Chapter 499 Brother Xiao

The name Ye Xiaoxiao seemed to reach Ji Hanxiao's ears after tens of thousands of years.

He hadn't heard Ye Qianxing call this title for a long time.

This title seems to be buried in the past along with their good memories in the past.

But now he heard the title again.

In the past, he despised extremely, but now he regards these three words as treasures.

Does that mean their beauty is back?
Ji Hanxiao's hand tentatively wrapped around Ye Qianxing's waist, but Ye Qianxing did not resist.

From the very beginning of the tentative touch, to when Ye Qianxing didn't resist, he suddenly contracted forcefully, tightly imprisoning him in his arms.

Ji Hanxiao's voice was weak and erratic: "Am I dreaming, or am I already dead?"

And here is heaven.

Heaven for him is where the stars are.

All this happiness came unexpectedly.

He couldn't believe it.

Ye Qianxing put his chin on Ji Hanxiao's shoulder, and lightly hammered him on the back: "Fool."

Ye Qianxing gave in, really, when she saw Ji Hanxiao lying on the ground unconsciously, barely breathing.

Ye Qianxing really regretted it.

Why do two people who like each other waste their time on conflicting.

If Ji Hanxiao really died today, she would spend her whole life in regret.

And Ji Hanxiao probably will die in peace.

Ye Qianxing backed away slightly, holding Ji Hanxiao's face in his hands, even though his face was wrinkled now, Ye Qianxing did not dislike him in the slightest.

She moved slightly closer.

But Ji Hanxiao, who didn't know the situation at first, saw himself wrinkled in Ye Qianxing's pupils.

The pupils suddenly shrank.

He covered Ye Qianxing's lips, then looked down at the pool water.

The pool water reflected his face, with gray hair.


Even Ji Hanxiao himself feels that he is very ugly and hideous now.

Ji Hanxiao suddenly pushed Ye Qianxing away in a hurry, and then turned his back.

"Ji Hanxiao, you..."

"Go away." Ji Hanxiao ducked away, covering his face and not looking at Ye Qianxing.

Ji Hanxiao's eyes turned red as he felt his empty body without any energy, and the few days left in his lifespan.

Ye Qianxing stretched out his hand, wanting to pull Ji Hanxiao, but he dodged again.

Ji Hanxiao's voice was cold and heartless: "What are you doing?"

"go away!"

"Do not touch me."

"Ye Qianxing, who do you think you are? Are you a god? When I liked you, you ignored me and stepped on my love. Now I give up on you and don't like you anymore. What are you doing here again?"

"Should I just stand there and wait for you forever?"

"If you like me, you have to send it up? If you don't like me, you have to leave?"

"What do you think I am?"

"Go away! I don't want to see you!"

In fact, Ji Hanxiao tightly held the hand hidden under the Lingchi.

Ye Qianxing pulled Ji Hanxiao over, looking at his eyes filled with mist, the anger that had just risen was vented again.

"If you don't want to see me, you don't want to see me. Why are you crying?"

Ji Hanxiao pursed her lips and remained silent.

He wanted to turn around, but was imprisoned by Ye Qianxing again. He didn't have the slightest strength now, and he couldn't struggle with Ye Qianxing.

"You let me go."

"After I finish speaking, I will naturally let you go."

"Ji Hanxiao, you heard clearly, I will only say these words once."

"Actually, I like you for a long time."

"When Mo Bai and I went to the secret realm, I thought that I would promise you to be with you when I came out of the secret realm."

Ji Hanxiao's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Ye Qianxing in disbelief.

"But everything didn't change as fast, and one thing happened."

"Actually, that incident had a great psychological shadow on me."

"For example, I'm afraid of boys and dare not make contact with them."

"At that time, as long as you were a person, I would not be so resistant. After all, if we are together, these things will happen sooner or later."

"I didn't say that innocence is more important than life."

Ye Qianxing was silent for a while, and Ji Hanxiao understood.

It was in animal form.

The size of a beast is different from that of a human.

It was really a brutal massacre, which made Ye Qianxing's psychological shadow unacceptable.

The pain is also multiplied.

A girl's first time, just like that.

Even if she didn't take innocence as her life, she couldn't accept this kind of thing.

Not to mention someone as proud as Ye Qianxing.

Ji Hanxiao's heart ached instantly, and he apologized again: "I'm sorry."

Ye Qianxing didn't want to recall that period of time, her face turned pale: "I really hated you during that time just happened."

"I just washed your memory."

"I don't want to have any more contact with you, because I understand that I can no longer accept you without any grudges."

"However, in the end you still found me again and again, and fell in love with me again. I have touched you several times, but every time you saw me, you fell in love again."

The enthusiasm and sincerity of this feeling made Ye Qianxing not know what to say.

Heavy, with a hint of joy.

"As time went on, my hatred for you gradually faded away, and I was able to more or less gradually face up to this matter. After all, you are here to save me."

"What's more, I have seen your every move in the past hundred years. No matter how big your anger is, it has disappeared."

"The last time I went to you, it means that I have let go of those things."


"I reject you because I still have some obstacles in my heart. I can't get close to you without any scruples. Hugging is already the limit."

"I can't give you a complete love, and I don't want us to be together, every time you get close to me, I will tremble with fear, but it will cause a second injury to the two of you. When the time comes, you will feel sad and I will feel sad too."

"I think love should be joyful."

"But today I regretted it again, when I watched you fall into my arms weakly breathing."

"I think, if you die today, I will regret it for the rest of my life today."

"Ji Hanxiao, I want to ask you."

"I'm the one who may not be able to give you what you want, the incomplete love, do you still want it?"

"I know you are worried that you will lose all your strength and your lifespan will be short."

"But if it's me who is lying down today, and I have only a few days to live, will you leave? Do you want to stay by my side?"

"My heart is like a king's heart." Ye Qianxing looked Ji Hanxiao squarely in the eyes, and finally hid his heart for a long time, and said all the words clearly.

Ji Hanxiao actually heard Ye Qianxing say: "This is mine, do you want more?"
When he said those words, his heart was pierced like a knife, and he wished he could hug Ye Qianxing.

Looking at Ye Qianxing's red eyes and stubborn eyes, there is a bravery hidden in it.

Ji Hanxiao knew that he never had a choice in front of his son.

There is only one way, and that way only leads to her heart.

Ji Hanxiao opened his arms.

Ye Qianxing's tears fell suddenly, the consummation that had been separated for a hundred years ended at this moment.

Harmony, kindness, resentment, and entanglement all melt at this moment.

The grievances suffered in those years found comfort again in this embrace.

Ye Qianxing's tears were hot to Ji Hanxiao, he patted Ye Qianxing's back lightly.

"You are always perfect in my heart."

"As long as you look back, I will always be there."

As long as you call Ji Hanxiao, no matter how far I am from you, I will try my best to come to you.

This is when Ji Hanxiao confessed his confession a hundred years ago, but what he said has been vividly reflected in the past hundred years.

He personally told Ye Qianxing.

I will always be by your side.

No matter what you do or need, I have your back.

I will always be behind you and never go away.

"Ji Hanxiao, I like you."

Ye Qianxing whispered in Ji Hanxiao's ear, words that had not been uttered for so many years.

Ji Hanxiao also felt that the tip of his nose was slightly sore, "Ji Hanxiao, I like you."

He's been waiting too long.

It's been so long that he thought he didn't want it anymore, but he found that when he heard these words, his heart was still full.

I just feel that no matter what I have done for so many years, it is worth it.

My heart is full of joy, joy, happiness and the happiness of getting my wish.

Ji Hanxiao tightened Ye Qianxing's hand slightly, and said, "Ye Qianxing, I love you."

I only love you in this life.

I will only love you in my next life.

Forever and ever, I only love you.

Your name is engraved in my soul and will be with me forever.

The three words "I love you" came from his ears to his mind, and Ye Qianxing felt his heart was trembling.

The love that filled her heart spread along the tips of her ears to her limbs and bones, making her feel like crying with happiness.

Feeling Ye Qianxing's tears, Ji Hanxiao hurriedly took two steps back, held Ye Qianxing's face, and wiped her tears.

He was flustered and at a loss, his voice was a little weak, but he could hear the tenderness in his heart: "Don't cry, okay?"

"I brought you too many tears, from now on, I just want to see a smile on your face."

Ye Qianxing looked at the white figure in front of him with tears in his eyes.

Nodding vigorously.

Ji Hanxiao wiped Ye Qianxing's tear-washed eyes, black and white bright.

The tip of the nose was red, and even the lips were stained with a layer of crimson.

The two were so close that their breaths blended together.

Suddenly Ji Hanxiao's tear-wiping hand slowed down, and his fingertips turned into stroking Ye Qianxing's face slightly.

Those actions are all carefully cherished.

It was as if the girl in front of him was the most precious and fragile treasure in his hands.

Ye Qianxing only felt that his heart was beating very fast.

Ji Hanxiao's eyes fell on Ye Qianxing's lips, and the breath from the two of them became hotter and hotter. At this moment, the world seemed to be quiet, only the sound of the two people's heartbeat and breathing came and went.

Ye Qianxing's eyelashes trembled, and two red clouds floated on his face.

Then she closed her eyes gently, her long eyelashes cast two butterfly-like shadows in the eye sockets.

But the kiss Ye Qianxing expected did not come.

Ji Hanxiao closed her eyes for a moment, but in the end she just kissed Ye Qianxing lightly on the eyelid.

Light as cicada's wings.

It's like a superficial touch on the water.

Ji Hanxiao's voice was hoarse and depressed.

He still kept in mind what Ye Qianxing said just now that his closeness would make her feel uncomfortable.

I was afraid that Ye Qianxing would feel uncomfortable, so I didn't dare to get close.

Ye Qianxing opened his eyes, still dazed, but when he touched Ji Hanxiao's suppressed eyes, he suddenly understood something.

She just felt endless distress.

Ji Hanxiao's love has always been cautious.

Hold her in the palm of your hand all the time, precious and precious.

Ji Hanxiao originally wanted Ye Qianxing to go out, but he never thought that the next moment Ye Qianxing hooked his neck directly.

Soft lips pressed up, and Ye Qianxing's voice was indistinct.

"The more unaccustomed you have to practice."

"You'll get used to it in the future."

Ji Hanxiao can endure for her, and she can also overcome for Ji Hanxiao.

She wants to use her own actions to tell Ji Hanxiao that even though mountains and seas are separated, we are going in both directions with all our strength.

This is the most beautiful place of love.

There are stars at night, clouds and rain, and in this ever-changing world, only by your side is my destination.

Only your brilliance, like the mist over the mountains, can lead me to the happiness and future I want.

As the two breathed together, Ye Qianxing felt Ji Hanxiao's careful protection and heavy love.

Ji Hanxiao felt the cub's courage and determination to go on with him.

This seems to be a soul-like fusion, floating for hundreds of years, and the two have found stability in each other.

After a long time, Ji Hanxiao parted slightly, and pressed his forehead against Ye Qianxing's.

There was a chuckle on the corner of his mouth, which was a joy from the heart.

No need to ask, his baby is not suffering.

Love is the medicine that cures all.

"My star treasure is really beautiful."

Ye Qianxing's face turned even redder, the rare little daughter was shy.

Then Ji Hanxiao's dense kisses landed on Ye Qianxing's forehead, cheeks, corners of lips, eyes, and tip of nose.

Every kiss is his love, his cherishment and protection, that dense love locks Ye Qianxing in it.

Ye Qianxing opened his eyes to look at Ji Hanxiao's face, but Ji Hanxiao covered his eyes.

"Hey, don't look."

Ji Hanxiao still dislikes himself for being too ugly now.

I don't want my loved ones to see it.

Ye Qianxing trembled suddenly when Ji Hanxiao's kiss fell on the tip of his ear.

"Enough, Ji Hanxiao."

There was a tremor in the voice.

Ji Hanxiao's voice was slightly hoarse, and he let go of Ye Qianxing's hand, making her move slightly away from him.


"You still call me Ji Hanxiao?"

Ye Qianxing was slightly embarrassed.

I am used to calling by first and last names.

"Then I'll call you Han Xiao?"

Ji Hanxiao shook his head.

"A Xiao?"

Ji Hanxiao shook his head again.

Ye Qianxing was stumped: "Then what are you calling?"

"Ye Xiaoxiao?"

Ji Hanxiao suddenly remembered the meaning of the name Ye Xiaoxiao.

His face was flushed red, he wanted to tell the little boy that he was not young at all, but he was afraid of causing Ye Qianxing some bad memories, so he suppressed it.

It was just that he lowered his head and whispered something into Ye Qianxing's ear.

Ye Qianxing blushed instantly, and scolded Ji Hanxiao: "You are dreaming!"

Dog shameless!

She even asked her to call Brother Xiao!

Ye Qianxing punched Ji Hanxiao on the back: "Just call Ji Hanxiao."

Sometimes it is also a kind of nickname to call people by their first and last names.

(End of this chapter)

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