I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 456: All Planes Are Created by Me

Chapter 456 I Created Thousands of Planes

Ye Qianxing licked her dry lips, it was really bad for Yueyin to see Ye Qianxing's state.

He went up and handed her some water.

"Drink some, dreams are all fake, and they're all reversed."

Ye Qianxing took the water and thanked him: "Yes."

She knew that dreams were fake, but monks generally don't have dreams.

The cold water slowly slid down his throat into his stomach, which gradually calmed down Ye Qianxing's emotions.

A monk's dream always reflects something. The higher the level of the monk, the stronger his sensitivity to his future events.

This is why some great powers can always count their own death.

Ye Qianxing rubbed the center of her brows, what does this dream represent? Does it mean that she will be hurt by Ji Hanxiao?
hurt by him?Then why does he have cat ears?And the tail?
For a while, Ye Qianxing felt that his mind seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

It made her unable to figure out the truth at all, but she could feel that the truth seemed to be really close to her.

within reach.

"Don't... let me down..." Ye Qianxing sighed, and he didn't know who he was speaking to.

Don't lie to me, don't hurt me, don't do anything sorry to me.

This is Ye Qianxing's bottom line, she doesn't want the feeling of being torn apart every time she likes someone.

"Hmm... Elder Sister Xingxing..." Su Mobai also woke up, and Ye Qianxing put these thoughts behind her. It's not her character to worry about the sky, so it's better for soldiers to cover it up.

"Well, wake up."

"Wait for something to eat, we're going to go as far as we can."

A few people washed up casually together, ate something, and walked towards the very center of the secret realm.

After Mu Mu's communication, Ye Qianxing and the others have confirmed that there is indeed a huge powerful space formation in the center of this secret realm.

Yueyin can learn, and the space attribute there is also unusually strong.

Ye Qianxing was going to escort Yueyin there.

But on the way, he met an unexpected person.

The young man in the black robe was resting. When he saw them approaching, he stood up, looking very vigilant.

Now there are only a few of them left in the entire secret realm, and except for Yueyin, they are all human beings.

Ye Qianxing stood at a relatively safe distance and discussed with the other party: "Now we are the only ones left in the secret realm."

"Everyone is human, and there is no need to kill each other."

"Just go find what you need."

After Ye Qianxing said this, he looked at the other party, wanting to see the other party's reaction.

But unfortunately, nothing can be seen.

He was dressed in a large black robe with a hat on it, which completely covered the person.

But it can be seen that the other party has been thinking for a long time before he uttered a hoarse voice: "Go away."

It was obvious that they didn't believe Ye Qianxing and the three of them.

Keep them away from you.

This is not to believe.

But there are three people in my family and the other party is alone, so there is reason to be vigilant.

The three of Ye Qianxing didn't intend to stay for a long time, so this was considered a verbal agreement, and everyone left directly.

After walking for a while, Mumu said to Ye Qianxing, "Brother Shui is on him."

Ye Qianxing paused.

Needless to say, the spirit of water must have been absorbed.

Whoever can find these treasures of heaven and earth will have a chance.

And someone else has already used it, so it is impossible for Ye Qianxing to kill him.

I had no choice but to sigh, not knowing how to comfort Mumu.

But Mumu asked Ye Qianxing a word.

"Sister, did we do something wrong?"

Ye Qianxing didn't know how to answer such a soft sentence.

What Mumu wants to ask is what did they do wrong with these heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Why are they hunted down as soon as they are born.

Will be devoured.

Be coveted.

Why is it so difficult to even survive, did they do something wrong?

They tried their best to live, but they couldn't escape the fate of being annihilated.

In the end, Ye Qianxing just replied flatly: "The world is unkind and treats everything as a straw dog."

The spirit of heaven, material and earth treasures feels that life is not easy for him.

But human beings are so easy, the weak prey on the strong, and they just want to live.

Of course, there are some people who kill and tyrannize, but most people are just alive.

Yueyin patted Ye Qianxing on the shoulder, and suddenly said to her: "I wonder if you have heard a story?"

Ye Qianxing raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"There was a man who, after his death, wanted to know what the 18th floor of hell looked like. Later, he climbed and climbed, climbed and climbed, from the first floor to the seventeenth floor, but when he stepped into the No.[-] floor , but found himself back in the world.”

Yueyin smiled recklessly, as if she had told the funniest joke.

Ye Qianxing: ...

Mumu has been silent.

Su Mobai raised his face and retorted to Yueyin: "The world is not hell, it's heaven."

"Here are all the people you care about and the things you like."

"There's still a lot of sweetness here."

Ye Qianxing laughed out loud, it really was a child.

But Ye Qianxing didn't quite agree with anything, the [-]th floor of hell is the story of the human world.

She slowly uttered a sentence: "Where the heart goes, it's all where it goes. One thought of heaven and one thought of hell."

If you feel that this is heaven in your heart, then you will see light everywhere.

If you feel that you are in hell, you will be surrounded by evil spirits.

Yue Yin originally talked casually, but found that the topic became more and more profound.

He was still philosophical, so he slowly approached Ye Qianxing and asked her: "Then do you think you are in heaven or hell?"

"Guess?" Ye Qianxing gave two words, but did not answer.

Yueyin didn't guess.

Su Mobai pointed forward to the huge hole: "Is it here? We found it?"

Right in front of them, there is a dark vortex, the black vortex is pitch black, without a trace of light inside.

It looked horrific.

Both Ye Qianxing and Su Mobai felt the dangerous aura leaking from the hole.

But Yueyin was obsessed with the eyes of the hole, and his fingertips slightly caressed the outline, as if looking at the person he loved the most: "I feel it, there is something calling me."

"It couldn't wait to let me in."

Ye Qianxing quickly grabbed Yueyin.

"Don't worry."

"Let's go together."

"Mobai, are you waiting for us outside?"

Su Mobai shook his head: "I'm still with you."

Seeing that Su Mobai insisted, Ye Qianxing couldn't refuse: "Okay, let's go."

The three of them held hands and walked into the black hole, but after a sense of weightlessness, when they opened their eyes again, the Moonlight had disappeared.

Only Su Mobai and Ye Qianxing were left lying side by side in an underground palace.

The night pearls, jade steps, jade floor tiles, embossed dragons and phoenixes that can be seen everywhere in this underground palace look majestic.

"Yin Yin?"

Ye Qianxing, Su Mobai stood up with the support of the two, and shouted twice.

But no one responded.

"Forget it, he must have been sucked away by some chance, let's go in and have a look."

"it is good."

Ye Qianxing had been guarding against any danger, but when he walked in, he found that there was no danger at all.

The underground palace was unusually empty, and there were many reliefs engraved on the wall next to it. Ye Qianxing walked over to look at it bit by bit.

It turned out that this was a space-type magic weapon of a powerful immortal cultivator.

Ye Qianxing also has one in the god-level space, but it is not as powerful as this one.

Because this space has laws, there are four seasons, there is light and darkness, and even five elements can be born.

To say it is a space is better to say it is a small world that can evolve.

But in Ye Qianxing's space, it is always as bright as day, there will be no wind or rain, let alone the change of seasons.

Although it can grow things and contain aura, it is more of a magic weapon, a dead thing, which cannot be compared with this secret realm.

Ye Qianxing only sighed in his heart, this great man is so powerful.

The first thing in the picture is when Da Neng was born, and many people worshiped him. He seems to be a very important person.

Then, as he grew up, his force became more and more powerful, and finally when he was an adult, he was crowned, as if he had become the most powerful person in that tribe.

His cultivation has steadily increased, and his journey has been smooth.

He seems to be born for cultivation.

He began to gradually feel that cultivation was as simple as eating and drinking, and it was meaningless at all.

His cultivation has ranged from refining Qi, to Mahayana, to Daluo Jinxian, and later even to breaking through to Immortal Emperor.

Step by step from the tribe to a higher position, he became the leader of all humans and immortals, and even ruled many planes.

He loves the people like a son, and through the admiration of the people in the painting, Ye Qianxing can feel that everyone admires him.

He also often maintains peace in the plane, allowing most people to live and work in peace and contentment. He is a compassionate power.

But gradually he felt bored, and the long life began to make him unhappy.

Ye Qianxing looked at the penultimate mural, which showed Da Neng sitting alone in a barren space.

He seemed to be thinking, and thinking.

And the last one is the boundless sea of ​​stars.

Ye Qianxing is a little confused, does this endless sea of ​​stars have anything to do with this power?
Ye Qianxing was fascinated by this story, she especially wanted to know where this great power went and what he did that made him feel interesting, but after searching for a long time, she couldn't find any pictures or words.

Ye Qianxing turned back helplessly, looking at the void and the endless sea of ​​stars.

I can't help but guess, is it because this powerful person thinks it's boring and doesn't want to draw anymore, so he just throws a picture here.

This is just one of his fairy mansions, but what is certain is that this kind of power is definitely not dead.

Ye Qianxing didn't know where he went.

But the other party's kindness and care for all planes still made Ye Qianxing respect this senior.

As a descendant of the fairy world, she took out a few incense candles from the space, lit them, and then worshiped.

"Junior Ye Qianxing, I have met senior, so I am bothering you, senior, please forgive me."

There was no place to put the joss stick, so Ye Qianxing could only stand respectfully with his hand in his hand, waiting for the joss stick to burn out.

But just after she stood for a while, she discovered that the smoke had drifted towards the murals, and then was absorbed by the murals.

Ye Qianxing's hands trembled.


Is this power still there?
When Ye Qianxing was thinking about what to do, he suddenly felt a huge thrust on his body, and then Su Mobai's scream came from next to his ear.


Ye Qianxing was imprisoned all over, and she couldn't refute at all, and she couldn't refute this powerful ability.

Ye Qianxing closed her eyes, she just hoped that they didn't make Da Neng unhappy.

Otherwise, there is no chance of being alive at all.

Ye Qianxing didn't know how long she had been sprinting with the wind blowing by her ears before she stopped. She opened her eyes and found herself in nothingness.

There was nothing beside him, it was empty.

Suddenly the picture in front of her changed.

She didn't know when someone sat beside her.

That man is handsome and handsome, no!

That person is like a banished fairy.

His gaze seemed to pass through all barriers and land on Ye Qianxing's body. Ye Qianxing felt that even his soul was small just by being stared at.

The person in front of him is neither beautiful nor handsome, but a god who transcends the boundaries of beauty between men and women.

He is God.

Ye Qianxing could comprehend the incomparably mysterious laws of even a strand of hair all over his body.

Ye Qianxing didn't dare to look directly at her, and didn't dare to raise her head.

She didn't even have the courage to look him in the eye.

Tiny makes people tremble.

But with a wave of the man's hand, Ye Qianxing came to him and fell on his lap.

The big palm with divine power gently stroked Ye Qianxing's hair.

Ye Qianxing heard the sound of the other party laughing in satisfaction.

"It really is my most satisfying bloodline."

"Son, you're fine."

Ye Qianxing is ignorant, does she understand that she is his blood?
What the hell?
But this kind of touch like an old father made Ye Qianxing really feel a kind of warmth in his blood.

Ye Qianxing opened his mouth, wanting to ask countless questions.

But the other party seemed to know everything about her, and explained directly.

"Thousands of planes."

"This endless star sea."

"All made by me."

When he said this, he seemed to be very satisfied with the toys he made.

He stroked Ye Qianxing's hair repeatedly.

Ye Qianxing couldn't raise his head, nor did he dare.

She just asked softly: "Then are you the way of heaven?"

Thousands of planes are created by him, what is it if it is not the way of heaven?
Ye Qianxing heard the voice of God chuckling, it was low and sweet, and he was tolerant to his child.

Obviously, no.

Even Tiandao is nothing in his eyes.

"Is it worthy to be compared with me?"

Ye Qianxing always felt that God was always uncertain, so he didn't dare to say anything.

But this god obviously didn't want to explain more.

He stopped smiling and said, "Every plane has a child that I am most satisfied with."

"Sometimes it's a person, sometimes it's a race."

"This plane, at the very beginning, didn't have one."

"None of them satisfies me."

When he said this, Ye Qianxing clearly felt the other party's uneasiness.

"I wanted to destroy it."

"A little guy actually stopped me."

It seemed interesting to think of something.

But Ye Qianxing felt that his whole body seemed to be enveloped by a wave of coercion, his bones were shattered inch by inch, and his seven orifices bleed.

She was so uncomfortable that she couldn't make a sound.

Unexpectedly, the slightest breath he leaked inadvertently was enough to kill Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing could feel the feeling of being unable to breathe in his broken throat.

(End of this chapter)

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