I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 389 Clues to the Mysterious Pattern

Chapter 389 Clues to the Mysterious Pattern

Ji Hanxiao laughed heartily from behind, and passed away smoothly.

"Xing Xing, wait for me, you can't drive my suspension car."

Anyway, the exercises have already been given to them, and when they practice later, they can just have a video guide with Ye Qianxing, and let them explore it by themselves first.

So the two left.

Ye Qianxing was sitting on the suspension car, and he still didn't want to talk to Ji Hanxiao.

But I have to say it again.

"I see that your injury is almost healed, so I will leave first and prepare to go back."

"Just go to the nearest public spaceship and just drop me off." Ye Qianxing was determined to leave.

Ji Hanxiao: ...

It’s over.

Annoyed the cub.

The daughter-in-law is about to run away.

Ye Qianxing pursed her lips and thought of another important matter.

"I have a pattern here. I don't know if you've seen it. It's the person who caught me before. I've seen it on him."

Ye Qianxing turned on the optical brain, and the pattern appeared black as a whole.

Occasionally, some blood flashes across it. The figure is unreal, a bit like a poisonous snake, but also a bit like a snake-tailed human body and an eight-legged spider.

Overall it looks very weird.

It's just that Ji Hanxiao was stunned the next second he saw this pattern.

This is actually exactly the same as the pattern of those who killed Ye Qianxing in the wave of star robbers he strangled in the Black Wind Starfield.

Ye Qianxing accurately captured Ji Hanxiao's expression fluctuations.

"you recognize?"

Ji Hanxiao really knew each other.


"I saw it once."

"Some time ago, when I was on a mission, I wiped out a group of star thieves in the Black Wind Star Field. What is it called the Black Wind Star Thief Group? At that time, the leader had this pattern there."

"Before I had time to torture him, he died."

Ji Hanxiao didn't say that he went to find the Black Wind Star Bandits on purpose, but said that he would suppress the bandits along the way during his mission.

Ye Qianxing's expression became even more surprised.

There was also a turbulent wave in my heart, the Black Wind Star Bandit Group.

Before he had time to find them, they died in Ji Hanxiao's hands.

Have this pattern?

The person who has this pattern since the first time he left the ancient earth?Or the organization, has already been eyeing it?
What exactly does the other party want to do?
kill yourself?Or get something from yourself?
Are these all conspiracies against oneself?

Ye Qianxing fell into deep thought. Before she came, her original body was still in a deep sleep. It could only be the person she provoked after she came, but after she came, she only broadcast live on the ancient earth.

Who can provoke during the live broadcast?

The live broadcast is irrelevant again.

Ye Qianxing really didn't understand.

But Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing and said again: "When I was suppressing the bandits, I saw this person's pattern and felt something was wrong, so I kept it specially for people to investigate."

"Look, it's exactly the same as yours."

Ji Hanxiao showed the optical brain to Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing compares!

It really is the same!

"Afterwards, I also checked and got a few clues."

"Tomorrow, at the Holy Lord's birthday banquet, all the alliance leaders will be there. There are clues that they saw this pattern at the Holy Lord's birthday banquet last year."

"I'm going to check it out tomorrow."

Ye Qianxing's face was serious: "Can I go?"

"I feel like it's a conspiracy against me."

Ji Hanxiao nodded, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked: "Of course."

"I didn't expect that these two groups of people are related. I will definitely find out."

"However, that was last year, and it's not sure whether the other party will come this year. I just took a look."

That means, if you don't come, don't blame me.

Ye Qianxing is naturally not the kind of person who makes trouble out of no reason.

She frowned, always feeling like the enemy was in the dark.

"It's ok."

"If you don't come, hang him out."

When Ye Qianxing was ready to go, he went without any concealment.

Ji Hanxiao also understood Ye Qianxing's thoughts, and did not refute. He had been hiding Xingxing's identity before, but was afraid that someone would hurt Xingxing.

But if the cub wants to be upright, Ji Hanxiao will also be ready to protect her.

What's more, his little guy is not a simple bunny, but a heroic eagle.

You don't need to be protected all the time, what you need is to become stronger little by little.

After discussing it like this, the two returned to Ji Hanxiao's house together.

In the blink of an eye, it was the Holy Lord's birthday banquet.

On the way to drive the suspension car, Ji Hanxiao was explaining the distribution of major forces to Ye Qianxing.

"The Holy Master is the supreme ruler of human beings and the highest person in charge of the Star Network. The Holy Master is followed by the ten joint masters, and the ten joint masters have different divisions of labor."

Ji Hanxiao is wearing a purple dress today, he shamelessly forced Ye Qianxing to make it for him.

In the dark purple gown and robe, Ji Hanxiao was even more handsome when he put it on.

But that cold face made people understand that this beauty can only be viewed from a distance, not profane.

Reserved, noble, a man like a god.

Ye Qianxing felt that when Ji Hanxiao didn't make sand sculptures, he looked really eye-catching.

"Can the Holy Lord order you directly?"

"Are you his subordinates?"

Ye Qianxing didn't think it looked the same.

Ji Hanxiao looked sideways at Ye Qianxing and bent his mouth.

"What do you think?"

These four words were asked very lightly, but also contained a wave of contempt.

Not to Ye Qianxing.

It is to the Holy Lord.

"The Human Federation, the five major legions, and the ten super mechs are all under my command."

Ji Hanxiao's slender fingers clenched slightly: "What did he order me?"

Politics has always come out of the barrel of a gun. Ji Hanxiao has almost mastered the entire human combat corps, and the Holy Master will also change his color by three points.

It's just that Ji Hanxiao didn't have the idea of ​​trying to seize the entire interstellar world, and felt that being the Holy Master was too tiring.

It's better to be the co-owner of the documents that can't be processed every day. This doesn't mean that someone can order him.

Ye Qianxing heard Ji Hanxiao's extremely domineering words, and there seemed to be a hint of arrogance in his brows.

But it is also arrogantly true.

If you have this ability, you can also be arrogant.


That is, the holy master is a nominal holy master, fake.

As for the top ten coalition masters, Ji Hanxiao is firmly at the top of the list, and the others are doing their own thing.

Ji Hanxiao smiled, but did not say that even the major weapon manufacturers in Interstellar, and the R&D department of interstellar warships, are all under his personal command, but no one knows on the surface.

It's just that I won't talk about these, for fear of scaring the little guy.

He hasn't saved the human race in the ancient country much these years, but that doesn't mean he hasn't worked hard for the rise of the ancient country.

He will wait for the human race in the ancient country to grow to a certain level, and how the interstellar forces will change depends on Ji Hanxiao.

 Harm, it's not that Sister Xing is stupid, it's that Brother Hu is too shameless, always making people hard to guard against.

  Conspiracy methods are exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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