises.

Light spirit root, dark spirit root, thunder spirit root.

There was even a mist root found.

(End of this chapter)

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