I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 493 The Ancient Earth Developed Rapidly

Chapter 493 The Ancient Earth Developed Rapidly

Ye Qianxing walked over obediently.

Venerable Hunyuan lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Can the inheritance be shared?"

Ye Qianxing shook his head, and instantly understood what Venerable Hunyuan meant.

I want to use a small price in exchange for the temporary defection of some people.

After all, 2 Venerables are against 4, the pressure is too great.

"It's the book of the world, a magic weapon for large-scale oppression, and Dao Xin."

The Dao Heart belonged to Ye Qianxing herself, and although the spirit of the world gave her one back, that Dao Heart couldn't solve their predicament.

After hearing what Ye Qianxing said, Hunyuan understood that it meant that there was no way to let him out.

Then there is only one way to go, bar it!
Hard bar!

Whoever has a hard fist, it belongs to him, but we still have to be careful.

Hunyuan blinked at Ye Qianxing, with a little hint, hoping that Ye Qianxing is a smart girl.

Ye Qianxing blinked twice and looked back.

Hunyuan immediately felt relieved.

Hunyuan moved a little further away from Ye Qianxing, and then said to the four venerables on the opposite side.

"Our opportunities can be shared, but we can't share them all with you."

"Whoever you are willing to help us, we will share it with."

"Only one share."

"This opportunity can only be divided into two parts, one for me and one for you."

"I gave you a chance, and I didn't ask you to help me deal with the remaining party. As long as you don't make a move, you can leave by yourself."

Hunyuan said very sincerely, in fact, this kind of reaction was also expected by everyone.

After all, 2 vs. [-].

Although Hunyuan and Guiyi are a little stronger than the four of them alone, they are not strong enough to be able to play one against two.

But everyone is an old goblin, and no one needs to be stupid.

They are also worried about Hunyuan cheating.

Bloodthirsty Venerable said: "Pay the money first, then deliver the goods."

"Give us a chance, we will leave immediately."

The relationship between alien alliances and humans is neither good nor bad. Even if humans choose a partner, they still choose their alliance.

It will definitely not be given to the Zerg.

The Zerg didn't fight either.

But they will definitely not watch the human and alien alliance make things happen.

At that moment, the venerable Zerg said: "Since it's a two-point chance, why don't bloodthirsty join us in doing it together. Wouldn't it be better for our two families to share equally."

"You don't need to be manipulated by them anymore. If human beings have no chance, you can overwhelm them if you get it."

"If you and humans get it, we may not fall under you."

"At that time, you still have to fight us to the death."

Venerable Caiyi spoke softly, but the meaning in the words was not soft at all.

The strength ranking of the three clans is now like this.

Zerg, Human, Alien.

If human beings get double inheritance, human beings will definitely be able to jump to the first place in an instant.

And it is the kind of number one that Zerg and other races look up to.

But if the inheritance of the Zerg and the Alien is passed, the Zerg will still be the first, but the Alien will become the second.

However, if the alien race and the human race are inherited, then the human race will become the first, but the alien race may not be able to surpass the Zerg race to become the second, because don't forget, the Zerg race still has [-]% more secret space resources in the universe.

At that time, if the Zerg race wants to fight with the alien race.

This inheritance does not mean that it will be effective immediately, and it must be given the opportunity to grow.

Don't get the inheritance at that time, but get killed by the Zerg instead.

Sure enough, Venerable Caiyi, after saying this, the foreign race hesitated.

Now both the Zerg and humans understand that they are already deadly enemies, and they will never die, so now they have to fight for aliens.

If the foreign race stands there, that side will win.

But the difference is that human struggles are fake struggles.

Zerg wars are real wars.

Venerable Hunyuan watched the foreign race waver, and couldn't help sighing.

"Bloodthirsty, come closer to me, I'll tell you something."

"I guarantee you are all right."

Bloodthirsty looked at the mysterious Hunyuanshen, and felt complacent in his heart. He knew that now he was of a different race.

He wasn't afraid of Hunyuan's tricks, he felt that the other party was just trying to win him over.

So he walked over directly.

"You say it."

"If you human beings are sincere and can give up something more, it's not impossible for me, a foreign race, to help you."

But bloodthirsty is not too close after all.

But Hunyuan didn't move forward, he pushed Ye Qianxing and let her speak.

Ye Qianxing nodded: "My lord, that's right."

Ye Qianxing bent over to get close to Xuelu's ear, but Ye Qianxing's voice was a little soft, so Xuexi had to put his ear closer to Ye Qianxing's direction, hoping to hear clearly.

He didn't have too much defense against Ye Qianxing. After all, he was a little girl. Even if he got the inheritance, he is still a rookie now, and he can crush him to death with one finger.

"My lord, I mean..."

At this moment, a long sword suddenly appeared in Ye Qianxing's hand. The long sword shone with cold light and was extremely sharp.

Ye Qianxing also blessed him with spiritual power, and brought Ye Qianxing a full blow.

It directly cut through the bloodthirsty protective shield, and cut him fiercely on the neck.

Ye Qianxing sent out a blow, not daring to fight, and retreated quickly.

Hunyuan also reached out to pull Ye Qianxing, and the bloodthirsty also reacted in time, and directly gave Ye Qianxing a palm.

Temporarily dodging, after all, half of the body was swept away by the palm wind.

The left half of the arm was dislocated.

Venerable Shaying immediately understood that they were calculated by humans, and immediately became furious: "You are a group of dirty and dirty humans!"

"I killed you!"

The moment Ye Qianxing moved, everyone moved.

At some point, Ji Hanxiao hid his figure, and when he reappeared, he was beside Venerable Caiyi.

His ferocious wings with bony spurs appeared directly in mid-air, and with a fierce swipe, the space was almost cut open by it.

Venerable Caiyi reacted quickly, but half of his wings were still cut off by Ji Hanxiao's sneak attack.

She originally had 4 pairs of wings, with a total of eight on her back.

Now there are only seven left, Venerable Caiyi is very angry, they are all careless, always feel that human beings are at a disadvantage now, and they dare not do anything at all, but they never thought that these bastards would really dare.

"You humans dare to be so arrogant, do you really think that there is no one in the universe?"

Ji Hanxiao didn't say a word, just started fighting blindly, and he was on par with Venerable Caiyi.

Venerable Caiyi was immediately terrified.

She had heard the name of this junior, but she never expected him to be so tyrannical.

Already able to compete with the Venerable.

The bloodthirsty venerable fell to the ground clutching his neck, he was not dead yet.

He is still saving himself.

The people around him wanted to arrest him and treat him quickly.

It was Venerable Guiyi who went forward and dragged Venerable Shaying back.

Venerable Hunyuan also went to hold another Venerable of Zerg.

And those people from the Zerg and alien races also rushed up immediately, fighting with the strong human beings, and killing them.

Ye Qianxing did not sit still.

Go straight to make up for the bloodthirsty.

The aorta in the bloodthirsty neck spurted blood, and Ye Qianxing chopped off the entire head before he could deal with it. The blood soared, staining the hem of Ye Qianxing's clothes red.

Until his death, the bloodthirsty didn't understand why humans dared to do it.

Dare to do something to him, why don't humans win him over?
However, Ye Qianxing understands that no matter who the human being cooperates with, they are seeking skins from tigers.

The attitude of the alien alliance is not clear, and it is like a wall, always swaying, and human beings are not at ease to form an alliance with him.

What's more, the other party has already hit the door. If human beings tear off their own face and let them step on it, it will really break the pride of human beings.

Human beings have inheritance, and there is no need to worry about rising.

Human beings have always been like this. When friends come, there is good wine, and jackals come, it is natural to pick up a shotgun!

Ji Hanxiao and Venerable Caiyi were evenly matched in kills. Here, Venerable Guiyi and Venerable Hunyuan fought against the other two Venerables.

But the situation of the following group of strong people is not so good.


The disparity in the number of the two sides is a bit big, and several humans died in a short while.

Ye Qianxing instantly burned the spiritual power in his whole body: "Book of the World! Get up!"

In an instant, the entire battlefield was enveloped by Ye Qianxing's Book of the World.

Everyone was flustered for a moment when they saw the Book of the World, and thought it was another chance.

But soon, they discovered something different.

With the appearance of the Book of the World, they found that their actions began to slow down!

The legs seemed to be filled with lead, and they felt extremely heavy even when they were lifted.

The sudden pressure caused Venerable Caiyi's body to sway and sink by two points.

Mainly because I was too caught off guard.

In the battle of masters, every minute and every second is extremely important, let alone such a big mistake, Caiyi was seized by Ji Hanxiao in an instant, and cut off a pair of wings.

Ji Hanxiao himself didn't understand why Venerable Caiyi and the others made mistakes, but he found that all the places below were like this.

And they humans are not affected.

It was immediately clear that this was Ye Qianxing's magic weapon.

The venerables are all affected, not to mention the strong ones below.

There are a few who can't do it for a while, and they are directly crushed to the ground. Humans are not cowards, and they immediately seized the opportunity.

Kill the enemy on the opposite side.

With just this, there were more than a dozen corpses of other races on the ground.

But then everyone got used to it. Although it somewhat affected the display of strength, it was much better after all.

But the situation turned around.

And Ye Qianxing also joined the battle, killing heartily,

She herself made a big move, and then another big move.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

"Phantom clone!"

"Five elements sword!"

"Yin and Yang Yang!"


"Sparkling prairie fire!"

It's just that no matter what injuries Ye Qianxing has on her body, they won't stay on her for more than a minute.

Will be transferred soon.

But the person who diverted the injury never approached Ye Qianxing from the beginning to the end.

Not only that, in addition to injuries, there are also forbidden spells and heavenly punishment every night.

Never hurt again.

And Ji Hanxiao also avoided Ye Qianxing everywhere, never met, never spoke, just silently transferred the injury, and took on more tasks and things on the ancient earth.

In this battle, humans won.

Although it was a tragic victory, the alien race and the Zerg race were not easy.

Both the Aliens and the Zerg lost a Venerable.

Although the two human venerables did not lose their lives, they were also seriously injured. For a long time, they may not be able to do anything again.

But the good news is that the inheritance has been preserved, and Ye Qianxing's strength is rising like a rocket.

Everything on the ancient earth is also developing for the better.

In the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

Ye Qianxing has already broken through the ranks of venerables.

Under the guidance and development of Ye Qianxing, the ancient earth shined brilliantly.

Planetary assessment, has become a special S planet.

The housing prices of the ancient earth began to be hard to find.

A daughter is hard to buy.

I don't know how many human beings want to live in the ancient earth, but they can't get the residence certificate of the ancient earth.

As for those who disliked the blood of the ancient country before, I don't know how many people regretted it to death.

Now anyone can give birth to the blood of the ancient country, which can make the whole family happy for three years.

The agricultural output of the ancient country has driven the plant economy of all mankind.

Later, after the popularity of plants, the three characters of ancient earth became a high-end gold signboard.

Whether it is tea, textiles, culture, or food from the ancient earth, they are all sought after by the upper class.

The ancient earth's armed forces were also well established. Over the years, the Zerg and other races invaded many times. Not only did they have their own forces, but with Ye Qianxing in charge, they never lost a single time.

And Ye Qianxing has also achieved great success. Whether she is popularizing knowledge to human beings, saving their genetic collapse disease, or sitting in charge of human beings to protect the safety of human beings, she has already sat at the top of this universe.

At this point, Ye Qianxing is about to leave, the ancient country has developed, and the ancient earth is already thriving.

Even if she leaves, the mission has been completed, and she can go back to report to the immortal, and the elders of the Wuji Sect did take turns to bombard her. Ye Qianxing has been away for hundreds of years.

But she, there are three things left unfinished.

One, she complied with the ancestors and asked human beings to apologize to the ancestors.

Second, she should go down to the spirit of the world, wait for the disaster to come, and help the spirit of the world.

Three: She wants to see how the younger generations dominate the universe.

This year, it's Star Academy's enrollment day again.

The Milky Way is already much more prosperous than before.

There are crowds of people everywhere, and the restaurants are full.

Ye Qianxing and Nan Nan walked in the front, and she used illusion to cover her face a little to avoid being recognized.

Followed by Qin Jue, and Si Yuan holding the bag of ashes by his neck, thinking about it.

Comparing the two of them with decades ago, it seems that nothing has changed.

If there is something to say, it is probably more and more mature and stable, more and more handsome.

And beside Qin Jue, there was a man standing. He was tall, with a solemn face, and his eyes were so cold that people felt chilled to the bone even when he got close.

Qin Jue walked over in a mean way, and slapped Ji Hanxiao's arm.


Ji Hanxiao glanced at Qin Jue.

He didn't speak, but his eyes were very obvious, just asking, why?
Qin Jue was really convinced: "Why do you still ask me? Ji Hanxiao, are you out of your mind?"

"You have kept your cabbage for almost 100 years, when are you going to give it up?"

"Do you really plan to be a bachelor for the rest of your life? Or a spare tire who pays silently?"

(End of this chapter)

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