Chapter 462 Three Conditions
Ye Qianxing sat up straight, looked at Bai Shuang and the others, and waited for the other party to speak first.

Since it is a negotiation, Ye Qianxing's own things are not so easy for others to take away, and Ye Qianxing does not intend to give them away for free. This is a good thing for the benefit of mankind, but it does not mean that she will suffer.

And as the live broadcast started, many people came in to watch the news from the official announcement.

After all, this is a major event that is closely related to everyone.

The number of viewers of the live broadcast went from a few million, to tens of millions, to over [-] million, and finally to billions, and it continued to soar.

[I finally squeezed in. I couldn't get in before, and I don't know if my optical brain is broken. 】

[Upstairs, your optical brain is not broken, it is the terminal of the star network, something is wrong. 】

[Too many people have gone online for a while, and they are all crowded in this live broadcast. There is a problem with the Star Network. The Star Network official has released the news just now. 】

[Understood, the number of viewers of this live broadcast has reached 100 billion, wow!ox! 】

[No wonder this happened. Apart from us humans paying attention to this negotiation, some other races may also come to see it. After all, if this problem of our humans can be solved, then our human strength will definitely go up to a higher level in the future. . 】

[The Federation Negotiations sent the Baishuang Liaison Master, and a Liaison Master was sent. It feels so important. The Goddess should tell me the treatment method? 】

[I think you all should know what negotiation means, that is, you make an offer and I counter-offer. 】

[The goddess sat down to negotiate, and it should be brought out. 】

[The goddess is really amazing, she gave us hope for all mankind, if this matter can be resolved, we don't have to worry about it in the future, we will suffer from genetic collapse disease. 】

[You two licking dogs is really disgusting, what kind of goddess, if you are really a goddess, you should release this treatment method to the public for free. 】

[She is not as selfless as you said, she is just waiting for the lion to open her mouth. 】

[To put it bluntly, it's just being a whore and standing up again, and letting you hold your stinky feet one by one. 】

[It's disgusting. 】

[Yes, if this kind of thing that benefits all mankind needs to be negotiated, it should be handed over directly. This is for the benefit of all mankind. 】

【right!Hand it over! 】

[Fuck! !It's already the first year of Interstellar, upstairs, do you want me to remind you that the ancestors of the ancient earth have all perished. 】

[Interstellar 18-year compulsory education, why are you a fish that slipped through the net? 】

[I think you are the disgusting mother who opened the door for nausea, and the nausea is at home. 】

【I'm going to buy an orange, you stand here and don't move until I come back. 】

[I'll take two of the ones from upstairs, and give them the rest. 】

[Eat two more?Soak the orange peel in some water and drink it! 】

【Xiu Er, is that you? 】

[Actually, what you said is right. Things that benefit all mankind have already been done by all mankind. The goddess dedicated the treatment of gene collapse disease. I will not embarrass you for people like you who have not developed their cerebellum well. For making such a big contribution, You start with working without money. 】

[Yes, don't get paid, and benefit the society first. 】

[It’s better to commit suicide, big brothers, after all, without you, it will benefit mankind. 】

[Yes, without you, the interstellar air is two points fresher, brothers, please donate and see. 】

Those weird remarks were quickly stunned by people who dared not speak out.

[To be honest, it’s not irony. You people are really out of your minds. What’s wrong with exchanging your own property rights for some money?Everything is given to the Federation for nothing, and everything is given to them for nothing, so what do those pharmaceutical companies eat and drink, and where do those research funds come from. 】

[Nutritional solution is the most beneficial thing for all mankind. I haven't seen anyone who dares to tell Chi's family that you contribute it. Don't make it up again. These people are just picky persimmons. Why do you think our sister Xing is easy to bully? drop. 】

【Ah! !Lick the dog! 】

【Pooh! 】

【Pretentious! 】

Most people still have a relatively positive outlook on things. This thing can be regarded as Ye Qianxing's private property. If she doesn't show it, no one can do anything to her.

Even everyone has to support her. If she pays a sky-high price to treat a person, then everyone has to hold their noses and admit it, so what can they do with her.

kill her?
The loss is still human beings.

But now that Ye Qianxing is sitting here, it means that she is willing to hand it over, but there are some conditions.

So what else to say, it's already good.

Ye Qianxing didn't know about the upside-down noise online, of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Can those curses make her lose a piece of meat?If you can't, just say nothing.

She looked at Bai Shuang on the opposite side quietly, and as expected, the other party spoke first, but there was no smile on his face the whole time, and he spoke with arrogance, as if his words to Ye Qianxing were a kind of reward.

"Miss Ye, you can treat gene collapse disease, right?"

However, Bai Shuang really thought so in her heart. With Ye Qianxing's identity, being able to see herself is the eighth generation of ancestors burning incense.

But Ye Qianxing is not used to anyone, others look down on you, why do you speak nicely to him: "I thought this is something that all human beings know."

Bai Shuang didn't expect Ye Qianxing to speak so impolitely to him, and the expression on his face was a little unnatural.

"Miss Ye, please don't be so sharp, we don't have any malicious intentions, just want to talk to you, you are a citizen of our federation, you have the right to refuse at any time, we will not do anything to you of."

"That is, of course I can live well before I refuse, but after I refuse, it may not be certain."

Bai Shuang laughed even more awkwardly.

Looking at Ye Qianxing, there was also some unkindness in his eyes.

It seemed to be dislike for Ye Qianxing's reluctance.

But Bai Shuang couldn't say that he could guarantee that Ye Qianxing would still be alive after refusing, even if he didn't do anything, and the Federation didn't do anything, there would still be some others who would take the risk.

So he really can't guarantee it.

But after all, it is the joint master of human beings, and Bai Shuang still has the ability to adapt to changes.

"Miss Ye is worrying too much. The Federation takes the responsibility of the people. No matter whether you agree or refuse, we will not harm you."

"That's what other people do, you can't control it?"

Ye Qianxing caught on to his speech impediment.

Bai Shuang's eyes became gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he looked at Ye Qianxing with warning eyes, telling her to stop in moderation and not go too far.

Even the coercion oozes from her body, trying to make her more sensible.

But Ye Qianxing was not affected.

She laughed, and directly pierced Bai Shuang: "The leader's attitude, even my little girl's self-willedness, can't bear it. It's to the point where I have to use coercion to force it. It's really hard for me to believe that the Federation reputation."

"It's also hard for me to believe that the Federation came to negotiate with me in good faith."

Bai Shuang didn't have a good temper, so being provoked one after another, he was so angry that he wished he could crush Ye Qianxing to death on the spot.

The coercion on his body increased by two points, Ye Qianxing suddenly bent down and lay down on the table, as if he felt pain because of it.

Two cents of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

In fact, the dark light in the eyes flashed away.

Ye Qianxing gritted his teeth and looked unusually annoyed.

"Does your federation want to bully others? Lianzhu Bai is so powerful, I can't afford to offend him. I'm just a helpless little person, and the Lianzhu doesn't have to treat me well."

"I just treat this negotiation as if it never happened, and I won't hand it over even if I die."

Ye Qianxing seemed to be annoyed, and said nothing.

The pop-up screen of the live broadcast frantically moved.

[I think the goddess is targeting Baishuang's joint master. 】

[As soon as Lianzhu Baishuang entered the door, he looked arrogant and arrogant. To be honest, I felt a little uncomfortable watching it. 】

[Since it's a negotiation, it should be happy and equal. To be honest, I, an ordinary person, feel uncomfortable with such a charitable appearance. Not to mention that the goddess is a genius, she is also arrogant. 】

[My good impression of Lord Baishuang stops here. 】

[Why did such a person come out from the Federation? Is it because they don’t want a cure at all? 】

[Sister Xing has strength in her own right, she doesn't need to look at anyone's face, why does Bai Shuang act as if it's your honor to talk to you. 】

[Also use coercion! ! 】

[Sick or not? 】

[Bullying the weak in front of humans?What does the Federation want to do?Are you trying to force Sister Xing? 】

[What a big deal, Ye Qianxing is making too much of a fuss, right?I don't think there is anything wrong with Bai Shuang's co-leader's words. With his status, he really doesn't need to speak nicely to Ye Qianxing. 】

[What is the status of the joint master, she should cherish it if she can talk to her. 】

【Do you want to be so glass-hearted? This is how the Lianzhu usually speaks. 】

[What's wrong with a genius? If a genius grows up, he is called a strong person. If he can't grow up, he will die young. You should suppress her temper. It's so ridiculous. Could it be that the co-owner should kneel down and talk to her? What a face ah. 】

【Fuck! 】

【Is your toothpaste made of shit?Spray dung all over your mouth, shut up if you can't speak! 】

【roll! 】

[But no matter what, it is wrong for him to use coercion against a citizen casually. A genius dies on the battlefield is a worthy death. If he is killed by a human alliance leader, I think it is a pity. 】

【Seconded! 】

[I don't care what the status of the co-owner is, and I don't care if Sister Xing is a genius or not. I only know that cooperation is a win-win situation, and negotiation is fun. If I were in the company to discuss business with partners like this, then I would have been beaten to death by the boss long ago . 】

[Hahaha, absolutely! 】

【Hahaha! 】

Bai Shuang's subordinates winked at Bai Shuang, indicating that this is still in the live broadcast, and enough is enough.

However, Bai Shuang made up her mind to give Ye Qianxing some color. Not only did she not take back her coercion, but she increased it by two points. Bai Shuang felt that Ye Qianxing's arrogance was because everyone praised her too much. .

Second, he still has some personal matters to ascertain.

But the next moment the door was knocked open, Qing Zhou brought another group of people to Bai Shuang, and waved the barrier to protect Ye Qianxing.

"The Holy Lord recalls."

"Bai Lianzhu, please..." Qing Zhou gestured towards the door.

Bai Shuang's complexion became difficult to see to a certain extent.

What does this mean, the mission that originally belonged to him, now half done, send Qing Zhou to slap him in the face?
"What do you mean?"

Qingzhou directly pressed Bai Shuang's arm, close to his ear, and temporarily blocked the recording of the camera: "Holy Master is angry, you know what you did wrong, and now all human beings are watching your jokes, and the comments are one-sided .”

"Are you sure you're still obsessed with it?"

"If you keep arguing and you can't finish this matter, do you know how much infamy you will bear?"

Qing Zhou's words were very plain, but the threats mixed in made Bai Shuang's face turn cold.

He gave Ye Qianxing a cold look, and finally left the scene aggressively.

Actually he...

I've already figured out what I want.

The coercion disappeared, and Qingzhou walked up to Ye Qianxing, straightened him from his seat, and patted his shoulder twice, with a sense of comfort.

"I'm really sorry, Lianzhu Bai's temper is not very good. On behalf of the Federation, I would like to apologize to Miss Ye for the grievance she suffered just now."

"But Miss Ye, please believe that we really came here with all sincerity. After all, this is a good thing for the benefit of all mankind. Miss Ye is a young genius. I believe that if you don't want to announce this treatment method on If there were so many people, you wouldn't be sitting here."

"On behalf of everyone, I would like to thank Miss Ye for her understanding and righteousness."

"Your research results and your decision-making will be of great help to all of us. Thank you very much."

[Finally sent someone who can speak. 】

[Compared to what the leader of the Qingzhou Alliance said, that person just now was farting. 】

【agree! 】

[This is a good start for cooperation. The treatment method can’t be understood by just talking about it. In the future, Sister Xing will definitely guide the people of the Federation, so get along with each other in harmony. Hello, everyone. 】

Sure enough, after accepting the apology, the unpredictability on Ye Qianxing's face gradually faded away.

"The leader of the Qingzhou alliance is generous at first glance, serving the country and the people, unlike some people who are petty and terribly fierce. I deeply doubt whether he can lead the development of mankind better as the leader of the alliance."

Qingzhou smiled and did not answer this topic.

"Then it seems that Ms. Ye also agrees with what I said, why don't we be more direct and open the skylight to speak clearly."

"After all, I believe Miss Ye's time is also very precious."

"The treatment method for genetic collapse disease, in the hands of the Federation, will definitely have the greatest effect, but you have researched it, and you enjoy the full copyright of this knowledge."

"As long as you can authorize the federation, if you have any requirements and conditions, you can mention them."

The expression on Ye Qianxing's face became more and more relaxed as Qingzhou spoke.

"Actually, just sitting here already represents my position. If I didn't want you to know, then I wouldn't have met you in the first place."

"My request is also very simple."

"I will not use this to blackmail the Federation."

"I only have three conditions."

 【I'm going to buy an orange, you stand here and don't move until I come back. 】

  [I'll take two of the ones from upstairs, and give them the rest. 】

  [Eat two more?Soak the orange peel in some water and drink it! 】

  These three sentences are cursing, the first sentence is what the father said to his son

  The second sentence is what the grandfather said to the grandson.

  The third sentence is what the grandfather said to the great-grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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