Chapter 442 Threatened
This place turned out to be a bottomless pit with no bounds.

There are wisps, red, or black mist everywhere.

A lot of blood sticks to the soles of the shoes, and there is no more pure land.

This Zerg trial field has a history of thousands of years, and there are so many people and things that died in it that they cannot be counted.

The sky is always gray, and the eyes are foggy.

When they first arrived here, this proving ground gave the new students a warning.

Bloody, tyrannical, devouring, the killings that have accumulated over time have shocked people's minds.

If there is a weak-willed person here, I am afraid that they may be directly swallowed by the fog and stimulated to lose their minds.

This is to tell everyone clearly that this is the place of life and death.

A place where there is only life and death.

Here is full of killing, and blood.

Ye Qianxing came here for the first time, although his mind was not swallowed up, his pupils were still bloodshot.

He licked his lips, and even the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Ye Qianxing swiped his ID card and went in: "It's really a good place."

As soon as he entered, the figure was swallowed up by the mist.

Ye Qianxing continued to walk inside, holding a sword in his hand, and before walking far, he came across a group of people fighting with a bunch of bugs.

And the badges on their chests are the badges of Star Academy students.

This Zerg group is a bit large, and the students of the Star Academy are obviously at a disadvantage.

Ye Qianxing rushed forward with his sword in hand.

Straight for the biggest of the Zerg.

A sword mixed with an unrivaled momentum.

He split a Zerg in half, red spots splashed on his clothes, and the smell of blood in his nose became stronger.



Zerg attacks are also more violent.

These bugs were a species Ye Qianxing had never seen before. They looked a bit like a snake, but one was as big as two adults, and the biggest one was its head.

Almost three times as thick as the body, flat, with a spike at the very top.

When the upper body is upright, there are two bayonet-like sharp blades on the abdomen.

And the teeth are extremely protruding and sharp, stained with green mucus.

The worm that was split in half by Ye Qianxing was instantly devoured by its kind, and because of Ye Qianxing's rough moves, the worm also set its sights on it.

There are only 5 Star Academy students.

There are nearly 20 worms.

Everyone needs a pair of four.

But after Ye Qianxing came, 4 insect beasts immediately shifted their targets, and the pressure on the others dropped suddenly.

"Students, be careful, their mouths can still spray venom."

"The school girl just dragged it, we will solve them as soon as possible."

The seniors and sisters were all second- and third-level students, and they didn't have time to carefully look at who Ye Qianxing was during the battle. They only saw that there was only one star on her medal, so they knew that she was a first-level student.

So everyone wanted to get rid of the worms as soon as possible to save Ye Qianxing from being injured.

"En." Ye Qianxing responded, raising his sword to withstand the siege of several insects and beasts.

Immediately, he turned around to avoid the venom sprayed by these insect beasts.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

"Flame Rain!"

Ye Qianxing made two big moves.

But those worms can hide a lot, and those who can't hide roar up to the sky, and a layer of black scales instantly appear on their bodies, which are dense and hard, and can block all attacks tightly.

The sword only cut through their skin and did not seriously hurt them.

Several insect beasts are also extremely sensitive, and their dodging speed is extremely fast.

Only then did Ye Qianxing realize that insects and beasts are really the enemies of human beings.

Their fighting power cannot be underestimated.

And their reproduction rate is several times that of humans.

The attack had to become more and more violent, and the battle was also twisted together.

The smell of blood around is getting stronger and stronger.

Ye Qianxing killed the blood-stained insect beast Hei with his sword until his wrist was numb.

The bloodshot eyes in the eyes had unknowingly covered the entire eyeballs.

Ye Qianxing was completely empty.

There is only one word in my mind.


Kill all these monsters.

Kill these filthy things.

I don't know how long it has passed, the blood of the last insect sprayed Ye Qianxing's face all over.

She blinked her eyes twice, sweat mixed with blood dripped down, and Ye Qianxing leaned against a big rock with her sword in her hand as if collapsed.

And several seniors and sisters are almost dealing with the last insect beast.

Ye Qianxing raised his sleeves and wiped his face, then meditated on the spot to recover his spiritual energy.

When I opened my eyes again, several students were already treating the wounds.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing woke up, everyone hurried over.

"Who are we talking about, so powerful."

"It turned out to be our quasi-genius wife."

"Thank you."

Everyone smiled and thanked Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing smiled a little confused: "What is a quasi-genius wife?"

When Ye Qianxing asked this question, everyone laughed.

The last senior sister covered her mouth and explained, "That's right, the prospective wife of God of War."


Everyone laughed, and the bloody smell around them was diluted by the laughter.

"Hahaha." Ye Qianxing also laughed.

"I don't even know, I still have this nickname."

She also didn't explain that she had nothing to do with Ji Hanxiao.

It's mainly other people's ideas, and you can't reverse them.

As long as you know that your name is Ye Qianxing, it will be fine.

"Did the seniors just come in?"

"No, we've been in for several days, and we're getting ready to go out."

"Young girl is just here."

"Then you can go on inside."

"If you are in danger and need first aid, just light up the badge on your chest, and if there are classmates around, they will come to support you."

"The Zerg here is still very dangerous."

Ye Qianxing had already experienced something just now, so he thanked everyone for their suggestions: "I see, thank you seniors and sisters."

"Then I'll go first."

"By the way, junior, it's your first time here, remember to buy a Zerg Battlefield Encyclopedia in the Academy Mall, which contains detailed 90.00% Zerg explanations, including their appearance, weaknesses, and combat power levels."

"There are also useful parts on them, which can be exchanged for contribution points in the academy."

"If a new student buys it for the first time, the encyclopedia can be discounted."

"Sister, don't forget, it's very useful."

Several people reminded Ye Qianxing.

"Okay, I see, thank you."

"Sister, then be careful, we are leaving too."



Everyone waved their hands and said goodbye, Ye Qianxing also continued to move forward, she still wanted to continue her killing.

But he is very happy with the atmosphere of Star Academy.

There is some taste of Wujizong here.

They worked hard to be normal, cultivated hard, helped each other, and knew everything. Ye Qianxing always felt that true geniuses disdain to calculate their opponents.

Because that's the one who can really make them grow.

Peers who can spur their efforts.

In this gray sky, unless you turn on the light brain, you don't know how long you have spent.

This place is also full of killings, you don't know how many insects and beasts you have killed.

Walking all the way, there is no shortage of seeing the corpses of classmates.

Ye Qianxing will also help restrain them, and when they go out, they can be buried in peace.

"This is a small battlefield."

Quickly, he looked at a worm again.

Ye Qianxing's clothes were already dirty.

This is her fifth day here.

Take a look at your points: 35789.
Not enough, far from enough.

It's not enough to be number one on the leaderboard.

The second-level college ranks first, with nearly 50 points.

As for the first-level students, it can be reduced by half, that is to say, in the first month, if there is a reduction, it must exceed 15.

And she entered the battlefield later than others.

There are still 10 days until the end of the month.

During the five days in the Zerg Proving Ground, Ye Qianxing killed [-] points on the most day.

There are only a few hundred points in two days.

This will not work.

There are not enough points at the end of the month.

Ye Qianxing applied medicine to the wound on his arm and pulled out the poison while thinking about what to do.

In order to heal the wound faster, Ye Qianxing took out a bottle of spirit liquid and applied it on the wound.

But the next moment, a giant ant-shaped insect appeared in front of Ye Qianxing with drooling.

His head was chopped off by Ye Qianxing.

This kind of worm has the weakest attack power.

But Ye Qianxing has recently discovered that the spiritual liquid seems to have an unparalleled attraction to insects and beasts.

Ye Qianxing frowned.

He looked at the spirit liquid bottle in his hand.

Suddenly having an idea, Ye Qianxing turned his wrist, and many bottles of spiritual liquid appeared in his hand.

Finding a large open space, Ye Qianxing pressed his hands on the ground, the white fingertips and the dark red ground together gave off a strange beauty.


As soon as the voice fell, a large pit appeared on the ground, and Ye Qianxing directly threw all three bottles of spiritual liquid at the bottom of the pit.

So he hid not far away.

Half an hour passed, and Ye Qianxing didn't dare to show his face, thinking that his plan had failed.

Suddenly, he felt the dust under his feet tremble. Ye Qianxing looked up, the ground was splashed with blood, and many insects and beasts came galloping. The formation was somewhat large.

Ye Qianxing's eyes flashed with joy, and she quickly pressed her hand to the ground.

Wait until 80.00% of the worms have entered the pothole.

Ye Qianxing's eyes sharpened: "Golden Kill!"



The sharp metal storm instantly chewed up the weaker insects and beasts.

The mixture of water and soil prevented even the stronger insects from getting out.

At the last moment, the water was quickly extracted from the soil, and the soil instantly became extremely hard, welding all the insects and beasts inside.

"Wind blade kill!!"

The exposed part was cut all over by the wind blade like a leek.

These moves were completed in just a few seconds, making it difficult for insects and beasts to react.

And now on the battlefield, apart from the 20.00% who didn't get into the pit, there are still some worms with exceptional defense and strength that are still alive.

Ye Qianxing didn't wait any longer, and directly killed him.

At this time, the worms also understood that they had been tricked, and they began to howl angrily.

Facing Ye Qianxing who was rushing up, they rushed forward, trying to tear this desperate little guy to pieces.




It is destined to be a killing of death and life.

And Ye Qianxing can only be the final victor, the only survivor.

Kill red eyes!
Bloody sky.

All over the sky.


Blood splashed into his eyes, Ye Qianxing looked hideous and terrifying.

At this time, she didn't have the slightest peaceful temperament.

Every time you wave your hand, every time you pick a sword, you will never be empty-handed.

The fierceness made the Zerg terrified.

She doesn't seem afraid of death.

I don't know the pain.

There was only fighting left in her eyes, and her pupils had an astonishing light.

This battle...

Later, some people joined in to help Ye Qianxing share some of the burden.

But even that is too much Zerg.

This battle lasted from the early morning of the previous day to the evening of the second day.

It finally slid down the curtain.

The Zerg did not die, and some still escaped.

And many insect corpses were also devoured by the Zerg.

Ye Qianxing knelt down on the ground directly, and she almost became a bloody person at this moment.

You have your own blood, as well as someone else's blood.

There are internal injuries and external injuries.

The hand holding the sword was so trembling that it was almost impossible to hold the sword.

Quickly took out a few pills and took them.

"School girl?"

A senior sister hurried forward to support Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing said weakly, "Thank you, senior."

"Sister, how could you be besieged by so many insects and beasts?"

"It really scared us to death."

"Why don't you send a distress signal?"

"Sister, I brought these insects here."

"Thank you, senpai."

Ye Qianxing covered his tattered clothes, and the male seniors beside him had already turned around quickly.

"Does the school girl have any clothes to change? If not, I'll give you one."

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Yes."

"Senior, I can do it myself, thank you."

With a wave of Ye Qianxing's hand, the side of her body was instantly wrapped in red silk, making it airtight. She took out her clothes and changed into them, and cleaned her body. In fact, she had exhausted all her strength.

There were wounds all over his body, some blood and flesh rolled up, and he pressed his lower chest, there were bruises there, and some ribs were misaligned.

Pressing hard, Ye Qianxing gasped in pain.

But it's finally back in place.


Ye Qianxing raised his hand to look at his points again.

After this battle, he directly gained more than 6 points.

Ye Qianxing grinned: "Finally, my work was not in vain."

Thanks again to the seniors and sisters, and everyone dispersed again, Ye Qianxing felt that the ground she was sitting on seemed to be slightly different.

Touch back.

Behind him, there was a letter.

This letter is not written on paper, it is a special material in Interstellar.

Some are like paper, which can be used for writing.

Ye Qianxing frowned, he didn't even see it.

I didn't feel it, who put this thing by his side?

Ye Qianxing opened the letter paper, and there was only a short sentence written on it: "Ye Qianxing, I know you can cure gene collapse! You cured Qin Jue's leg!"

Ye Qianxing stood up abruptly from where he was, with a terrified expression on his face!
This is left by the person with the space attribute who peeped at him and Qin Jue treating him last time.

Who is it?

What is the purpose of leaving this letter?threaten?provocative?

Or both?
(End of this chapter)

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