Chapter 458 In My Name, Melt...

The entire battleship was extremely quiet, and the scars on Ye Qianxing's body gradually disappeared, but the blood and mess couldn't be removed no matter what.

Ji Hanxiao turned over on the side and got a little closer to Ye Qianxing. The next moment Ye Qianxing turned over again and vomited.

He vomited so badly that bitter water came out.

There was nothing to vomit anymore, and I couldn't hold back my nausea.

After calming down his mood little by little, Ye Qianxing pulled a sarcastic smile from the corner of his mouth.

She was still thinking about when she would accept Ji Hanxiao and give him her whole self.

Otherwise, it would be unfair to Ji Hanxiao.

Ye Qianxing thought that she didn't like him much, so she didn't have to care.

But what?
The results of it?
It turned out that he had already been deeply involved in it, but he didn't know it.

But how true is Ji Hanxiao's love?

How fake?
Ye Xiaoxiao?
Ji Hanxiao?
it is good!
It was really good.



It is even possible that even these two points of liking are all used. She is a woman of unknown origin who crawled out of the coffin, a female corpse.

I already know my own space.

But pretended not to know.

Maybe it's fun to watch me sing a big show there by myself, but I don't know how many times I laughed at myself behind my back.

Ye Qianxing's throat was full of vomiting again and again.


It's disgusting again.

It wasn't a person just now, it was a wild beast. The scene just now was almost going to become Ye Qianxing's lifelong nightmare.

There were no tears in my eyes, but my heart was torn apart and frozen in this situation.

Ye Qianxing stood up staggeringly, she picked up the sword and walked to Ji Hanxiao's side.

He lay on the ground with a pale face, it seemed that this time really cost him a lot of mind.

Haven't woken up yet.

Ye Qianxing's eyes surged with murderous intent, she could feel the boiling blood in her body, and the endless clamor in the sea of ​​consciousness.

kill him!

Kill this filth that insults itself.

Ye Qianxing's pupils gradually turned red, and the sword in his hand swung down fiercely, facing Ji Hanxiao's neck.

Ji Hanxiao murmured slightly in his sleep, his voice scattered into the air weakly like the wind.


The tip of Ye Qianxing's sword was almost touching Ji Hanxiao's skin, but he abruptly turned around at the last moment and swung fiercely at the wall of the battleship.

In an instant, the battleship intelligence screamed.

"The battleship has been destroyed!"

"Automatically repairing..."

"Automatically repairing..."

Ye Qianxing's hands trembled, the sword fell to the ground suddenly, and her eyes were so red that she seemed to be under endless pressure, bending over and propping up her knees, panting heavily.

He just lowered his head and panted, and there was another long silence.

In the end, Ye Qianxing sat cross-legged on the spot.

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Ji Hanxiao saved himself, and he also gave him his innocence.

Two clear.

But in the future, Ye Qianxing doesn't want to have anything to do with Ji Hanxiao.

Closing his eyes, Ye Qianxing's lips moved slightly, as if he was reciting some ancient spell, some golden characters began to float in the battleship, and gradually disappeared in Ji Hanxiao's body.

Ji Hanxiao's originally peaceful sleeping face gradually frowned.

The fists beside him began to gradually clenched.

He seemed to be suffering, and he seemed to be fighting.

But more and more as the golden light poured into it.

A lot of cold sweat broke out on Ji Hanxiao's forehead.

"don't want……"

Subconsciously, Ji Hanxiao always felt that he had done something wrong, because he was in a barren area, and there was a figure in front of him in that barren area.

It is the cub.

But no matter how he shouted, the cub refused to look back at him.




"Ye Qianxing..."

Ji Hanxiao ran and ran, wanting to run to Ye Qianxing's side, running desperately without stopping for a moment.

He clearly saw that the distance was getting closer, but at a certain moment, it suddenly pulled away.

Ji Hanxiao only felt endless panic.

"Xingxing... don't go."

"You said I did something wrong, I'll change it."


"Don't go."

Ji Hanxiao humblely stretched out his hand, trying to grab that person, but the back was getting farther and farther away.

Ji Hanxiao exerted so much force that the seven orifices were bleeding, and he could only watch the figure gradually turn into a black dot.

Ji Hanxiao spat out a mouthful of blood.

This is where……

How should he find the stars.

Why did the stars ignore him?

"I hate you……"

Gujing Wubo's tone and the three words he said seemed to be brewing with enormous hatred.

Ji Hanxiao shook his head blankly, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Do not……"

"not like this……"

But the next moment, this piece of nothingness suddenly shattered, and Ji Hanxiao fell into darkness.

Ye Qianxing spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was as white as paper.

She looked at Ji Hanxiao who was bleeding from seven orifices on the ground, and squeezed a pink silk thread in her hand.

This is Ji Hanxiao's love thread.

Ye Qianxing closed his eyes, pinched the silk thread, and squeezed it hard.

In an instant, the pink thread turned into stars and disappeared into the air.

Ye Qianxing once again drew a larger formation to surround himself in it.

"In my name...melt...I..."

Ye Qianxing not only ruined Ji Hanxiao's love, but also ruined all the memories about himself.

It wasn't Ji Hanxiao who didn't have Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing,

But the entire interstellar.

All the people who knew Ye Qianxing before will not remember Ye Qianxing in the future.

Unless she gets to know each other again.

Ye Qianxing would have to pay an incomparably high price if she used this heaven-defying forbidden technique, but she did not regret it.

Ye Qianxing's figure gradually disappeared into the air.

Ji Hanxiao lay unconscious on the ground, a drop of crystal slowly slipped from the corner of his eyes, and disappeared into his hair.

His fingertips moved slightly, as if trying to hold back something, but they just passed through the air feebly, and then gradually dropped down.
Time flies, five years have passed in a blink of an eye, and it is also the day of the Centennial Summit.

Ye Qianxing has become a fifth-level student, and she will be able to graduate from school next year.

If you can successfully get a diploma.

Ye Qianxing was walking on the road of the Star Academy. Compared to five years ago, she looked even more twitchy.

Her beautiful face was as cold as ice.

She doesn't like to laugh anymore, and there are few fluctuations in her eyes.

Along the way, many people greeted her: "Hello, Senior Xing."

"Hello, Miss Xing."

"Sister Xing, are you going to the Centennial Summit?"

"Sister Xing, you must go, and you will definitely help our Federation win the championship by then."

Many of you were chattering around in front of Ye Qianxing, but most of them were girls, and the boys stood far away and dared not approach.

Although Ye Qianxing nodded politely to everyone, but when he looked carefully, his eyes were cold and desolate.

Nothing but politeness.

His face was still cold and hard, and his answer was short and sharp, with a slight nod of his head twice:
"Will go."

"I try my best."

"Senior Xing, please do your best!"

"Then let's not bother Senior Sister, goodbye Senior Sister."

Ye Qianxing nodded reservedly, then strode away.

Never smiled at all.

"Senior Star looks cold, but senior is really nice. Last time a classmate of the first-level student was rescued by senior in the proving ground."

"Senior sister is a top student, and you know that when you ask her questions, she never fails to answer."

"Yes, yes, senior sister became famous in the Jiujiao Secret Realm. I think she got some chances."

"It's just very strange, I can't remember anything before the senior sister went to the Jiujiao Secret Realm."

"Senior was still No.1 on the star list that year, but I don't have any memory of her competition."


"This is crazy."

"Forget it, anyway, everyone doesn't seem to remember Senior Xing very much before, maybe Senior Senior has been keeping a low profile before."

"Everyone doesn't know each other."


"However, the one I admire the most in the Star Academy is Miss Xing. I think she is so handsome, so A."

"It is said that Senior Xing doesn't like men. Except when she is fighting, if a man touches her for more than three seconds, she will vomit."

"Oh my god, is it true? I always thought it was a legend, but is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Didn't you see those men just now, none of them dared to step forward?"

"This is also the reason why senior sister Xing has no suitors."

"The Academy of Stars is beautiful and powerful, occupying the first place in the star list all the year round."

"This is the reason why no one chases after such a beautiful and handsome girl."

"Senior Xing also admitted in public that she said that she has a disease that she has had since she was a child and can't be cured. It's a pity."

A few girls chatting gossip suddenly blushed: "What's the pity?"

"How can those stinky men be worthy of Senior Sister Xing?"

"It's best not to like men, so don't we have a chance?"

"If I can be with Sister Xing, I will die without regret in this life."

"I can warm the bed for senior sister Xing, and I can be coquettish and cute. I don't know how many times better than those stinky men."

"Stop dreaming, I don't know how many girls have sent love letters to Senior Xing, and Senior Xing has never responded, I think she doesn't like girls either."

"What about Nannan? I feel that Nannan and Senior Xing have a sense of CP."

"Cut... Nannan, Nannan, her partner is the Sir."


"I'm sorry for our star-senpai..."

It can be said that many things have happened in the past five years. Ye Qianxing listened to the gossip behind her, and her face did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Suddenly a small white hand stretched out from the side, and the girl in front of her trembled and blushed, handed the envelope to Ye Qianxing and ran away.

The pink letter twirled twice at Ye Qianxing's fingertips, and finally disappeared into the space.

In the past few years, I have gotten used to it.

After walking a few steps, I finally arrived at my destination, the gate of a mentor.

"Knock knock..."


The voice was hoarse and gloomy. Just by hearing the voice, one could feel that this mentor must be a difficult person to get along with.

Ye Qianxing pushed the door open and went in, looking at the figure standing in front of the desk scribbling.

Thin, this is the first impression, the second impression is gloomy.

The hostility between the man's eyebrows ruined the entire appearance of his face, making people shudder.

"Si Yuan."

Si Yuan raised his head, seeing that it was Ye Qianxing, he put down the things in his hands, then pressed down, and waved his hand at the chair in front of him: "Sit."

His eye sockets were sunken, and the black parts of his pupils were unusually thick.

Ye Qianxing's face finally showed a slight fluctuation, and when facing Si Yuan, she was more or less real.

"You should go out more often."

Thinking about it, Mobai also hoped so.

Si Yuan nodded: "I know."

"When this matter is over, I'll take him to wherever he wants to go, and don't care about these nonsense anymore."

Si Yuan held a small bottle in front of his chest, where was the ashes of Su Mobai's residual limbs that he collected with great difficulty.

He wears it everywhere.

He wants to avenge his children, and after he has avenged, he will never care about anything in this world again.

Just stay with you, okay?Mobai?

Pain and hatred flashed across Si Yuan.

Ye Qianxing also couldn't help thinking that five years ago, after she escaped, the first thing she did was to come back and retrieve some of Su Mobai's minced meat and ashes.

Then come back to rescue Si Yuan.

Of course Si Yuan didn't remember herself, Ye Qianxing said that she met Su Mobai in the secret realm, and Su Mobai saved her life in the secret realm, so she agreed to save Si Yuan.

I still remember when Si Yuan knew that Su Mobai had passed away.

The whole person is almost insane.

The whole person was insane, unable to believe this fact.

It even directly hit the Chi family, destroying a branch of the Chi family.

Of course, although Si Yuan was not executed by the alliance, he was still punished.

After Si Yuan returned rationally, the two of Ye Qianxing and the others reached an agreement. The five-year explosion accident was the work of the Chi family and the Zerg.

Ye Qianxing also suffered irreversible damage, and the two hit it off immediately, and they were ready to conspire.

Si Yuan helped Ye Qianxing resolve her master-student relationship with Ji Hanxiao.

The kind that doesn't leave a message quietly.

Ye Qianxing erased everyone's memories, but he couldn't erase the light brain.

Her apprentice status was transferred to Si Yuan's name.

Completely broke away from Ji Hanxiao.

Back in the dormitory, I met Nannan and Qin Jue again. Of course, Qin Jue didn't know about the agreement, but he didn't know that he was in good health.

Ye Qianxing pretended to treat her again, and agreed to continue.

In the past five years, Ye Qianxing himself has devoted himself to cultivating in school, and he has not missed a bit of what he should learn, the contribution points he should earn, and star coins.


In the past few years, I have entered the secret realm several times and passed several competitions.

It is completely famous in the interstellar world.

Even foreigners know that a new genius has appeared in human beings, the second God of War Ji Hanxiao.

Once in the secret realm, a pair of twenty king worms won without losing the wind.

As for Ji Hanxiao.

Ye Qianxing lowered his eyebrows. Starnet News had reported that Ji Hanxiao, God of War, had been seriously ill for a while.

The situation seemed to be very bad, and he almost couldn't be rescued several times.

Naturally, he never went back to Star Academy.

He never ran into Ye Qianxing again.

In the past few years, he has wandered in various battlefields and the front lines of the Zerg war, and he is more brave than before.

Even if Ye Qianxing didn't pay attention, he could still see the news. It was nothing more than how many Zergs were killed today, and how many Zerg strongholds were killed tomorrow.

It was also more violent and bloody than before.

 Time is speeding up, give Sister Xing some time to be alone, Brother Hu is going to disappear for a while~~
  There will be a chasing wife crematorium.

  When the chase is over, it will be sweet~~hee hee.

  It seems to be okay, not cruel.

  Haha, of course it’s because we haven’t met yet, hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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