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Chapter 387 Star, don't move!

Chapter 387 Star, don't move!
Ji Hanxiao moved his feet back, and with that guilty look in his eyes, Ye Qianxing instantly woke up, something was wrong!

Something is wrong with Ji Hanxiao!

Ye Qianxing stepped forward and directly grabbed Ji Hanxiao's wrist.

There must be something Ji Hanxiao doesn't want to discover, the more this is the case, the more suspicious Ye Qianxing becomes.

"Master Ji Lian! Test the spirit root."

Ji Hanxiao did not take out his hand, nor did he put it up.

He is really afraid of this thing, which can reflect his own tiger shadow.

"Xing Xing, listen to me, my aptitude is quite good now, and I also figured out the cultivation method myself."

"I don't think I need to test the spiritual root, nor do I need to use your exercises."

Ji Hanxiao backed away desperately, but Ye Qianxing grabbed his arm and did not let go. Seeing him like this, he immediately became more suspicious.

Smiling, he pressed Ji Hanxiao's hand and moved forward: "It's okay, Master Ji Lian, I don't think it's a serious problem to test it."

"It doesn't matter whether you learn or not, it's good to know what spiritual root you have."

Ji Hanxiao was very anxious. Now that his daughter-in-law hasn't caught up with her, if the secret is discovered later, it's over.

There is no hope for a daughter-in-law in this life.

In a hurry, Ji Hanxiao pressed Ye Qianxing directly on the table where the crystal ball was placed.

Locked her hands behind her back.

Now Ye Qianxing's whole body is half arched, as if lowering his waist, sticking to Ji Hanxiao's abdomen.

As soon as he started, Ye Qianxing understood.

Ji Hanxiao felt that something was hidden from him.

And it's about yourself.

It is absolutely impossible to be seen by oneself.

Ye Qianxing's expression turned ugly instantly.

Her face was slightly cold, and she started to move her feet, raising her calf, trying to kick Ji Hanxiao away.

How could Ji Hanxiao let her succeed, he immediately blocked it with his legs.

So you come and go, and the two confront each other for a long time.

In the end, Ye Qianxing's leg was also locked by Ji Hanxiao's.

Now the posture of the two people is unusually intimate.

As the two fought and collided back and forth, Ji Hanxiao's eyes gradually took on a different meaning, and even his breathing became a lot heavier.

"Star, don't move."

The voice is hoarse and sexy, with a different feeling.

Ye Qianxing's face turned red immediately, and she looked at Ji Hanxiao with cold eyes.

In the hand behind him, a long sword suddenly appeared.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing was serious, Ji Hanxiao suddenly gave a wry smile.

"Xing Xing, don't do anything, I'll let you go, and I'll test your spiritual root." Ji Hanxiao compromised.

"It's not my fault either."

Ye Qianxing didn't speak, just pursed his lips like this, and just looked at Ji Hanxiao steadfastly.

Ji Hanxiao quickly let go of Ye Qianxing and straightened up, but Ye Qianxing kicked him up without mercy.

Ji Hanxiao was stunned by the severe pain, which is a kind of pain that only men understand, but he just bowed his body, and before he could fall down, Ye Qianxing directly pulled his wrist and placed it on the crystal ball.

These Ji Hanxiao couldn't even care about the pain, so he hurriedly looked at the crystal ball.

The crystal ball was covered with gray in an instant, and in the next moment, there were cracks in it.


Instant explosion.

Enduring the pain, Ji Hanxiao stood up and held Ye Qianxing in his arms.

The tall figure blocked all the debris.

The spiritual energy at Ye Qianxing's fingertips was prepared and protected by the spiritual power shield.

As a result, Ji Hanxiao was faster.

There was a crashing sound behind him, and Ji Hanxiao's panicked heartbeat could be heard next to his ears.

 I hit!
  Bah, shameless!
  Brother Hu: There is no male protagonist who is more miserable than me.

  I beg the author to be a person.

  Bobo: Brother Hu used to say, don’t move the stars, but later he only said, move the stars! !
(End of this chapter)

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