Chapter 468 Human, Worry
The action just now was so fast that Ye Qianxing didn't realize what was going on.

"Have you seen what's going on?"

Ye Qianxing shook his head.

"I didn't see clearly."

Many people stood up, but they didn't see clearly what happened just now.

But the referee has already decided.

"In the first match, ShadowClan wins."

None of the strong human beings at the top made a sound, which means that the Shadow Clan did win the battle with normal fighting methods.

Now it's tricky.

Ye Qianxing and San Fu looked at each other, and they couldn't even see clearly. If they really match up later, it's not just a second.

How to prevent it?

The two found Xiao Yuan, who was on a stretcher, healing his injuries, surrounded by many classmates.

"What happened just now?"

Xiao Yuan couldn't understand, his face was pale and he was sorry: "I don't know."

"I was fighting against him, but suddenly, at the moment in front of me, it seemed that two opponents appeared."

"They gave me twice as much attack and I just fell straight down."

"I'm sorry, Teacher."

Xiao Yuan felt sorry and ashamed, because the first human race failed.

This must have greatly affected the morale in the future.

"It's okay." The teacher reassured him.

"Don't be discouraged, you've done a great job too."

This is a competition for the youth group, and they are all underage children.

"Xiao Yuan, it's okay, don't be afraid, there will be us later."

"still have a chance."

"Hmm! Come on!"

A group of children cheered each other on, and Ye Qianxing's realization fell back to the stage. The second competition on the stage was between the Zerg and the Star Dragon of the Alien Alliance.

The Zerg faction is the Zerg Dragon.

A black ugly and ferocious one is a worm dragon.

One is blue-purple, and its body and dragon horns contain the mysteries of the starry sky, making it look domineering and fierce.


The sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the world, and the two behemoths began to collide with each other in the most primitive way.

Compare strength, compare speed.

The two dragon bodies writhed endlessly in mid-air.

Even the clouds were shaken and shattered into pieces, condensing out of shape in the sky.

But soon Ye Qianxing could see that the black insect dragon still had the upper hand, and the scales on the blue-purple star dragon were lifted off by the black claws.

Leaking red flesh.

Drops of blood were also sprinkled all over the venue.

The battle has also obviously entered the stage of incandescence.

Many people below watched with trepidation, as if they were the ones competing on stage.

With the black dragon's claw, it directly penetrated Xinglong's brain.

Killers can be killed in this arena.

In the game, no one will hold back.

Zerg wins.

The faces of the Star Dragon Clan were ugly. They had lost a young genius.

The atmosphere on the battlefield became more and more dignified, and the battle atmosphere soared.

Everyone also understands that this is a arena of life and death.

The death this time seemed to have triggered some switch, and the ensuing match became more and more brutal.

The competition of the youth group ended in one day, and the alien league ranked first with 3 points.

Humans kept second and scored 2 points.

In the end, the Zerg had a bye in the lottery and only got one point.

So humans are lucky this time. If the Zerg continue to fight, this second may be theirs, and it may even be the first.

The first day of the war came to an end. Two Zergs died, two aliens died, and one human died and one was seriously injured.

No one has a good face, even the victorious alien alliance.

The Zerg's face is the ugliest.

That night, Ye Qianxing calmed himself down and meditated on the bed all night.

It was her turn to leave the station, but it turned out that the order was changed.

It is said that a secret realm has appeared outside the territory, and these strong men need to fight for the secret realm in the past.

So postpone the youth team match for one day.

Let's start with the strong team today.

To save time, more simultaneously than.

The arena couldn't bear the coercion and fighting of these people at all. They all chose the location by themselves. It was in a wide place outside the territory, and there was a live broadcast of electronic equipment here.

Everyone watched nervously.

The four human beings are the dean of the Star Academy, the head of the First Legion, and the demon dragon Shuangsha, who are scattered outside the territory.

There are four people in total.

Ye Qianxing stared at them fighting intently. Compared with the fights of these strong men, the fights of those children yesterday were like playing house.

The magic weapon of the head of the Star Academy turned out to be chess.

His force value is obviously high, every time he makes a chess move, he firmly suppresses the opponent, not giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

The huge chessboard lingers on the battlefield, leaving the opponent with no chance to hide, killing them every step of the way.

The head of the First Legion is a strong mecha. He uses thermal weapons and his own mecha to attack directly. Every blow he hits is a direct hit, without any pretentiousness.

This is the most efficient killing technology honed in years of combat effectiveness, and the ultra-fast response to any unexpected situation.

This is a life and death killing.

And the other two outsiders are also extremely fierce.

Their methods are more suitable for surviving outside the territory. Their attacks are mysterious, weird and unusual, making people unable to figure out their tricks, and they are always in a hurry to deal with.

They obviously have their own set of rules, among them.

Although a little difficult, but also won.

The strong match lasted for three days.

With an overwhelming advantage, humans scored three points, the Zerg scored two points, and the aliens scored one point.

Now the current situation is that humans have a total of 5 points, Zerg 3 points, and aliens 4 points.

This is a chance for everyone to win in the strong contest, and in the battle, the head of the star academy directly killed a strong Zerg with the arrogance of the Zerg.

At the end of the strongman match, the atmosphere of gunpowder in the entire arena was almost solidified, and the polite smiles on everyone's faces disappeared.

They didn't even bother to talk to each other, so they just left the scene, but when the Zerg left, they spoke harshly to humans.

"You guys are amazing."

"I just don't know how long this power will last."

Humans dare not show weakness: "You don't need to worry about this, as long as you are better than you now."

The high-level has always had an idea.

They have already made a decision, and now there are only youth competitions and peak finals left.

The ending is basically predictable now.

In the peak finals, Ye Qianxing felt that humans had little chance of winning.

So the three-pointer is hardly considered, it is insignificant.

In the youth competition, they have three situations, the first 3 points.

Then they can get 8 points.

Second, 2 points, that is 7 points.

1 point for the third, then they only have 6 points.

If the Zerg ranks first, second or third in the youth competition, they can get 6 points, 5 points, or 4 points.

Interracial, 7 points, 6 points, 5 points.

If the Zerg wins the final battle again, its score will become 9 points, 8 points, or 7 points.

Foreign race, 10 points, 9 points, and 8 points are three possibilities.

As for humans, if they don't win the final match, they will get 8 points, 7 points, or 6 points.

So Ye Qianxing had to plan for the worst, they had to win this round, and they humans had to get 8 points.

Even if the Zerg and the alien race won the peak decisive battle, the Zerg only had 8 points and 7 points left, and they couldn't surpass humans.

Interracial, 9 points, 8 points.

But adhering to the condition that alien races can win, and Zerg races must not win.

Even the mentor gave them orders.

Tomorrow, in the final, we must ensure that humans can score 3 points.

Three points are required for death, because, with 2 points and 1 point, humans can basically be out.

This attitude made Ye Qianxing understand that the chances of winning the decisive battle at the peak of mankind are really slim.

The situation became more and more complicated, and many people began to sweat. It can be said that the next battle is the most critical one.

Ye Qianxing's three axes, and two other seniors, the four of them stretched out their fists and confronted each other.

"come on!"

"come on!"

"I'd rather die than win!"

"I'd rather die than win!"

The four let go and took their own things and went to the ring.

Ye Qianxing walked up to the stage step by step, holding the long sword in his hand.

She won't give her opponent a chance.

In this battle, there is no retreat.

Ye Qianxing's opponent in the first round turned out to be a foreign race.

And this person is an acquaintance.

It turned out to be a little leopard.

It was the little leopard who sold them the auction invitation.

The other party was still as innocent and pure as before, but Ye Qianxing did not dare to take it lightly, if the other party was really such a harmless appearance, he definitely would not have been selected here.

"Sister, we meet again. I didn't expect that we would fight."

"Sister, be gentle with her later, if she hurts her later, she will cry."

The little guy said a few words, but Ye Qianxing shot directly.

A sword swept across, and the opponent easily dodged.

Agility is high.

And quickly rushed towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing slashed horizontally again, blocked the attack, his tiger's mouth went numb.

With a serious face, she said, this little guy will not be so harmless, as expected.

"Woooo, my sister doesn't feel sorry for others at all, so hard."

Ye Qianxing treated it as if she hadn't heard it, and was not moved by these words at all.

The two gradually confronted each other on the right track, and each blow from the young man became more vicious than the other.

Ye Qianxing didn't speak, and the leopard boy's words gradually decreased.

"My sister has no sentimentality at all, and she doesn't even say anything."

"You said soft words a lot, but you also used hard moves."

"If you fight, you will fight. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law look like girls."

"Or, do you just like being a bitch?"

Ye Qianxing has never lost to anyone.

"Besides, my mother only gave birth to me, so you don't want to try to grab your relatives, or do you want to change your parents?"

"It's not good to recognize your ancestors indiscriminately."

The other party only disturbed Ye Qianxing's mind, but Ye Qianxing directly damaged the other party inside and out.

Immediately, the little leopard's face became ugly.

"Heh." His tone was quite cold.

"You don't want to know whether that night was a coincidence, or did I have some purpose?"

"You don't want to know my purpose?"

Ye Qianxing didn't speak.

"I was looking for you that day, but it's a pity that you were too alert and ran away. If you walk a few steps forward, you will fall into my trap."

"What a pity."

"Sister, don't you want to know what I prepared for you?"

"Get ready, it's something every girl can enjoy to the extreme."

The sound of a sword piercing flesh.

Ye Qianxing pulled out the sword that pierced the opponent's shoulder without hesitation.

"If I were you, I'd put the effort of talking about it into fighting."

"Or, in fact, you are the traitor we humans put in the alien alliance, and you are here to give me points today?"

Little Leopard approached Ye Qianxing: "Yes, sister, don't you want to get points?"

"I just gave points to my sister, and I want to put my sister on the bed..."

The young man's words gradually became obscene, but the movements of his hands seemed to be a little slow due to lack of physical strength.

Ye Qianxing was molested, and his anger rose immediately.

"court death!"

The sword in his hand danced wildly, and within a few strokes, the boy was beaten into a sieve.

Holding the sword, Ye Qianxing always had a bad premonition in his heart.

She felt that this victory seemed too easy.

And the most important thing is that she has already killed the boy, but the referee has not yet awarded her the victory.

Seeing the young man bleeding all over the ground, Ye Qianxing was vigilantly preparing to go up and make up for it.

But the next moment, a red light flashed across the arena.

The boy's voice sounded again: "I would like to thank my sister, my sister is really cruel, so many injuries, but sister, don't be afraid, I will return these things to my sister soon."

Ye Qianxing stared wide-eyed at the boy who had been sieved by himself on the ground, and suddenly wriggled on the ground, and soon turned into a large piece of huge red flesh, and he could barely see the figure of the leopard inside.

The aura on his body also began to rise steadily.

Ye Qianxing's heart skipped a beat.


What this kid is practicing is the kind of kung fu that is similar to the equal value of damage and strength.

As much as Ye Qianxing hurt him, he would be as bad as he was resurrected.

Originally, this battle could be won easily, as long as Ye Qianxing didn't hurt him, then he was very weak.


Now it has awakened the other party.

damn thing!
No wonder I kept stimulating myself there just now.

"I can kill you the first time, but I can naturally kill you the second time."

"Anyone can say big words, you beat me first!"

The little leopard's voice was very hoarse and sharp, hearing it in Ye Qianxing's ears, it made her feel a splitting headache.

Not only has this guy's physique become stronger, but he even has a mental attack in his speech.

This large group of scarlet objects rushed directly in front of Ye Qianxing and slammed into her fiercely. Ye Qianxing blocked it, but this time not only the tiger's mouth was numb, but even the sword in his hand was directly Blown away by the huge force, the whole person took several steps back, and the blood in his chest surged.

A trace of shock flashed in Ye Qianxing's eyes, this guy's fighting power was more than several times that of just now.

"How is it? I still remember the big words my sister said just now. It's better for my sister not to kneel down and beg for mercy later."

"After all, if you beg me, I won't let you go."

The scarlet figure attacked Ye Qianxing continuously with a stormy attack. Ye Qianxing dodged very awkwardly, and the speed of the opponent was also abnormally fast.

Where the leopard's feet stepped on the arena, cracks were directly stepped on, forming huge pits.

(End of this chapter)

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