I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 392 Ji Lianzhu, Qian Quanse chooses

Chapter 392 Ji Lianzhu, Qian Quanse chooses

The anger on Ji Hanxiao's face became cowardly and aggrieved in a second.

Ye Qianxing looked away and stopped looking at Ji Hanxiao.

Ji Hanxiao didn't dare to go there anyway.

I felt wronged and chirped.

My wife is too fierce, how can I break it.

How can a wife be coveted by others?

Ye Qianxing turned to Ji Hanxiao and drew a circle in the air with his slender fingers.

It means to tell Ji Hanxiao to get away in a hurry.

Ji Hanxiao: ...

it is good!
Sooner or later, one day, he will ask his son to cry and beg him to revive his wife, hum! ╭(╯^╰)╮

Ji Hanxiao was dragged away because he couldn't see it.

As soon as he turned around and sat down, a tall girl in a silver skirt sat next to him.

In her hand, she was holding a glass of orange drink similar to orange juice.

But it is actually extracted from energy stones.

"Master Jilian."

The girl spoke softly and politely.

Toast Ji Hanxiao.

Ji Hanxiao did not clink glasses with the other party, but looked back at Ye Qianxing with some guilt, and then sat a little further away from the girl. "Is something wrong?"

He speaks coldly, without a trace of popularity.

Helena was taken aback by this unceremonious question.

But Ji Hanxiao herself is as difficult to get along with as rumored, and she has long been prepared.


Helena didn't dare to make detours with Ji Hanxiao, she knew she didn't have that ability.

"I hope that the vote of Ji Lian master can be voted for me."

Ji Hanxiao didn't speak, but the contemptuous and deep look in his eyes made Helena understand immediately.

The other party is saying, why?
Helena approached Ji Hanxiao slightly, her eyes rolling.

But Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing over there, as if a man was sitting there, getting closer and closer to Ye Qianxing.

Ji Hanxiao's mind was attracted there, and the ghost heard what Helena said.

I didn't check for a while, what Helena said.

The next moment, he felt a puff of breath, as if spraying on his neck.

Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing's eyes watching the show, and suddenly reacted.

At this time Helena was close at hand.

The aura on Ji Hanxiao's body was like an abyss of ice and snow, and the cold blade made Helena's exposed skin feel a chill.

The coercion overwhelmed Helena at once.

Didn't touch Ji Hanxiao at all.

Ji Hanxiao sneered coldly: "You should be glad that you haven't touched a single hair of this deity, otherwise, you will never see the sun of tomorrow."

Helena bit her lip slightly, she was a little unwilling.

Her father was the previous joint leader. If she could not win the position of the joint leader, it would be a major blow to her or their family.

Helena had difficulty breathing under the coercion, and her hair was slightly damp.

But she looked like a broken jar, lying on the sofa, her chest undulating slightly.

Proud capital, as well as that seductive eyes and voice: "Is Master Ji really not tempted?"

"As long as you vote for me, money, power and sex can be your choice."

"From now on, our entire He family will be your vassal."

"The He family's money, my joint master's rights, and even me are all yours."

Helena licked her lips and seemed to sigh.

This sound with ups and downs arc, if it is heard by other men, it is afraid that the beast's blood will boil in an instant.

But Ji Hanxiao sneered, as if he saw something dirty.

He even slapped himself twice, his voice was as cold as snow in winter, cold and without the slightest warmth: "You treat this deity as a fool?"

Whoever wants to be Ji Hanxiao's vassal, just do it?
While being the co-owner, at the same time relying on Ji Hanxiao as his back.

Also seductive.

Maybe he can still eat him, Ji Hanxiao, and when the time comes, their family will rise?
This obvious strategy is to fool Ji Hanxiao into fooling him.

But I never thought that Helena didn't have the slightest fear at all.

"If the co-owner doesn't like Lian Na's beauty at all, then Lian Na will naturally not succeed."

"But Ji Lianzhu, even if we put aside the aspect of sex, wouldn't it be a lot of support for you to have one more vassal of the Lianzhu?"

"I really want to cooperate with you, why don't you think about it?"

Lian Na understood that Ji Hanxiao was not interested in her at all, so what about power?What about money?
This is Helena's only chance. If there is anyone among the alliance leaders who can turn things around for her, Ji Hanxiao is the only one.

Ji Hanxiao saves her, she lives!
If Ji Hanxiao doesn't save her, she will die!

Helena's fingertips gently touched Ji Hanxiao's shoes. The bright red nails contrasted sharply with the black shoes, and there was a wave of desire.

"Does Master Ji really not think about it? Lian Na is clean."

Responding to Helena was Ji Hanxiao's fierce kick.

He didn't stop until he kicked Helena to the opposite wall.

Ji Hanxiao didn't speak any more, but responded to Helena with actions.

When he put his feet down, he glanced at the waiter next to him, who quickly wiped Ji Hanxiao's shoes.

There was too much movement here, and many people saw this scene and instantly understood what was going on.

There was some sarcasm in the eyes looking at Helena, as if mocking her for stealing chickens and losing money.

Everyone also understood that since the other party had already offended Ji Hanxiao, it was likely that he would be the first to be eliminated from the three candidates.

Mo Haichuan and Lei Ming stood together.

Seeing this scene, he slightly curled his lips into a smile.

She seemed to be sighing and said: "Women always seem to feel that they have an advantage in the direction of gender, and they regard every man as a womanizer."

"It's ridiculous."

The beauty of Helena, let alone people like Ji Hanxiao, is Mo Haichuan, what kind of woman does he want?
He has even mastered those who are more beautiful than Helena, so what is she, Helena.

"I can't hold my breath."

Looking at Helena in the distance, Mo Haichuan slightly curled his lips, and a black light flashed in his eyes.

Now, maybe he should also settle some accounts.

Lei Ming suddenly touched Mo Haichuan's arm, and the cup in his hand pointed in one direction.

"That's stunning."

Lei Ming happened to be referring to Ye Qianxing.

He saw Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao together just now, but Mo Haichuan didn't see it.

The woman who was with Ji Hanxiao.

There was a hint of interest in Lei Ming's eyes, interesting.

Judging by the intimacy of the two, there should be a story.

Raising his hand and taking a sip of his drink, Lei Ming inadvertently revealed his preference: "Helena, I'm not interested."

"But this little girl seems to have grown in my heart."

"I'll go first."

Lei Ming walked forward, seemingly eager for beauty.

 Every inch of Brother Hu belongs to Sister Xing, and he will never be touched by others.

  touch it.

  Brother Hu: I want to protect my chastity, eh~
(End of this chapter)

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