I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 440 I Like You, The Whole Universe Knows

Chapter 440 I Like You, The Whole Universe Knows

The big colorful balls overlapped, colorful and sparkling, and even the sky became a sea of ​​light.

After a while, it turned into gems inlaid in the night, and finally, it gradually turned into a waterfall of stars falling down slowly, so beautiful that even Ye Qianxing couldn't bear to look away.

Suddenly, many mechas and battleships flew across the sky.

They were suspended at a suitable height, doing all kinds of difficult movements, just like a mecha show in an unusually prosperous age.

The surrounding students were already overwhelmed with excitement.

Take them all out and take photos to record this beautiful moment.


"I'm dead! My God!"

"I'm really dead!"

"This is simply the scene of a large-scale dog slaughter."

"The top ten mechas have all been pulled out to confess. This high-profile approach is really invincible except for my God of War."

After the top ten mechas performed a beautiful side somersault, a man like an emperor appeared behind him.

His appearance made the whole sky pale suddenly.

Everything in this world seemed to suddenly turn gray and white.

Only him is the strongest color in the world.

Ye Qianxing's pupils suddenly shrank the moment Ji Hanxiao appeared.

Take a quick step and take a step back.

Such a big scene, so rich and powerful.

Besides Ji Hanxiao, who else could it be.

Ye Qianxing was so upset that she didn't know how to react now.

The huge wings behind Ji Hanxiao spread out and swooped towards Ye Qianxing.

The universe behind has become a foil.

Ye Qianxing suddenly remembered a saying that has been circulated among the stars: One day, my God of War will spread his wings and wear streamers, and the universe will serve as his foil, reaching out to me.

But now that pair of big hands were getting closer and closer to Ye Qianxing, and Ye Qianxing's fingertips holding the energy flower were so hard that they turned white.

But Ji Hanxiao sped up and directly stopped Ye Qianxing from turning around and leaving, and he pulled her into his arms.

A spin fell, without giving Ye Qianxing any chance to react.

The big palm wraps around the small hand, slowly tightening.

Surrounded by overwhelming screams: "Ahhh!!"

"Knock me to death, this CP, I will never go down the mountain in my life."

"Ahhh!! These two people stand together, and they fit inexplicably."

"Oh my god, if I were Ye Qianxing, I would pass out from happiness now."

But now Ye Qianxing doesn't have the kind of happiness that everyone thinks, instead, he feels like sitting on pins and needles.


The skin held in Ji Hanxiao's arms seemed to have thorns all over her body, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Ji Hanxiao! Let go!"

After all, there were so many people, Ye Qianxing was concerned about Ji Hanxiao's face, so he didn't make too much noise.

But Ji Hanxiao made an inch of it, pinching Ye Qianxing's waist, and tightened it a bit: "Don't let go."

"Unless you promise me, listen to me." Ji Hanxiao was afraid that Ye Qianxing would run away if he let go.

The big hand on the waist was surprisingly hot.

Ye Qianxing felt that his skin was about to burn.

"Promise, promise, I listen, you let go quickly."

Ye Qianxing was so annoyed that he was about to strike, Ji Hanxiao let go and turned in front of Ye Qianxing.

Without further ado, just kneel down on one knee.

Terrified, Ye Qianxing took several steps back.


"!! Is this a marriage proposal?"

"My God, I've never seen the Lianzhu kneel down."

"Did Ye Qianxing save the universe in his previous life?"

"I can not stand it any more!"

"I really can't take it anymore!!"


There were waves of screams mixed with each other.

The weight of God of War's kneeling is really too heavy, too heavy.

"Actually, I've known you a long time ago."

"When you don't know."

"I just watched you silently..." Ji Hanxiao said slowly.

These words really aroused Ye Qianxing's curiosity, because in her eyes, this love was too strong and too inexplicable.

"Since your first live broadcast, you have been weird."

"Since the first time you asked me to borrow money..." Ji Hanxiao still broke his vest and tilted his head at Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing's mouth widened instantly in surprise! !
that! !
The largest in the universe?
! ! ! !
Gold Master Dad!

"You...you..." It turned out that the two had known each other so early.

Ji Hanxiao nodded, and continued to Ye Qianxing: "When I first met you, I always thought that you are a little girl with a sharp mouth."

"Be careful."

"It's useless except to make better food."

"Later... I discovered that you are like a treasure. Every time you lift a layer, the inside is extremely precious."

"You are strong, you are brave, I like every fight you do, it's so charming, it's like dancing on the tip of my heart, it makes my heart beat faster."

"It would make my blood boil."

"I also like your Tao, I like you to do what you think is right."

"Others say you are hot, but I think you are charming."

"Because, I once slaughtered a Zerg planet by myself."

"I also like your mischievousness, your cuteness, every time you spread your wings and fly high."

"I thought at the time, it's you, and only you. Besides you, there will never be such a girl who can accompany me side by side."

"It can be compatible with my soul."

"It can make me obsessed and unable to extricate myself."

"My confession today is not to force you to agree, I know..."

"I know everything you want to say, but I just want a chance."

"Ye Qianxing, can you give me a chance to pursue you?"

"He doesn't want it, I want it."

"He doesn't like it, I like it."

"Everything about me is yours, including my life."

"You can give me a chance to be my lover, and I will make a promise to you forever, no matter where I am or when I am."

"As long as you call me, I will try my best to come to you."

"You need me, I will always be there."

"I hope that the whole universe knows that I like you."

There was an astonishing light in Ji Hanxiao's eyes.

The unfathomable emotions in it almost dragged Ye Qianxing into paralysis.

She was almost bewitched by these eyes, and said the word good.

And Ji Hanxiao's every word, every sentence, seemed to be mixed with the hottest emotion, each and every one of them made her feel hot all over.

It gave her an unspeakable feeling.

be terribly upset.

She felt that her heart was shaken, it was really shaken.

Ji Hanxiao is not bad anywhere, and now this relationship has found a starting point. It turned out that at such an early age, there was a person who paid attention to his every move, and then fell in love with him deeply.

After seeing myself again, I fell in love with myself.

Over and over again, go through fire and water.

Protect, guard.

Ye Qianxing couldn't say no to it.

But I can't say that good word.

She couldn't believe that she had been in love with the Immortal Venerable for so long, and in just a few months, Ji Hanxiao had already turned her into a traitor.

Then what do you mean by yourself and the scumbag?

She wasn't sure whether she had already fallen in love with Ji Hanxiao, or if she was shaken because of the sadness about the Immortal Venerable.

Ye Qianxing didn't know what to say, nor how to say it.

"My God!! The relationship has lasted for a long time, and the Lianzhu is still in the pursuit stage?"

"Have you caught up yet?"

"Not even a chance to get a suitor?"

"Although I shouldn't laugh now, I still want to laugh."

"Standing at the stage of a woman, I think the Lianzhu really loves this girl badly."

"I like you, and the whole universe knows it."

"With the power of one person, the joint owner has improved the confession level of the entire male group."


"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

Seeing Ye Qianxing's silence, everyone began to encourage him.

Ye Qianxing gave Ji Hanxiao an apologetic look.

Disappointment flashed across Ji Hanxiao's eyes, but he stood up from the ground, got up quickly, and interrupted Ye Qianxing's words.

"Everyone, be quiet. I told you that today I didn't use this move to force Xingxing to agree. I like her. It's my own business."

"Today, I just want the universe to know that I, Ji Hanxiao, love Ye Qianxing."

"it has to be you."

"Ten years, 20 years, 100 years, and a lifetime, I can afford it."

"Everyone is gone."

Ji Hanxiao saved what little face he had left, and didn't want to hear Ye Qianxing's rejection again.

He managed to hold up his smiling face, so that there was no haze in his eyes: "Today is mainly for your birthday."

"I also invited your friends to the birthday party together."

"Let's go."

Ye Qianxing breathed a sigh of relief.

The people around are very inexplicable.

That's it?


It's a good and unusual confession, and it's about to break up without even waiting for an answer from the female pig's foot.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

But some people have already seen it: "Is it Ye Qianxing who doesn't like Ji Lianzhu?"

"Ji Lianzhu obviously hasn't won the beauty's heart yet."

"By the way, Ji Lianzhu is too miserable."

"But don't you all have a feeling of sudden enlightenment? A good coalition master has a lot of opportunities every day and endless battles. Why do you spend time in our school every day?"

"...Also, do you still remember why the Alliance Leader didn't attend the Centennial Summit?"

"Damn it!! At that time, the Lianzhu said that the human beings in the ancient country are the heroes who saved us."

"And our future wife is also from the ancient country!"

"I really want to find out something great."

"It's more than that, who of you still remembers the two spaces that the joint leader posted before."




"Ye Qianxing?"

"Oh my god!! I thought this was a domineering president chasing Cinderella."

"It turned out that this is a case of a strong girl who is afraid of pestering her husband?"

"This "president" is shameless!"

"In the future, I will never be able to pick up the image of the Lianzhu from the ground, because he is a humble person in my heart now."

"Me too!"

"It's so humble, the domineering Lianzhu online humblely pursues his wife."

"The key person, this Ye Qianxing is still eight lifetimes away from his wife, he doesn't even count as a girlfriend now."

"To be honest, I never thought in my life that if you eat melons, you can eat melons on the head of Ji Lian, and you are still the wife chasing big melons in the series."

"Me too, hahaha, want to laugh."

The photos and videos that everyone took, all rushed to the top ten of the star network at the speed of a rocket.

It was all wrapped up by Ji Hanxiao and his little wife.

#Super Genius, Online Ugly Refuses God of War Courtship#
#星学院super genius is confessed by God of War#
#今日最热情话, I like you, the whole universe knows#
The headlines are more explosive than the last.

Many people said that Ye Qingjie [My youth is over].

God of War will have daughters-in-law in the future, but they will no longer be their husbands.

But after all this, after Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao walked away, Ye Qianxing quickly put the flowers in Ji Hanxiao's arms.

"Thank you."

"Why did you suddenly... suddenly..."

Ye Qianxing scratched his head and didn't know what to say.

"Confess to you suddenly?" Ji Hanxiao held the flowers in his hands.

"Is there still such a big fight?"

Then follow Ye Qianxing's words.

Ye Qianxing nodded.

"Because..." Ji Hanxiao's voice sank a little.

"Since you came to Star Academy, I have intercepted for you, 15 confessions."

"23 people asking for your contact information."

"35 people who went to your bedroom to look for you..."

"I threw 108 gifts for you..."


Ye Qianxing was dumbfounded...

Looking at Ji Hanxiao in disbelief, Ji Hanxiao's tone was turbulent under the calmness.

"Xingxing, you don't even know how dazzling you are."

"I am not the only one who can discover your beauty."

In fact, among so many suitors, apart from some worshiping the strong, some have other purposes.

In Interstellar, there are quite a few strong men with excellent genes, and most of their spouses are also relatively good geniuses.

The genes of geniuses can be passed on. For the sake of the next generation, they will find someone who is better than themselves, or someone who is similar to them.

Although Ye Qianxing is of the blood of the ancient country, but her fighting power, her mystery, her cultivation method, and her genes.

All of them fascinate everyone.

This is also one of the reasons why Ji Hanxiao made a high-profile confession.

He looked at Ye Qianxing seriously: "I can wait for you to accept me slowly."

"But I will never allow someone to take a step ahead of me before I succeed."

He, Ji Hanxiao, is swearing his sovereignty to the whole universe.

She Ye Qianxing, from now on, is the woman Ji Hanxiao pursues, whoever has no ability.

If you are not as capable as Ji Hanxiao, then you should give up early.

Ye Qianxing: ...

I really never thought that so many things happened without my knowledge.

But she didn't care too much.

She also has no plans to fall in love.

and so……

Whether those gifts or love letters, she was not very interested.

Turning to another matter, Ye Qianxing asked Ji Hanxiao: "How did you know that my birthday is today?"

Ye Qianxing stared closely at Ji Hanxiao asking for an explanation.

She was sure that she had never told anyone about her birthday.

Ji Hanxiao actually knew it from Jiu Jiu's mouth.

Will he tell Ye Qianxing the truth?

of course not!
But he had already thought of an excuse for this matter.

"You said that when you were drunk."

Ji Hanxiao smiled, with an innocent face, what he said was true.

But Ye Qianxing remembered that he had indeed drank wine many times when he came here.

Easy to break when drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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