Chapter 421 Blood boils!
Faced with this almost contemptuous provocation, Ye Qianxing smiled slowly.

The man was taken aback, thinking that Ye Qianxing must be a fool, if he provoked her, would she still laugh?
But at the next moment, the sword in Ye Qianxing's hand suddenly slipped away, stabbing at the leader as if consciously.

The other party didn't expect Ye Qianxing to make a move as soon as he said it, so he had to retreat in a hurry.

He even picked up his weapon and prepared to fight back, but the sword just waved in front of his eyes before returning to Ye Qianxing's hand.

San Fu laughed loudly, his voice was as loud as a bell.

Ye Qianxing said without sincerity: "Sorry, the sword didn't work just now."

"Scared you."

The man's face was a little ugly.

But after all, he didn't say anything.

Provoking others, but being taught by others, no matter how you look at it, he is already at a disadvantage.

So everyone stopped talking and prepared to wait for the final battle to begin.

But Nan Nan gave you the four people on the opposite side of the popular science.

"They are produced by genetic inheritance between humans and giants. There are a lot of giant genes in their bodies, so they are tall and possess divine power."

"Their strongest fighting state is themselves. Although they don't have mechas, their own strength and defense are already terrifying. Moreover, they are of the same race, and they are very good at team combat. They are no worse than our tacit understanding. .”

"It's not an easy character to deal with."

"They have a kind of armor, which is specially made by the giants, which can enhance their defense. Usually, if they are not extremely powerful thermal weapons, they are almost not afraid of them."

"However, the scope of our weapon modification for the team competition happened to be just a little bit beyond their defensive range. It could only cause them minor injuries, not serious injuries."

"So this time, Mo Bai and I won't cause much disturbance to them, and the main combat power is only you."

Two against four is a bit difficult.

Ye Qianxing and San Fu nodded, and they said it was okay.

"The four of them have different hair colors. Let's call them little yellow, little green, little blue, and little black according to their colors."

In this way, if the four people need to communicate or the like, they are also directional.


Soon both teams were ready and ready to start fighting.

The two teams walked onto the ring together. I don't know if it was everyone's illusion. It felt like the fight hadn't even started yet, but the tension had already made everyone clenched their fists.

"I... I'm so nervous!"

"I feel that I have already matched the BGM for them in my heart."

"Me too……"

"I secretly took pictures of them. I feel that after today, their pictures are worth a lot of money."

"Have you noticed that the members of the Chenxing team not only have explosive combat prowess, but also their looks are extremely resistant to fighting?"

"I really knelt down, and this still makes people live."

"It's about to start, it's starting, my God, my heart is about to stop, and it's hard to breathe."

Ye Qianxing and the others stood together, looking at the four people opposite.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and it felt like a war was on the verge of breaking out, but no one moved.

They are all measuring each other, and they are all looking at each other.

It looked like they hadn't fought yet, but the confrontation had already begun.

Ye Qianxing and the others were extremely calm, but it was impossible to really stand still. Ye Qianxing's hands were behind his hands, and while everyone was not paying attention, his hands were already forming seals.


When the opponent uttered a word, the four of them rushed forward.

In an instant, flying sand and rocks, swords and swords.

Ye Qianxing turned his hands up: "Fanshanyin!"

The gigantic Wuzhi Mountain is composed of the two attributes of gold and earth, and it presses down on the four people.

The four of them were not afraid, the figure just paused for a moment: "Ah!"

With four punches, Wuzhi Mountain shattered.

With one strike of the three axes, it almost opened up the world, and a long crack appeared on the ground of the arena.

Su Mobai and Nan Nan followed closely behind, and they took advantage of their speed to the extreme.

The moment San Fu swung down the axe, two people interfered with Xiao Hei, and he had no time to dodge, so he took the next move directly.

Arms are red.

The first confrontation.

The Chenxing team is slightly better!
Take the lead.

But everyone did not dare to slack off.

Because Xiao Hei didn't seem to feel the injury, so he rushed up together with other team members.

"Arhat Formation!"

The four stood at the four corners, directly surrounding Ye Qianxing and the others.

Immediately afterwards, the four of them were powerful in their boxing skills, and before they even threw a single punch, a golden circle mark came out of their fists.

In the end, thousands of fist marks formed a dragon shape in the air.

With a roar of the dragon, the four of them seemed to merge with the dragon.

Long Ying returned to the Chenxing team with an unrivaled momentum.

Everyone in the arena looked at this scene almost without blinking their eyes, their hearts seemed to have stopped beating.

In less than 1 minute of the opening, they have already confronted several times.

Everyone is doing their best every time.

Every move and style is incomparably wonderful.

It made their blood boil, and even those mentors stood up regardless of their image.

“This class of students is extraordinary.”

"Everything is excellent, and the overall level is much stronger than the previous one."

"Centennial Summit, I, human beings, have hope!"

Everyone looked at the stage with fiery eyes.

Facing such a big move, San Fu stood at the head of the team, and the ax in his hand suddenly swelled, almost as big as that dragon: "Sky Ax!!!"

This strike should have used all the power of the three axes, and with a destructive momentum, it collided with the dragon shadow.

Even the space has a distorted feeling, and even the air is overwhelmed and whines.

Ye Qianxing swiped his hands, and the long sword flew out: "Flying Dragon Slash!"

Jian Xiao rushed towards the dragon head after him.

"Earth wall! Water curtain!"


Then draw out the barrier protection layer to protect himself and San Fu. On the other side, Su Mobai and Nan Nan rushed to the weakest position of the four when they attracted firepower.

The weaker little green and little blue.

This is the goal they have already prepared.

Su Mobai fired at Xiaolu, because the team he met this time was heavy, so when Su Mobai modified the mecha, he used speed and kept some weapons.

It happened to be useful at this time, Su Mobai put himself in a relatively safe position with a moving distance.

Open fire on Little Green.

Wave after wave of fire hit Xiaolu's body, but it only made him lose some skin. The other party was still not disturbed by Su Mobai, and tried hard to deal with Ye Qianxing and San Fu.

Obviously they also understand that the point is to eliminate these two people, then they will win more than half.

Like Su Mobai, Nan Nan's side was at an impasse.

Xiao Lan even raised her middle finger at Nan Nan, expressing contempt.

(End of this chapter)

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