I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 501 The Shameless Persecution of Human Beings

Chapter 501 The Shameless Persecution of Human Beings (History Repeats Itself)
Ye Qianxing wanted to hide, but Ji Hanxiao took so many elixir, it was not in vain.

Coupled with the improvement of strength and the suppression of the body.

She was completely suppressed.

I can't breathe according to my kiss.

But Ji Hanxiao just let go of her, let her take a breath, and fell back on top of her again.

In the end, Ye Qianxing's whole body went limp, and his mind turned into a mess, and Ji Hanxiao lay down on the ground, holding Ye Qianxing in his arms.

He actually still had a feeling of unreality.

It felt like a dream.

I'm afraid that when I wake up from the dream, everything will be gone.

Ji Hanxiao hugged Ye Qianxing tightly to hide her uneasiness.

Ye Qianxing wrapped his arms around Ji Hanxiao's waist.

Take his hand and put it on your heart.

The heartbeat there was very violent, beating very fast, and with the sound of drumming, it gradually merged with my own heartbeat and became a frequency.

"Have you felt it?"

"It dances for you."

Ji Hanxiao sighed, and hugged Ye Qianxing even tighter.

He knew long ago that there was no better match than the two of them.

You don't even need to talk, each other can know what the other is thinking.

Just like that, the two of them just lay there, feeling each other's heartbeat, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

The tall figure was protecting the petite girl in his arms, in an inseparable manner, as if the two were conjoined.

After a long time, this quiet atmosphere was interrupted, and Ye Qianxing's optical brain rang, and it turned out to be the phone call from the Holy Master.

"My lord, you are invited to attend the meeting."

Ye Qianxing nodded.

"Well, let's go right away."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. This time we are meeting with real people, and we are on the main planet. We are waiting for you to come over."

Ye Qianxing froze for a moment.

Live meeting?

With Starnet and 5D images, everyone's meetings have always been held online.

After all, they are all very busy, and no one has the time to always run to meetings every day.

Just like in ancient times, it took half a month to hold a meeting in close proximity. Sometimes everyone spanned several galaxies.

So Ye Qianxing was very surprised, why did she feel so unusual.

Seemingly seeing Ye Qianxing's doubts clearly, the Holy Master said without waiting for Ye Qianxing to ask, "It's about the plants on the field this time."

"Hunyuan Venerable and Guiyi Venerable are also here."

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Okay, I see."

Ye Qianxing got up from the space, and Ji Hanxiao also helped Ye Qianxing tidy up his clothes: "I'll go with you."

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao as if he was facing an enemy.

"No need, I'll just go by myself."

"It should be Venerable Guiyi and they may have some understanding of the plants this time."

"If my predictions are correct, the disaster that Heavenly Dao has always feared has already begun, and it is these plants."

"I just don't know where it came from, has it conspired with the Zerg?"

If so.

It is impossible to say that the war of the three clans is coming.

The end of the world is coming too.

It is also normal to have a real person meeting.

Ji Hanxiao shook his head: "There are Qin Jue and Si Yuan sitting in the ancient earth, and those little guys have also gained the ability to stand alone after this battle."

"I will go with you."

"There's always some bad premonition."

Animals are very intuitive.

And the higher the cultivation level, the intuition sometimes does not just mean intuition, but something will actually happen.

Ye Qianxing thought for a while and suddenly thought of something, he paused with his fingertips.

Wait, she really thought of one thing.

Then the corners of his lips twitched, his eyes filled with sarcasm.

If it's really for this matter...

Then Ye Qianxing would not be soft-hearted anymore.

Ji Hanxiao broke through the Venerable, so she straightened her back even more, and the ancient earth had an extra layer of protection.

"Let's go, then we'll meet them, whether it's a seminar or a Hongmen banquet."

Ye Qianxing's eyes were full of evil spirits.


The two of them drove the battleship and arrived at the main star in less than a day.

This kind of high-level parliament is naturally held in the Federal Building.

Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao stepped into the building and paused.

Ye Qianxing smiled and said to Ji Hanxiao: "It seems to be a Hongmen Banquet."

Ji Hanxiao's eyes turned cold: "Go, go and have a look."

Go straight to the top floor, there are already many people waiting.

Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao walked in, and everyone's eyes were on them.

The tall figure of the man was wearing a silver battle robe, which made him look like a god.

There is a cold majesty between the brows, serious and unsmiling, and the huge coercion in the eyes makes people dare not look directly.

The girl was standing beside him, with a slender figure and warm brows, she looked easy to get along with with a smile on her face.

It's just that the coercion that belongs to the strong makes people take two steps back inadvertently.

The two complement each other and go hand in hand, like the sun and the moon, belonging to different skies, and no one can cover up the light of the other.

For a moment, the entire room was silent, and on the huge round table, the first ones sat Venerable Hunyuan and Venerable Guiyi.

Then there are two vacancies, which are obviously reserved for Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao, on both sides of Hunyuan and Guiyi, and further down are the top ten joint masters and holy masters.

100 years have passed, the previous co-owners have long since resigned, and the current co-owners have changed into new faces. Ye Qianxing has not interfered with the Federation's business for a long time, so...

She didn't know many of them.

Nodding casually to everyone, Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao walked to both sides of the round table and sat down respectively.

The Holy Master came out first to ease the atmosphere: "Hahaha, Venerable Chen Xing and our God of War, it seems that a good thing is about to happen."

When the two of them came in just now, they were holding hands, everyone saw that.

"Yes, congratulations, congratulations."

Many people followed to send congratulations.

"Congratulations, I wish you two a happy marriage for a hundred years."

The ice and snow on Ji Hanxiao's face melted slightly: "Thank you."

Venerable Gui Yi pressed his hands on everyone, signaling for everyone to be quiet, it's time to get down to business.

"Chen Xing, Ji Hanxiao, you two got to know those things this time, what do you think?"

"Did you find anything?"

Ji Hanxiao glanced at Ye Qianxing, and asked her to say first: "I heard from Shuangshuang and the others that they just entered, and the vines they encountered were protruding from the Zerg's body, which seemed to be evil."

"Feeding on flesh and blood, from sending out seeds, growing up, and blooming flowers, the flowers have a fragrance that confuses people's minds, and then the flowers decay, and then grow seeds again. This process only takes 20 breaths."

"So unless it is a large-scale destruction, they can be killed directly at one time."

"Otherwise, it's useless."

"The spread is extremely fast and brutal."

When everyone heard this, they frowned fiercely.

"It's so exaggerated, 20 breaths, hundreds of pills."

“That’s literally growing exponentially.”

"But it's not that there is no means of restraint, it's still afraid of fire."

"The fire attack is more useful."

"Those vines are blue." Ye Qianxing told everyone what he knew.

"Those seeds must have fallen on people after spraying, so I wonder if these seeds have an incubation period, and will they grow slowly in human bodies."

From the current point of view, Ye Qianxing felt that these vines seemed to be intelligent.

Everyone didn't speak after listening to it, which was obviously difficult.

"Then what happened to Ji Hanxiao?"

Ji Hanxiao also told the truth: "The ones I encountered were more difficult. I don't know if they are distinguished by color. The ones I encountered were purple."

"The appearance looks much thicker than those blue ones, but the others are similar to what Ye Qianxing said."

"It's just how fast they spread, not as fast as the blue ones, which take about 10 minutes."

"But their attack power and defense power are much stronger than the blue ones, and they are not afraid of water, fire, thunder and lightning."

"It can only be severed with tyrannical force."

"Blue Purple?"

"The vines seem to be graded by color. What if there are other colors?"

"Other colors have appeared."

"It's red. The border planet a few days ago, the entire planet of Karman planet was occupied by these things."

"It's red, and their attack power is about the same as the blue one Venerable Chen Xing said."

"Although there are things that can be defended, they are afraid of fire, but due to the large number of spreads, and most of the guards are ordinary soldiers, the soldiers are not prepared, and the flowers of that kind of things still confuse the mind and make people attack indiscriminately. Behavior."

"Those red vines appeared at the same time, nearly a thousand."

"Now that planet has been taken over by vines, and the soldiers inside are all dead."

"A preliminary estimate is that there are 1000 million soldiers there."

The person who reported the data said it was very sad.

He just said while looking at Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing chuckled, then raised his eyebrows, lowered his head, and didn't answer.

Seeing this embarrassing scene, the Holy Master felt that it was a little unreasonable for Venerable Guiyi to do these things.

Venerable Chen Xing is not a fool.

He did not agree with this proposal, but he had to listen to His Holiness, so he had no right to speak.

Guiyi looked at Ye Qianxing: "Chenxing, you have been in contact with these vines, how do you think these vines should be resolved as quickly as possible?"

Ye Qianxing made a serious suggestion: "Since you are afraid of fire, equip your soldiers with muskets."

"Equip the battleship with a flame cannon."

"Prepare these methods, and at the same time investigate how these things come from."

"See if there is a way to overcome bullying, and if it can be solved from the source."

This is the best way.

But Guiyi was very dissatisfied with this approach.

"that's it?"

Ye Qianxing smiled and was not angry: "I can only think of so much for the time being, if Venerable Guiyi has a better way, I can also talk about it."

"After all, everyone sitting here today is brainstorming and finding solutions."

Gui Yi is also not polite: "Now is the catastrophe for our humanity, we should watch over and help each other, Venerable Chen Xing, are you right?"

Ye Qianxing nodded, undeniably: "Yes!"

"Watch and help each other."

"help each other."

"So this time, I think the younger generation of my ancient country did a great job. Even though they were called garbage before, rejected by this universe, and despised by humans, they still didn't go by themselves this time, but took everyone together to hold on. "

"Protect them."

"I think they are doing very well, and I am also teaching very well, and I am worthy of the words of helping each other."

Ye Qianxing looked at the posture of the three trials.

Help each other one sentence at a time.

Suddenly, I remembered the memories of the ancestors I saw in Shennongjia.

At that time, it was also a round table meeting like this.

The representative general of the ancient country was sitting there, listening to them, helping each other with every sentence.

Then let the humans of the ancient country stay behind.

The ancient country agreed back then.

Now history is repeating itself.

But it's a pity that Ye Qianxing is not that general.

Neither is Ji Hanxiao.

Ye Qianxing said these words with a smile and sarcasm, with a needle hidden in the brocade and a knife hidden in the words.

Guiyi didn't know if he didn't understand or pretended not to understand.

He said: "Planet Kalman still lost this time because the soldiers are not strong enough."

"I think if they had been stronger, they wouldn't have suffered so much."

"Ten million soldiers died, and my heart hurts. These are the children of human beings."

"I have thought countless times, if they have the similar formations taught by Venerable Chen Xing to the descendants of the ancient country, they may be able to save their lives until the arrival of reinforcements."

Ye Qianxing's coercion began to increase.

She was smiling, the corners of her mouth widened, and her smile was extremely bright, but if one looked closely, her eyes were clearly cold, without the slightest warmth.

Anyone who is familiar with Ye Qianxing knows that this is her extreme anger.

All the next co-owners shut up, no one dared to speak, watching the bosses confront each other.

"Yes, it's such a pity, even if I am willing to hand in those formations, they won't be able to learn them."

"Those things were left by the ancestors of the ancient country to the descendants of the ancient country. The cultivation system of the people of the ancient country is different from that of other people, so they can't learn it even if they want to."

"The words of Venerable Chen Xing should not be so full."

"I've heard from those little guys that they have also sent their mental power to the center of the formation and can transform it into the power of the big formation, which means that their strength is also possible."

"Honor Chen Xing refuses like this, but you don't want to teach?"

Ye Qianxing tapped the table lightly with her fingertips.

The voice was soft but clear to everyone's ears.


"I don't want to teach."

Hunyuan opened his mouth, with a sigh of regret: "Master Chen Xing, we are facing a great enemy, we should watch and help each other."

"Don't be tempted."

"These ghost things are most likely related to the Zerg race. With this help, the Zerg race wins over the alien race. Maybe the war between the three races is imminent. If they come up with more powerful vines, what shall we do?"

"If Venerable Chen Xing is willing to teach the formation method to all human beings in the interstellar world, it must be a great achievement. When the army strikes in the future, we humans will also have two points more self-protection ability."

"Look at those bright and bright faces, they are still very young, does Venerable Chen Xing have the heart for them to die?"

"I know Venerable Chen Xing understands righteousness deeply, and he certainly cannot bear to watch human beings go extinct."

"I would like to thank Venerable Chen Xing in advance. I think all human beings will be grateful to Venerable Chen Xing after they know about it."

"If your lord agrees, you will be the great benefactor of all mankind in the future, and we will definitely write it down in the annals of history for future generations to look up to."

 At 1 o'clock in the morning, there is still a large one.

  I’m all four-in-one chapters, all babies understand, no explanation~
(End of this chapter)

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