Chapter 434

There was a stabbing pain in the pinched jaw, and the powerful force was transmitted to Ye Qianxing's mind, making Ye Qianxing understand that Ji Hanxiao was not joking, but was telling the truth.

Ji Hanxiao rubbed Ye Qianxing's slightly pale lips several times with his fingertips.

He didn't stop until his lips were stained with blood.

Ye Qianxing didn't even dare to take a breath the whole time, for fear that...

Ji Hanxiao would kiss her regardless.

But fortunately, Ji Hanxiao didn't do that, he didn't let go until his lips were tingling.

"Ye Qianxing, do you know?"


"Whenever I think of you, you are always like this in my mind. You look like pear blossoms with rain, and you cry miserably."

Ye Qianxing didn't have time to respond to what it meant.

"I hope that one day you will lie in bed and cry just for me."

Ji Hanxiao had already flung his sleeves away.

After reacting, Ye Qianxing's face turned red in an instant, so hot that it was almost smoking.

Can't help gritting his teeth: "Ji Hanxiao!"

"You dirty and shameless bastard."

Ji Hanxiao heard this energetic voice in his ears.

I couldn't help but reply in my heart, what's the point of this, Zai'er hadn't seen him before when he was even more obscene.

But after Ji Hanxiao's gag, Ye Qianxing's sentimental emotions were completely dispersed.

Sadness is only temporary, and despite the heartache, life must go on.

Ye Qianxing was not the kind of person who would die if something happened.

She has figured it out.

Since Xianzun refused so forcefully, she should also learn to let go.

Over there, how I let myself put him in my heart is how I pick him out.

Maybe this time will be very long, but what Ye Qianxing lacks most is time.

The task still needs to be done well, no matter what the Immortal Venerable said, he has kindness to himself, so he has the right to repay the favor.

When I return to the fairyland, it's a big deal, I won't be her apprentice anymore, and I won't owe each other in the future.

Be the simplest and most ordinary friend, maybe you can still meet and laugh away.

These four words were spoken lightly, but her heart throbbed uncontrollably. Ye Qianxing smiled wryly, forcing herself to think about something else.

By the way, Qin Jue's legs.

Qin Jue's leg.

Ye Qianxing turned on the optical brain and contacted Qin Jue.

The two agreed to treat Qin Jue's leg in a month's time.

Because refining the dantian also takes time, Ye Qianxing's heart calmed down, and he began to take out various materials from the space.

In the room, prepare the fire refiner.

After a busy night and bright sky, Ye Qianxing put all the alchemy stoves into the space, washed up briefly, and then went out to prepare for class.

Nan Nan was waiting at Ye Qianxing's door, and when she came out, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her radiance.


Nan Nan raised her usual smiling face and avoided talking about what happened yesterday: "Hurry up, you'll be late later."

"Today's first class is Lianzhu's class."

"Credits will be deducted if you are late."

Ye Qianxing stepped forward and took Nan Nan's hand: "Okay! Let's go!"

The two ran all the way, stepped into the classroom door with their front feet, and Ji Hanxiao followed them into the door with their back feet.

He glanced at Ye Qianxing, but was stared back by Ye Qianxing's wide-eyed eyes.

Seeing Zai'er full of energy, Ji Hanxiao smiled.

Turning on the holographic projection, Ji Hanxiao is ready for class: "Today we will talk about the connection between spiritual power and mechs."



Ji Hanxiao started class very solemnly and seriously, no one dared to speak.

Ye Qianxing also listened carefully, and was not afraid to raise her hand or answer questions because of her relationship with Ji Hanxiao.

Both of them are very good at separating the relationship between the lower class and the upper class.

Ji Hanxiao finally came to a conclusion: "So the best way to integrate our mental power with the mech is to make your mental power be as thin as a hair."

"Take care of every inch of the mecha."

"That's why I asked you to practice the Linglong Pearl last time."

"And if you want to make your mental strength meet the standard, there is no other shortcut except to work harder."

Ji Hanxiao suddenly waved his hand and distributed a needle to all the students present.

"The task for the second half of today's class is to let your mental strength go through the eye of a needle."

"After completing the task, get out of class will be dismissed."

Everyone immediately wanted to cry.

The corner of Ji Hanxiao's mouth twitched: "Whoever howls, the needle's eye will be three times smaller."

In the end, Ji Hanxiao thought that these people were involved for the first time, and the eye of the needle had already been adjusted a lot.

When everyone heard this, they didn't dare to say anything.

The whole class fell silent, and Ye Qianxing was also working hard on her homework.

The so-called spiritual power is divine consciousness. Her spiritual consciousness has been specially trained, and she also has exercises for cultivating divine consciousness, so she is a little bit better than everyone else.

But it still takes a lot of effort to get out the spiritual power.

She stared at the eye of the needle in front of her with all her strength, and stirred her consciousness desperately, trying to condense it finer and finer.

Ji Hanxiao stood beside Ye Qianxing, watching her move.

Suddenly leaned forward to guide.

"There's a trick to it."

"You are so..."

As Ji Hanxiao said, he reached out his consciousness to guide Ye Qianxing.


As soon as the spiritual consciousness of the two people stretched out, they quickly entangled together.

Ye Qianxing was shocked all over, and quickly cut off his consciousness, but after all, there was a layer of mist in his eye sockets.

Her body trembled slightly, and goosebumps spread from her toes to her cerebral cortex.

The moment just now was almost overwhelming! ! The feeling of (music) made Ye Qianxing unable to recover.

She didn't know, so she looked at Ji Hanxiao.

Ji Hanxiao has already noticed something.

He really wanted to guide Ye Qianxing just now, without any purpose.

But when the two people's spiritual consciousness intertwined, Ji Hanxiao suddenly understood something.

That time was still young.

And this time.

Ji Hanxiao was lucky enough to suppress his eagerness to move, so that he would not lose his bearing in class.

When looking at Ye Qianxing's wet eyes, Ji Hanxiao almost failed again.

Ji Hanxiao had no choice but to keep a cold face, as if nothing happened.

"Look at what I do?"

"Still practicing?"

Ye Qianxing's tone was mixed with turbulence that Ye Qianxing didn't understand.

Ye Qianxing quickly lowered her head, she didn't know whether the feeling just now was caused by one person or two people.

She didn't dare to ask.

But looking at Ji Hanxiao's appearance, he probably didn't feel it.

With a sigh of relief, Ye Qianxing also put aside what Ji Hanxiao wanted to say just now, and continued to do her homework seriously.

"Everyone practice on their own, after making contact, get out of class is over."

"I have something to do, let's go first."

Ji Hanxiao left in a hurry.

Everyone expressed that they were used to it. After all, it is the co-owner, so there must be many things to be busy.

 Miss Star: ...

  I don't understand, I don't know, I don't understand anything.

(End of this chapter)

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