I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 430 Ye Xing has a brain problem, hurry up and fix it!

Chapter 430 Ye Qianxing has a brain problem, hurry up and fix it!


Ye Qianxing asked.

San Fu sneered, "You really have such an idea."

"Ye Qianxing, you have never heard of it, no matter how powerful a cultivation genius is, there must be such a thing as energy supply."

"No matter how great the talent is, the physical body alone can't match the particle cannon. You don't understand it, do you?"

Ye Qianxing was silent.

Talent and resources go hand in hand.

With a lot of resources, a mediocre person can pile up into a genius, and a dazzling genius, you put him in a position where he can't eat enough. Of course, this genius refers to the talent in cultivation.

It is also possible that he will be delayed.

Perhaps because of his outstanding talent, he can still step into the path of cultivation, but he still has a gap with geniuses with resources.

"You don't have a mentor, who do you ask your questions to?"

"I know, you must be thinking that any other mentor will also answer your questions."

"After all, they are all teachers. They must like geniuses like you better. They can't bear to see you buried."

"But, will they solve your problems for you, will they find your problems?"

This is like the difference between private education and lectures.

Private private tutors tailor courses for you, discover your deficiencies, and make up for them.

What about your teacher?They will only leave after the lecture is over. If you have questions, they will answer them, that's all.

"Besides, this is the simplest question. Let's go to the Zerg Proving Ground, one month at a time? Two months?"

"We have a lot of contribution points to buy combat resources and body skills."

"At Star Academy, contribution points can buy you know how many things you can't see outside."

"Star Academy also has excellent courses, which are materials that are higher than the level that needs to be taught to students."

"These precise materials, even the disassembly theory including the new mecha, you need to contribute points to buy if you want to learn."

"Need a ranking restriction."

"See the huge stone monument under the square you pass every time."

"The top few rankings, those you will never imagine how many resources there are."

"Do you still recognize the mentor?"

"Ye Qianxing, if you have brains, go and see."

This time, Yin Guang said that what Ye Qianxing said was merciless.

Looking at Ye Qianxing's eyes, one could only wonder if she was crazy.

Ye Qianxing lowered her head and said nothing, she just didn't want to get involved with Ji Hanxiao.

At the very beginning, Ji Hanxiao's escape was rejection.

But to be honest, now Ye Qianxing himself can't figure out what his escape is?

Ji Hanxiao's words suddenly rang in his ears again.

He asked, "Ye Qianxing, what are you afraid of?"

Ye Qianxing closed his eyes.

She admits it!
She is afraid!
afraid of what?
Afraid... Excited?
Nan Nan shook Ye Qianxing's arm lightly. She was more sensitive to emotions, so she felt that Ye Qianxing must have some unexplainable reasons.

"Let's go back to the classroom, there are classes in the afternoon."

Nan Nan changed the subject.

"it is good."

Ye Qianxing packed up the lunch box in a daze, and followed Nan Nan back.

"By the way, Xing Xing, Qin Jue doesn't have your contact information. He said he asked you for some things and added you as a friend. You haven't been approved yet."

Nan Nan thought of this and told Ye Qianxing about it.

Ye Qianxing was stunned.


"it is good."

"I see."

It's about treating the legs.

I've been so busy going to class lately that I actually forgot.

"I'll get in touch with him."

Ye Qianxing responded, Nan Nan looked at San Fu and Yin Guang who were far away, and winked at Ye Qianxing in a low voice.

"Xing Xing, what's on your mind?"

"Tell me about it?"

Ye Qianxing opened his mouth, but he didn't seem to know where to start.

Nan Nan thought it was Ye Qianxing who didn't want to say it, and she didn't mind: "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

"You know, I'm always by your side."

"do not be afraid."

"If you want to say it anytime, I'm always there."

Ye Qianxing felt more at ease: "Okay."

"It's not that I don't want to say it, I just don't know where to start."

Sighing, Ye Qianxing felt that he could also talk to Nan Nan, not to ask Nan Nan to find a solution for himself, but to speak out, which might reduce the pressure in his heart.

"You always knew that I have someone I like, right?"

Nan Nan nodded. Although she didn't know who that person was, Ye Qianxing had said that she liked him very much.

"I was also picked up by him since I was a child. He was my light in the darkest time of my life."

"It was he who taught me skills and gave me a home."

"I came out this time only because I had a task to do, so I left him." Nan Nan listened carefully, understanding that Ye Qianxing might have encountered relationship problems.

"However, he is the only one in my heart from the beginning to the end. I like him. It has been more than 100 years. In fact, I am more than 100 years old."

What Ye Qianxing told Nan Nan was true and false.

"I have liked him for more than 100 years. I think this is not just liking, but I love him."

"But if I don't know if I like someone, I will be worried and fearful because of love. I have not dared to confess from the beginning to the end."

"Because that person is really too outstanding, too dazzling, and too noble. It's not that I haven't tried it secretly, but there is no response."

"That's why I dare not confess easily."

This is not fake, Ye Qianxing has indeed tried it secretly.

She once pretended to be drunk and called Immortal Venerable for a long time.

But Xianzun still walked away, and he was even more indifferent to himself the next day.

When she was injured and delirious, she also expressed her love to the immortal who came to help detoxify, but the immortal still walked away.

The next day I was so angry that I vomited blood.

Ye Qianxing never dared to say that sentence easily afterward.

"But I love him unabated." Analyzing his own heart, and frankly stating who he likes, Ye Qianxing's feelings are hot and straightforward.

"Just thinking, wait until I become better."

"More powerful."

"It's enough to stand by his side, and I have enough courage to confess again."

"However, before I had enough courage, something changed."

Nan Nan listened carefully.

"Ji Hanxiao likes me."

Ye Qianxing pursed her lips.

Ji Hanxiao likes herself, this sentence, before Ye Qianxing heard only endless indifference.

Endless coldness and rejection.

Later, I also tried every means to think about how to stay away.

Until now, when I say this sentence, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

Nan Nan was not surprised by this, because Qin Jue had told her about it.

It's just that the friend never said anything, and Nan Nan never inquired about the other party's private affairs.

"I don't like him, so I want to stay away from him, and I don't want to have an intersection with him."

"But there are some things that make me entangled with him."

Such as ancient earth.

Or the kind that has to be entangled.

(End of this chapter)

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