Chapter 460 Who Are You...

Ji Hanxiao looked at Bai Shuang, as if saying, I don't care, if you have the ability, you can take it away.

Bai Shuang choked instantly!

Immediately slapped the table: "Ji Hanxiao! What do you mean?"

"You are only allowed to be late, and I am not allowed to say a word?"

"Just say quit, do you really think the Federation can't do without you?"

"You don't want to turn around without humans?"

Ji Hanxiao propped his chin, and looked at Bai Shuang with sadness: "You should be glad that you are projected here, otherwise, you would have been completely cold."

"Can the Federation do without me? The Centennial Summit is coming soon, and you will know soon."

"I don't know if I can turn around without human beings, but I am sure that I will turn around without you."


There was a sneer on Ji Hanxiao's lips, that contemptuous attitude made Bai Shuang furious!

But the Holy Lord has already stepped forward to mediate.

"Okay! Baishuang!"

"Master Ji Lian is busy with the battlefield. It's not like you don't know that the Zerg are becoming more and more arrogant at this stage."

"Master Ji Lian is extremely busy on the battlefield, so it's okay if he arrives a little later."

The people around him pulled Bai Shuang to sit down.

They all started to be peacemakers: "It's alright, alright."

"Bai Shuang, sit down, it's nothing serious."

"Master Ji Lian is probably too busy, that's why he was late. We still have work to do today."

Bai Shuang gritted her teeth and sat down, made!

As one of the joint masters.

Which one is not busy?

Ji Hanxiao is the only one busy?

Bai Shuang took a deep breath, lowered her head, and covered up the gloom in her eyes.

Ji Hanxiao! !

Ji Hanxiao!
Kill him sooner or later!

It's enough to be domineering for so many years.

"Actually, everyone already knows what is going to be discussed. Gene collapse disease can really be cured, and Qin Jue is already cured."

As the Holy Lord said, he cast his eyes on Qingzhou: "Qingzhou, Qin Jue is supposed to be your first secretary, don't you know that he recovered from his genetic collapse disease?"

Qing Zhou's eyes flickered twice.

"Qin Jue had some mental problems before, and you all know that."

"Half a year ago, he resigned."

"Naturally, he doesn't need to report to me any more."

Qingzhou explained a few sentences casually.

But this kind of excuse, how many people present did not know if they believed it. After all, where did so many coincidences come from? Qin Jue just happened to resign when he came into contact with such a big secret.

Moreover, as the first secretary, most of them are confidantes of the co-leader's subordinates, and they can only die sideways, and there is no way to resign.

But these cannot be put on the table, so everyone has no way to refute Qingzhou.

"Whether Qingzhou knows or not is not a big problem."

"What we are going to discuss now is that we must ask about the method of treating gene collapse disease. After all, this is a major event that benefits mankind."

"But now that the citizens of the Federation already know the matter, we can only adopt a soft policy. It is best for Ye Qianxing to offer the treatment plan on his own initiative."

"What if she doesn't want to?" Someone asked the question.

"I don't want to? Does she have the right to say no? Such a big thing, how many human beings can be benefited, what does she want to do with it?"

"I also agree. After all, this matter is not a trivial matter. She has no right to say no."

"This treatment must be obtained."

"Prison her when necessary and use scientific research methods. If not, just hand her over to the laboratory."

"I think this is a great thing. If she has a request, she can bring it up to the federation. Whatever can be satisfied will be satisfied. If she is sensible, she will not be unwilling."

Everyone expresses their own opinions, and everyone has different opinions.

Ji Hanxiao retorted: "She hasn't responded up to now, isn't that representative of her attitude? She just doesn't want to."

"What can you do? Take it by force?"

"Or with your life?"

"She is still a super genius of human beings now. Geniuses are nothing more than arrogant and arrogant. You can force it. If you force it seriously, wait for treason?"

"Directly kill the fish and break the net?"

"Or what has become of the Federation when these deeds spread to the eyes of ordinary people? Is it a righteous soldier, or a bandit who occupies the mountain as king?"

"Today is the cure for genetic collapse disease, what about tomorrow? If there is anything the Federation is interested in, can it be snatched by just reaching out?"

"Are you a coalition leader for the country and the people, or are you a bandit leader?"

Ji Hanxiao's speech is always like this, always hitting the center directly, making people overwhelmed.

"Then according to Ji Lianzhu's opinion, what should we do?"

"I can only understand her with affection, move her with reason, and give enough compensation to satisfy her wish."

"Let her take it out willingly."



"And I think we can make the negotiations public." Several coalition leaders offered their opinions.

"We can negotiate live with Ms. Ye in front of everyone in StarCraft."

"In this case, there are several advantages."

"First, in front of all interstellar humans, if she has too much request and we can't meet it, then we can also refute it."

"Secondly, if the negotiation is successful, it can also establish the prestige of the Federation and let everyone know that our Federation is really doing practical things for the country and the people."

"Thirdly, if the result is a win-win situation in the end, if she has indeed handed over the treatment method to our Federation, then she will be less dangerous in the future."


Everyone, you can complete all these in one word and one word.

Finally confirmed the plan.

"Then let's do this, live broadcast negotiations for all mankind."

"However, the negotiator still has to be selected. The negotiator must pay attention to his attitude. This is also a rare genius of our human beings. In the future, there may be a fierce general like our Master Jilian."

"You must never lose your heart with the Federation."

"At that time, we will see what request she makes. If she cannot agree, we will discuss it in time."

"If she is sensible, she will not make unreasonable demands. This is a win-win situation."

Ji Hanxiao also nodded: "I checked this girl, she has a very good reputation, and there are also a large number of fans and juniors in the Star Academy who support her."

"In addition to the high force value, she has a good character. She should understand her situation. If she doesn't hand over this thing, she will be very dangerous at that time."

"It's a natural win-win, and smart people know how to choose."

"It's best for us to send a co-leader here, who can be the master and make everyone feel valued."




"I recommend the Lord Qingzhou. After all, his relationship with Qin Jue is not ordinary. If Ye Qianxing and Qin Jue get along well, they will naturally feel more close."

"I also recommend the Master of the Blue Boat."

"I recommend Lord Baishuang, he used to be from the ancient country."

"The Lord Baishuang seconded the proposal."

Seeing that the discussion was almost over, and there was only the final epilogue, Ji Hanxiao himself didn't plan to go, so he got up directly: "You guys continue to communicate, I am busy on the front line, so I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, before everyone could react, the figure gradually disappeared.

Except that Bai Shuang's face was distorted for a moment, everyone was used to it.

"Speaking of wars, in recent years, genetic collapses have occurred frequently, countless strong human beings have fallen, and new blood cannot be replenished."

"And my current human newborn aptitude is not as good as one generation after another."

"The percentage of newborns with A+ qualifications in the past three years has dropped by 8% compared with three years ago, and dropped by 10% compared with ten years ago."

"The number of newborns who can conceive naturally is decreasing year by year."

"These most intuitive things lead to our gradual decline in the war against the Zerg."

"Ji Lianzhu has fought more and more difficult battles in recent years."

In short, the position of human overlord is unstable.

The Holy Master also understood this situation. He looked at the co-leader in a white coat and said, "Youkong, genetic research has always been the top priority of our human beings."

"Humans should not lose their ability to reproduce."

"Our ancestors have never had such a situation. Every year, a large sum of money is allocated to your research laboratory. I hope it will be useful."

"Besides, the genetic qualifications and birth rate of our human newborns have not been resolved. I think you should reflect on it."

The co-leader named You Kong pushed his glasses.

"Yes, Holy Master, we will speed up the research as soon as possible."

"Hopefully, the treatment of this gene collapse disease can also enlighten us."

"hope so."

Everyone is very worried about the situation of human beings.

The decline in the birth rate and the decline in qualifications are the top priorities.

The number of Zerg is huge, and their reproduction is endless, so humans never rely on crowd tactics to fight against them, but elite tactics.

The number of elites in human beings has begun to decrease, and it has gradually emerged in the past few years. The most direct result is that the battles for human beings are becoming more and more difficult.

Speaking of these things, everyone was very worried, and discussed for a long time in the conference room.

And here Ji Hanxiao quit the Star Network, and saw Shangguan Qian standing in front of him, obviously he had something to report.


"Doctor Zhang has arrived."

"His psychotherapy is very useful. Would you like to try it?"

Ji Hanxiao waved his hand impatiently: "Go down."

Shangguan Qian closed his mouth helplessly and walked out.

Ji Hanxiao looked at the starry sky above the battleship, and slowly lay on the bed, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

He's sick, he can't sleep.

Since he was injured five years ago, he has found that he can no longer fall asleep, and even if he sleeps, he will wake up quickly.

Nightmare every time.

And his heart was always empty.

Fingers slid across the air, trying to grab something, but they slid down weakly, Ji Hanxiao felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

He seems to have lost something.

He couldn't find it.

Holding things is important to him.

But he couldn't find it, he couldn't even think about it.

Every time Ji Hanxiao has this feeling in his heart, his eyes are always sore.

There is a feeling of wanting to cry.

As the night gradually deepened, Ji Hanxiao blinked his dry eyes, and forced himself to close them as usual.

This time it was a rare dream again.

Dreams are the same as ever.

A piece of barrenness.

He was at a loss and chased after a shadow with no face in front of him.

The shadow was always far away from him, but he persisted in chasing it. For five years, he had never caught up with the shadow.

Ji Hanxiao thought tonight was no exception.

never thought...

He actually caught up, and the moment he grabbed the corner of the opponent's clothes, Ji Hanxiao felt that he almost cried with joy.

With trembling hands, he wanted to turn her around and see what her face looked like.

Who is the baby I have been missing for so many years?

"Ji Hanxiao..."

It was an unfamiliar voice that he had obviously never heard before.

But the sense of familiarity from the soul made his aching heart tremble.

"I hate you……"

"I hope to live forever with you and never meet again."

Ji Hanxiao sat up from the bed abruptly, his eyes aching from the pain in his heart turned black.


But as always, nothing but air was caught.

"No..." Ji Hanxiao's eyes were red, and he grabbed his chest tightly.

"You can't hate me..."

"Don't hate me..."

"I want to see you……"

Regret poured out of his chest, as well as his loathing for himself, as well as the pain, making Ji Hanxiao's emotions almost explode.

He was really in pain.

Tears fell hard on the ground. He had dreamed this dream for five years, and he chased it for five years. As of today, he only got this sentence.

"who are you……"

Ji Hanxiao calmed down for a long time.

It was still a long time before dawn, but he didn't feel sleepy anymore.

Ji Hanxiao had no choice but to turn on the optical brain, saw the news about the gene collapse disease that was hotly searched, and clicked in.

In fact, Ji Hanxiao hasn't watched this video yet, he is too busy fighting the war.

Before the joint main meeting started, I just listened to the subordinates' report on this matter and learned about the process.

He really needs something to divert his attention now, so Ji Hanxiao clicked on this video.

The moment the picture started, Ji Hanxiao saw the figure from the back.

His breathing stopped.

Fingertips began to tremble a little bit, this back...

He has been chasing after him for five years...

Exactly the same, Ji Hanxiao was so excited that he almost spit out blood.

Sit upright, look carefully, and the moment you see the girl turn her face back...

A smear of blood spilled from Ji Hanxiao's lips in an instant, but he was not willing to look away, even for a second.

He felt the familiarity from the soul, and he felt that face, which seemed to be engraved in his heart.

Even though he didn't remember anything, he still felt pain in his heart.

Five years of emptiness, anxiety, and panic seemed to be satisfied at this moment.

His baby is back, that feeling, the red eye sockets, and the water mist are gradually filling up.

Gently touch the projection with your fingertips.


"found it……"

"I found you……"

Ji Hanxiao watched the video from beginning to end, over and over again until dawn.

He didn't know what the video was about, and he was chasing that figure with all his attention.

Little by little, he calmed down the uneasiness in his heart.

It's been a night, his eyes are sore and swollen, and he doesn't want to close them even for a second.

He was afraid that if he closed his eyes and opened them again, all this would be a dream again.

After waking up, he still couldn't find the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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