I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 424 The Frightening Mentor!

Chapter 424 The Frightening Mentor!
Ye Qianxing rested a little restlessly all night.

Didn't even eat.

Always feel a little suffocated.

I really lost my wife and lost my army, but someone felt that he was even more miserable and angrier.

Ye Qianxing was really indescribably irritable, and she didn't know why.

Unable to fall asleep, Ye Qianxing turned on the optical brain, ready to watch something, but finally clicked on Ji Hanxiao's homepage.

He has very few things, only a few, and the popularity of the recent post is really super high.

The sentence that caught Ye Qianxing's eyes first: "If you want thousands of stars, you also want one little star."

Ye Qianxing: ...

She really wished she hadn't thought about it too much.

However, there is still an ominous premonition in my heart.

The second sentence: "One day, I will cook delicious food for you to eat, and you will give me the stars to eat."

Star? ?eat?
Ye Qianxing's face turned red in the dark night.

Although today's kiss touch points.

But Ye Qianxing is not a machine, she is the one who feels the temperature on those lips.

It feels soft, kind of like...

The feeling of clouds.

Ye Qianxing bit the wound on his lip, and there was another stinging pain, and he always felt that his face was very hot.

He patted his face twice to wake himself up.

Ye Qianxing shook his head, and spat on Ji Hanxiao.

Made shameless!Anything can be made public.

Although Ye Qianxing didn't want to watch the next one, he still had a panoramic view.

“#周艺Every good point is a little closer to exchanging food for stars.#”

Ye Qianxing directly closed his eyes and turned off his optical brain.


It turned out that she had been coveted so early, but she really couldn't remember when she met Ji Hanxiao.

Ye Qianxing didn't know what was going on in his head, so he tossed and turned all night without falling asleep.

Waking up the next day, when Nan Nan opened the door and saw Ye Qianxing with panda eyes, she couldn't help turning her head back to her room, and opened the door again.

Ye Qianxing: "..."

"It's so early in the morning, why are you so nervous?"

Nan Nan: "I want to see if I'm wrong."

"Did you steal someone last night? Such a big black eye?"

Ye Qianxing came here with an excuse: "It may be that in the past, I kept sleeping again and slept for so many days at once. I was lying on the bed last night, but I didn't fall asleep anyway."

Nan Nan never thought that Ye Qianxing would lie, so she just believed it.

"Then do you go to class today? Or take a day off? Make up for sleep?"

Ye Qianxing shook her head: "On the first day of class, it seems that there is an instructor coming, so I'd better go to class."


As a monk, it doesn't matter if you don't sleep for ten and a half months, just use your spiritual power to turn around in your body. Ye Qianxing just didn't see the dark circles under his eyes just now.

It can still be repaired.

"I'll go to the room to tidy up, and I can leave in a while."

After tidying up, the two of them came to the school cafeteria together, where various nutrient solutions, nutrient supplements and the like were sold.

But Ye Qianxing was told by the person in charge of the cafeteria: "Miss Ye Qianxing, if you don't come to us, we will go to you."

"I know you have a space ring, which can hold ingredients, right? You don't need to eat nutrients?"

Ye Qianxing nodded, probably understanding what the cafeteria staff wanted to say.

"Then please leave enough food for you to eat every day in our cafeteria, or promise that you will never steal your own food and drink nutritional supplements in the cafeteria. You have two options."

"Because our school has clear regulations. When all the instructors feel hungry, people's potential is unlimited."


"You need to grab food."

"If you choose to grab the nutrient solution, you need to remove your space ring and give it to us for safekeeping."

'If you choose to hand in food every day, you need to compete with other students for your food. '

The person in charge smiled very politely.

He also speaks in a slow voice.

Ye Qianxing can understand why the school is doing this, because if Ye Qianxing's space ring is very large and there is a lot of food in it, he can secretly eat it or sell it secretly.

That would bring chaos to the school, chaos in discipline.

Since he was already a student of the school, Ye Qianxing didn't think about specialization.

But she will definitely not eat the nutrient solution: "Then how about it, I will give you my meals every day, three meals a day."

"Put it in the cafeteria, can you heat it up for me at meal time?"

The person in charge responded swiftly: "This is what it should be."

After speaking, the person in charge looked at Ye Qianxing eagerly, and Ye Qianxing handed out the three lunch boxes for today, which was a little too big.

It's also for cheating, but...

For the sake of Ye Qianxing being so well-behaved, the person in charge turned a blind eye, let's close one eye.

"Okay, classmate Ye Qianxing."

"In addition, we will frequently detect changes in your fat mass and energy intake on the body surface. I hope you will not eat secretly."

"Otherwise, there will be punishment."

"The school's cafeteria is one of the cultures of the Star Academy, and it is also for everyone's better training.

Moreover, it will not let every classmate have nothing to eat. "

Ye Qianxing tilted his head in doubt, but the person in charge didn't say anything, but said with a smile: "You'll know when you finish your class at noon today."

After parting ways with the person in charge, Ye Qianxing and Nan Nan came to the class.

There were already quite a few people sitting in the class, and when they saw Ye Qianxing coming in, there was a bit of commotion.

The voice became louder obviously, many people whispered while looking at Ye Qianxing, most of the discussions were related to her.

Ye Qianxing's task, which was being discussed, seemed to be just inaudible.

"Who is our guide?"

In this school, there are also instructors, who are a bit like head teachers.

Lead the whole class.

Then subdivide it. If you subdivide it, there are courses for mind control and cultural popularization. They are not really about history, but just popularize cosmic creatures and various Zerg creatures. Of course, there are characteristics, and there are also shortcomings, such as combat effectiveness of.

Mecha theory class.

Practical class.

Weapons class.

It is also full of all kinds of classes, all of which are taught by famous instructors in the universe.

But in the first session today, the instructor must appear, at least to get acquainted with everyone.

Nan Nan shook her head: "I don't know either."

As soon as the two sat down, San Fu and Yin Guang also moved over.

"Look, look, when you come, the whole classroom is boiling."

"You are a big shot, Ye Qianxing."

Ye Qianxing smiled: "How old? Bigger than you?"

San Fu just wanted to say, you have such a small body.

But seeing the smile on the corner of Ye Qianxing's mouth, he suddenly reacted!

"Little Xingzi, those who call you a goddess should really watch how the goddess drives."

Ye Qianxing didn't care, she brushed her hair and said lightly, "Why drive?"

"I said, can my small body be as big as yours?"

Now even Yin Guang couldn't stand it anymore: "Pretend!"

Nan Nan covered her mouth and snickered, her face was a little red.

"Why didn't Su Mobai come over? Where's the person?"

Everyone played well in the team competition, and they also cooperated with each other to develop a tacit understanding.

So more or less gathered into the ranks of their own people.

"Su Mobai's small body is really not big. She is taking a cultural class, not a combat class."

"It's not a department with us, they focus on research."

"Also, don't look at Su Mobai's pretty face, do you know that?"

"Su Mobai is amazing, can't you see it?"

"Su Mobai's teacher, Si Yuan! Of the top ten mechas in the interstellar world, the top three are all from him."

"Just a capitalized bull batch!"

"I have accepted Su Mobai as an apprentice in my whole life, and Su Mobai is also proud. He was admitted by the Starlight Academy with an exception. Last year's army speed mecha was designed by him."

"Consumables are the lowest."

"The frugal 6666, but the performance is incomparable, saved a lot of money for the army."

San Fu shook his head and gossiped with everyone like an eighth woman.

"It wasn't accidental that we won the team match. Su Mobai also contributed a large part of the credit. Later, a classmate told me that any random person who changed the mecha for us would not be as good as Su Mobai."

"At the very least, their fighting power must be weakened by half."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Ye Qianxing Yinguang and the others, because they won the team competition, were naturally assigned to the first class, and it can be said that they are also the best in the first class.

There seems to be an invisible magnet between geniuses and geniuses, always fingerprinting their sympathy and meeting each other.

Ye Qianxing didn't expect Su Mobai to be so powerful, but when he thought of his ID nickname instead, he felt a little indescribable.

She also met Si Yuan twice, she was really good, she seemed to love Su Mobai a lot.

Nan Nan propped her chin: "I knew about this earlier than you. Su Mobai later said that the performance of my mecha was too poor, so he fiddled with it for me a couple of times."

"I'm absolutely sure that my mech's combat power has been upgraded by one level."

"It was so easy."

Nan Nan's mecha was custom-made for her by Qin Jue. Su Mobai can become more powerful just by playing with it, which shows how powerful Su Mobai is.

"I have a feeling that mortals have fallen into the fairy nest."

Ye Qianxing grinned, and patted Nan Nan on the shoulder: "It's not a nest of immortals, this one, the barefoot fairy!"

This tall, rough and rough man is not like him!
"This one! The Immortal Smiling Fairy..."

Yinguang will always look like I'm cool, I'm handsome, and others owe me 800 million. The word genius is written all over her body.


Everyone laughed.

But suddenly, a silver figure walked in the door!

Everyone stopped talking.

All the noise stopped abruptly in an instant. Everyone knew that the teachers of the Star Academy were not easy to mess with.

So they all stretched their necks to see the guide who walked in from the door.

He holds a teaching stick in his hand.


Wearing silver clothes, at a simple glance, it's just a suit of clothes, but when you look closely, you find that the clothes are unusual.

Although it is the silver color of the public, dark lines are added to the shirt. Every step you take, there is a silver light flowing on it.

Surging like starlight, it looks high-end but not conventional.

The color of the trousers on the lower body is slightly lighter than that on the upper body, and it seems to be mixed with some elegant gray.


A belt is fastened around the waist.

The perfect figure is very beautifully divided up and down, and the waist is pinched extremely thin. When the wind blows, the shirt is lifted up, and it seems that the eight-pack abs below can be seen faintly.

The legs are slender and straight, which makes people imagine.

This is a figure with explosive power and a sense of security.

Ye Qianxing seemed to hear everyone swallowing their saliva.

Nan Nan's face was flushed, and she was a little excited as she pulled Ye Qianxing's hand: "Xing Xing, this instructor is too good-looking! Ahhh!"

"It's so pretty." "I want to see his face!"

Many people stretched their necks, waiting to see their faces, even Ye Qianxing was the same, but Ye Qianxing seemed to feel a little bit of familiarity.

But when this face appeared in the classroom.

The whole classroom was suddenly silent.

Ye Qianxing choked on his own saliva, and was out of breath from coughing.

"Cough cough!!!"

"Cough cough!"

Ye Qianxing felt that his hairs were about to stand on end, and he was extremely frightened.

He firmly grasped Nan Nan's hand.

Nan Nan turned her head and glanced at Ye Qianxing, her eyes were inexplicable: "Xing Xing... Didn't Ji Hanxiao come here for you?"

"Ji Hanxiao will be our mentor?" Nan Nan felt that the world was magical.

Ye Qianxing hadn't stopped coughing just now, but Nan Nan's words made Ye Qianxing cough even worse.

The classroom was deadly silent, everyone was frightened by the news, looking at Ji Hanxiao as if they were watching a ghost.

Only Ye Qianxing was coughing desperately, as if he wanted to cough up his lungs.

But to Ye Qianxing's surprise, Ji Hanxiao looked at her as usual, just glanced at her lightly, and directly put it aside.

Put the thing in your hand on the table, and write three words on the holographic projection.

"Ji Hanxiao!"

These three words, flamboyant and phoenix dancing, iron painted with silver hooks, just put here, there is a kind of...

Domineering, fierce momentum, blowing towards the face.

"My name is Ji Hanxiao."

"It's your guide."

"I don't know how long I can be your mentor, but as long as I don't have a task, I will try my best to come here."

And the students below seem to have reacted at this time.


"Ji Hanxiao!!"

"Dad!! Papa Ji!"


The whole classroom was boiling, everyone was yelling, Ye Qianxing covered his ears, fortunately this classroom is soundproof, otherwise there would be no need to attend the class outside the classroom.

"God of War has really become my teacher, or is it an instructor?"

"Woooo... Dad, please, don't say that. We think you can teach us for a day, and we can go out and show off for a lifetime."

"Oh my god, what kind of fairy luck am I?"

"If I tell this matter to the public, I don't know how those people will regret it. I should have known that I would have to enter the first class even if I worked hard."

But unlike the excitement of some people, there are also some people who are abnormally silent.

"Do you only feel happy? I feel...fear..."

"Those who are laughing happily now, I hope they will be able to laugh happily in the future!" There is fear hidden in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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