I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 416 Three Axes: No!I'm not!I don't! 【3 in 4】

Chapter 416 Three Axes: No!I'm not!I don't! 【Four in one】

"This Lin Xing is too bold!"

"Oh my god, get out of the way, this protective cover may not be able to stop it."

The instructor also arrived at this time, seeing this scene, he was furious: "Get out of the way!"

"Everyone get out of the way!"

Ji Hanxiao and Lin Zheng also happened to be approaching the edge of the ring at this time, and the picture seemed to freeze at this moment. Ji Hanxiao's face was panicked, and the wings on his back directly spread out, rushing towards the protective cover.

And Lin Zheng sat down on the ground, his face was pale, and he kept muttering two words, his voice was so low that it was almost inaudible: "It's over..."

"It's all over..."

Ye Qianxing burned a handful of talismans directly in his hand, all of which were god-level enchantment talismans.

These talismans were made for Ye Qianxing by the Immortal Venerable himself, just to save Ye Qianxing's life.

Lin Xing was already insane at this time.

"I am going to kill you!"

"Kill you!"

"Kill you!"

"Ye Qianxing! In today's world, there is you without me, and there is me without you!"

The stars cannot coexist!
Lin Xing increased the firepower, and even the mechs made of precious metals couldn't bear this kind of energy storage.

The mecha can only be in the operating room, screaming frantically.

[The system is about to collapse, please dodge quickly, master! 】

[Mecha endurance has reached its peak, please get out of the warehouse quickly! 】

【alarm! !alarm! ! 】


Even at the last second, the mecha was still protecting Lin Xing and reminding her to escape.

But he didn't know that his own destruction came from the master's willful behavior.

The wind and light waves came together, and the clothes of the mighty Ye Qianxing were rustling.

The barrier on the outermost layer has also climbed up a few cracks because it couldn't resist the powerful explosion wave.

Ye Qianxing's different pupils were fixed on Lin Xing's position, and she crawled out of the mecha.

Looking at Ye Qianxing's expression, there was some provocation.

Probably because he thought that Ye Qianxing would definitely not survive.

Ye Qianxing's eyes deepened and deepened, and there seemed to be infinite stars contained in those eyes, turning into a cosmic vortex.

"Death-thirsty swordsmanship—"


The huge black and white double swords on the top of the head rotated and entangled in mid-air, and finally faced Lin Xing, roaring away!

Hit the protective cover that Lin Xing held up.

Almost at that moment.

The twin swords directly razed everything to the ground with the force of destruction.

Lin Xing had a sword stuck in his chest and abdomen.

The barrier on Ye Qianxing's side kept breaking, from the outermost to the innermost.

It was simply that the firepower was almost exhausted, and the last gleam of fire was blocked by Ye Qianxing's earthen wall.

The earth wall burst.

Ye Qianxing took a few steps back.

The shoes rubbed against the ground for a long distance, and I almost knelt on the ground as soon as my legs gave way.

Barely swallowing the bloody taste in his mouth, Ye Qianxing's eyes dimmed a little.

After all, the battle was too long, and even the meridians were sending out bursts of protest.

And under such a powerful shock wave, the energy cover of the entire arena climbed up the cracks as if it had been hit by a big hammer.

In the end, it disappeared directly into the invisible.

The huge white mist rushed directly from the energy shield to the surrounding crowd.

Ji Hanxiao looked at the figure in the thick fog, nothing happened, and the frantic heartbeat finally calmed down.

Slowly slow down the figure.

Seeing the slender figure walking towards Lin Xing step by step, Ji Hanxiao guessed what Ye Qianxing was going to do.

There are people around who want to step forward.


"Student Ye Qianxing?"


Many people wanted to go up to stop them, but Ji Hanxiao stretched out his hand and kicked them far away.

The voice was as cold as the coldest wind in winter, which made life painful.

The coercion on his body was also unreservedly released.

The crowd who were crushed couldn't lift their heads at all, and they broke out in a cold sweat.

"Why didn't you stop me just now?"


Ji Hanxiao's questioning tone was unusually obvious.

The gloom is mixed with anger, which makes people dare not explain.

Once again, he kicked a student who came flying, and kicked the other student to spit blood on the spot, and walked five meters away.

"Life and death battle?"

"Life and death are two words, don't you understand?"

"Or, are you going to pervert the law for personal gain in front of me?"

The scene was silent, and no one dared to speak.

Only a sound came from behind Ji Hanxiao, it was Ye Qianxing walking in front of Lin Xing.

Lin Xing had completely relied on the aura of the sword to hold her breath.

She opened her mouth and coughed up blood, but she couldn't speak.

There is a trace of prayer in the eyes.

When you have not encountered death, no one is afraid. Only when your life is really half black and half white, and you can touch the god of death with your hand, then you really know how to be afraid.

It turns out that this world is still so beautiful, and there are so many things worth nostalgic for.

She raised her fingers slightly, and resignation flashed in her eyes.

The shape of the mouth is obviously saying: let me go...

But Ye Qianxing looked cold and merciless: "I said it a long time ago, you are ready to die."

"Because no matter if you call me aunt or grandpa, I won't spare your life."

Ye Qianxing first reached out and pulled out the sword in Lin Xing's abdomen.

He suddenly smiled and said to her, "Look, who is that?"

Lin Xing turned his head, and finally saw the pair of wings that he had dreamed of and hadn't seen for a long time.

There is hope in the eyes for an instant.

He stretched out his hand in Ji Hanxiao's direction.

Ye Qianxing sneered: "You don't think he's here to save you, do you?"

"It's just that the way he saved you was a little special. He kicked away those who came to save you."

The blood froth at the corner of Lin Xing's mouth became more joyful.

Ye Qianxing can understand her mouth shape, she's a bitch!

Still have the strength to curse.

That's great.

Lin Xing angrily reprimanded Ye Qianxing: Vicious bitch!
Ye Qianxing swiftly pulled out the sword on Lin Xing's chest, and the blood surged instantly, and spots of red splashed on Ye Qianxing's trouser legs.

Ye Qianxing's lips were as red as this blood: "Ang~"

"you're right!"

"I am vicious!"

What responded to her was Lin Xing's eyes that were gradually losing their luster.

Ye Qianxing held down the two swords and brought them together again, and the different pupils gradually disappeared.

She is vicious.

In the face of the person who wants to kill him, it is better not to strike first. Do you want to kneel down and kowtow twice to thank him?

Ye Qianxing just held grudges, Lin Xing scolding her, scolding the ancestors of the ancient country, isn't it just scolding the immortals?

How could Ye Qianxing tolerate her?
Before he died, he was hurt by the person he had always loved, Ye Qianxing was so poisonous.

Because she doesn't understand the word "be kind to the enemy".

Ji Hanxiao's brows were cold, and she hurried forward, trying to support the staggering Ye Qianxing.

Those eyes that were originally as deep as a cold pool, and the ice and snow inside, also melted in an instant when facing Ye Qianxing, turning into silent tenderness and distress.

"Where does it hurt……"

But the arm he extended was directly slapped off by Ye Qianxing.

"Ji Lianzhu will still pay attention to his words and deeds in the future."

"I don't want to face these never-ending rotten peach blossoms every day."

"Also please don't get too close to me, Lord Ji Lian."

"I don't want to die on the spot at a young age."

"My sword is not for killing your rival in love."

It is used to kill offal and chop enemies!Those who guard the country and open the frontier.

Ye Qianxing is jealous of this kind of bitterness between women, and loves the brainless, and hates it extremely.

In Ye Qianxing's eyes, if you have a crush on someone, that's just your own business.

Just like her, if she likes the Immortal Venerable, what she has to do is to treat the Immortal Venerable better so that she can like herself.

instead of...

Kill everyone who likes Xianzun.

Isn't that sick?

Can killing others make Xianzun like himself?

Anyone with a bit of a brain knows that it is impossible.

It was obvious that Ye Qianxing had a brain, and she wasn't angry with Ji Hanxiao, but just asked the other party to pay attention to her words and deeds. This was done by Lin Xing, and it had nothing to do with Ji Hanxiao.

One yard owned by a yard.

This is what Ji Hanxiao is most afraid of.

However, he doesn't care about the brain damage.

He has clearly rejected Lin Xing for countless times.

Just say fuck off every time!

Still not clear?
Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing's impatience, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry..."


Ye Qianxing interrupted directly: "Nan Nan, come and help me."

Nan Nan watched Ji Hanxiao pass by, so she didn't move forward, but now she was called out by Ye Qianxing, so she hurried forward.

Su Mobai, Three Axes, and Silver Light followed closely behind.

Being supported by Nan Nan and Su Mobai, Ye Qianxing let go of the weight he had been supporting all of a sudden.

The legs of the whole person were shaking a little.


Nan Nan was shocked: "Where did you get hurt? I'll take you to the repair warehouse."

Ye Qianxing shook his head: "It's okay, I just need to take a rest, and I can recover in one night, and it won't affect the next day's game."

Ye Qianxing felt a little uncomfortable being held up by two people, San Fu couldn't see it, so he squatted down in front of Ye Qianxing: "I'll carry you back."

San Fu's true brotherhood with Ye Qianxing is because the two are from the same galaxy, and this female man is really good.

If he is a good brother, he is willing to give his brother a ride.

But the silver light next to him actually stretched his legs.

Just one step slower.

He silently withdrew his feet, but Ji Hanxiao saw all this.

Ji Hanxiao's first thought was that he had been poached. Although he was a poacher, the corner hadn't been dug yet, so he couldn't be poached by others.

Ji Hanxiao immediately looked at San Fu seriously, with some warning in his eyes.

San Ax was already squatting on the ground, these were good, he almost sat on the ground without his buttocks.

He raised his head, blinked his eyes twice, and looked at Master Ji, still not understanding what was wrong with him.

Yin Guang looked up at the sky speechlessly, thankfully he wasn't the one who squatted down just now.

Ye Qianxing didn't notice it: "Thank you, then you squat down better, I'll go up."

Ji Hanxiao looked at San Fu and blinked twice, thinking that the other party was provocative!
It seems to say again, look!The stars are still willing to let me carry it.

Ji Hanxiao's face suddenly darkened, and he almost looked at San Fu with the eyes of a dead man.

The coercion doubled again.

San Fu sat down on the ground, looking at Ji Hanxiao, with disbelief on his face.

"Just you? Dare to steal a woman from me?"

Ji Hanxiao's taunting skills are full.

San Fu was stunned, and the conditional launch retorted: "No!"

"No no no! I'm not! I don't!"

Denied three.

Ji Hanxiao saw that he had already held the hand on Ye Qianxing's calf, and suddenly his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

This man is really good enough.

After all, Yin Guang couldn't stand it anymore, he was really afraid that San Fu would be kicked to death by Ji Hanxiao later.

With one hand, the three axes were pulled up from the ground.

Covering his mouth, hiding him behind his back, he moved two steps away from Ye Qianxing.

Some young couples are arguing, why should we get involved?

"What are you carrying?"

"Did you forget that you were injured just now and couldn't move your waist?"

"There are a lot of things. You were injured by Ye Qianxing. When she finds out, won't you feel uncomfortable?"

"Go, let's go, I'll take you to heal your wounds." Yin Guang scolded San Axe, and directly carried San Ax away, who couldn't react in a daze, leaving only one sentence: "You take good care of Ye Qianxing .”

"Let's go first."

Ye Qianxing: ...

Immediately afterwards, a man in a white tutor uniform walked over coldly and looked at Su Mobai unhurriedly.

It was Si Yuan.

He nodded respectfully to Ji Hanxiao: "I'm bothering Master Ji."

"Come and get a disobedient kitten."

After speaking, he picked up Su Mobai, turned around and left.

Ye Qianxing lost his balance for a moment, and if it wasn't for Nan Nan's pull, he almost didn't fall.

In Si Yuan's hands, Su Mobai kept struggling, but his feet couldn't touch the ground.

"You let me go!!"

"Si Yuan!"

"Si Yuan!!"

"Xing Xing is still injured, can you stop messing around at this time!"

"Let go!"

Su Mobai's white and tender bun's face was blushing with struggle.

Angrily, he directly bit the back of Si Yuan's hand.

Si Yuan didn't even pause in his steps, just walked forward so slowly.

"Bite, how painful it is to bite now, and how painful your waist will be later."

His voice was as steady as ever, and he didn't even change his tone of voice.

"She can't die, and some of them are managed by others, so you don't need to worry about them."

This is naturally Ye Qianxing.

Su Mobai was half-believing, half-worried, turned to look at Ye Qianxing, and saw Qin Jue imprisoning Nan Nan on the wheelchair with one hand, Ye Qianxing crooked, and fell into Ji Hanxiao's arms.

The man's tall figure looked particularly secure, and he directly hugged Ye Qianxing lazily.

Su Mobai: ...

excuse me.

Although he is no longer single, he still feels like being killed.

But Ye Qianxing didn't feel that way at all!
She was falling into Ji Hanxiao's arms with nothing to love, and she closed her eyes as if she could not see them.

Ye Qianxing also experienced, what does it mean, relying on mountains and mountains, relying on friends, the feeling of being carried away by friends.


Men are the key factors that affect friendship. The key is that none of my friends can live up to expectations, and none of them can escape the burden of their boyfriends!

No one can fight with force value!

Ye Qianxing: ...

I have decided that in the future, for the sake of the lifelong happiness of these friends, I must teach them the [-] forms of wolf defense!

Let them protect themselves!
I won't be resisted next time!
(End of this chapter)

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