I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 504 I want all of you to kneel down and apologize

Chapter 504 I want all of you to kneel down and apologize
【Ah!When we are said to be ashamed and become angry, they start to swear, and when they are in a hurry, they start to bite. 】

【Our venerables have been trained and have given back a lot. Why don't you tell me how much resources you have used and how much you have given back to the society after being trained by humans? 】

[Star Network?Ah!Pooh!In the future, whoever speaks a word in the future will speak the language of my ancient country!Make me all dumb! 】

[My ancient language, characters, and troublesome human beings are all returned. From today on, please don't use the backbone of human beings. 】

【Don’t eat plants, thank you. After all, these are all dirty things taught by our venerable. 】

[We want to repay the favor?Our ancestors of the ancient country died so many people in the war, in exchange for the lives and follow-up of the dogs here. You owe us more than the splendor of the ancient country for thousands of years. It’s so funny. What do you pay back?What newspaper? 】

[We are selfish things, you are very kind, you are righteous, and you are awe-inspiring, and the skill of speaking up and down is unmatched in our lifetime. 】

[Yes, yes, you humans are the most noble, so noble that when we were saving you, you stabbed a knife in the back. 】

The accompanying video shows the scene where they just killed the vines when they were on the battlefield, and the two humans wanted to block the attack with Xiaoqi and Shiba.

[It's quite noble, saving a group of turtles, not knowing what to expect, and stabbing in the back. 】

[No matter what happens to humans in our ancient country, we cannot teach such younger generations. 】

[Don't talk about our venerable, but our instructor Ji, who protected you bastards for so many years, it was really wrong to protect you. 】

[Where are you dogs who went to the secret realm that our instructor Ji earned?Give it back. 】

[Oh, I also want to tell you some good news, our instructor Ji has also broken through the Venerable, hahahaha. 】

【Our ancient country is not afraid of you. The war of the three clans is imminent. If we don't fight, it depends on how long you can last. Don't wait to cry and call Dad to save you. 】

【At that time, we don’t dare to save people. Later, we will say that we want to repay people with kindness, and we save people in order to thank them. 】

【Oh, don’t tell me, I forgot. I’m a person who loves to repay favors. I’d like to trouble all the little human geniuses who were saved by us that day, to send over thank you gifts. As for what to give, you only need to think it’s worth your life. just fine. 】

[Let's make a prescription?Interaction method?You go ask, when did we prevent you from learning?Is the number of college places in the ancient earth every year a display?What we need to learn when we meet some people outside is to have suitable talents. Have we ever refused?You keep distinguishing the ancient earth ancient country from human beings, and you still blame us for independence?Are you out of your mind? 】

[Now we just don’t teach, we just want to be independent. After all, this is what your leaders have led you to expect. It’s great to have a leader who has no brains. He can destroy the original good situation. It’s not like our venerable , How stupid, he knows how to lead us to immerse ourselves in cultivation all day long, and tells us from an early age to do things right and don't take other people's things. 】

[The ancient earth is the home planet of human beings?Hahahaha, that is to say, it has now developed into planet S. You call it the mother star. Wasn't it called the garbage star before?Hahaha! 】

[Laughing to death really. 】

The fighting power of the juniors in the ancient country is not underestimated either.

In their eyes, Ye Qianxing is their belief.

It is the brightest light in their hearts, the one who pulls them out of the mud.

Not to be defiled by anyone.

These people dared to shoot at Ye Qianxing, and if they didn't kill them, it was because of the distance.

And what about Ji Hanxiao?In recent years, Han Xiao has dealt with a lot of things about the ancient earth, and everyone is very familiar with Ji Hanxiao.

Ye Qianxing is their belief, and Ji Hanxiao is their patron saint, the rear they can rely on most.

just now!

These people scolded both of them.

That's really what my uncle can bear, but my aunt can't bear it. (Which is tolerable or unbearable!)

Many people were terribly attacked by the descendants of the ancient country, and they were so angry.

Call to complain to the Federation, why! ! !
Don't cut off the Internet for the ancient country!
They are all traitors, why are they still using the human star network!

Don't let them use it.

Everyone was very angry, but Hunyuan did not agree to the proposal.

"Continuously, let them watch."

"Sometimes gossip is also a kind of pressure."

"Let them face a lot of people every day, saying what they did wrong every day, and they will not know how to be afraid until their human beings outside are killed again."

So the star network of the ancient country continued like this.

Ye Qianxing was also flipping through, and many people questioned and scolded her homepage.

【Your ancestors gave birth to you and tried their best to protect human beings. It was for you to advance and retreat with human beings, not for you to become independent. Are you worthy of your ancestors? 】

[Who owes you what?Don't think about how many things you have done and how much contribution you have made every day. Didn't you get paid from the Federation when you donated plants or treatments?Have you exchanged something?Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other hand, but you are a bitch and still have to set up a memorial archway! 】

[I'm surprised, I don't know who it was, who kept saying in the live broadcast room that he didn't want to repay the favor, but now he keeps saying, why do humans owe the ancient country tens of thousands of lives? 】

【I want to know where you got the face to say that?Who owes you what? 】

[I still owe you the glory and brilliance of the ancient country for thousands of years?You guys are so funny, your ancient country's combat power is rubbish, you can't escape, and you have to blame others. 】

【Who told you that we owe you?Is there any evidence?No is just talking nonsense! 】

[Who said those inheritances belong to your ancient country?Without evidence, you are talking nonsense. If you call it, will it answer you?Selfish stuff! 】

[The ancient earth belonged to all mankind, you have to show some face, it is the home planet of mankind! 】

[Taking advantage is not enough, I guess Ye Qianxing knew this secret back then, so he insisted on the ancient earth, it was really selfish. 】

【Let me tell you, if I had a descendant like you, I would die with regret. 】

【Say no more battles, what a joke, you guys really like to think too highly of yourself, if you don’t fight, are all my human fighters dead?Would humanity go extinct without you? 】

[Don't say that humans can win battles without you, even without your ancestors, humans can still flourish!Please, don't be so shameless, thinking how important you are. 】

【What do I owe you?What do you owe the ancient country?Say it! 】

[Say it! 】

The voices of denunciation below made Ye Qianxing show the evidence and ask her, what do humans owe her?

What do humans owe the ancient country?

Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao were on the spaceship, and she leaned slightly on Ji Hanxiao's chest.

Ye Qianxing laughed ironically.

"It should have been done earlier, otherwise I wouldn't have seen the ugly faces of these people."

"Since they want to see the truth, I will satisfy them."

Ye Qianxing took out a bead, which was exactly the one that Mo Bai gave Ye Qianxing in the secret realm before his death.

There is also a big secret hidden in it.

This is also the reason why Mo Bai was hunted down.

It was the main reason for Mo Bai's death.

And Ye Qianxing had already made preparations for revealing the truth at this moment.

There are certain sins that everyone must atone for.

Ye Qianxing carved all these pictures into 5D and posted them on his homepage.

Accompanying text: I want you, all human beings, to kneel down and plead guilty. I want you to kneel three times and kowtow nine times to atone for the sins of your ancestors.

I want you to admit with your own mouth that you are despicable and despicable, and I want you to understand that no matter how weak the weak are, they will not be able to defeat the fierce lion.

The lion will be silent, but it will never die.

The thousands of years of prosperity and splendor you owe to the ancient country should be repaid.

I swear by the supervision of the spirit of the world, if human beings can't do it, I will never intervene in human wars and let human beings perish.

With a flash of golden light, the oath was fulfilled.

This kind of oath under the supervision of the spirit of the world is supervised by the way of heaven.

From this moment on.

Ye Qianxing will not intervene in the life or death of human beings other than those from the ancient country.

Unless all human beings kneel down to repent to the ancestors of the ancient country and do what Ye Qianxing said.

Otherwise, Ren Er perishes.

Ye Qianxing is now a celebrity, and when she posts a post, countless people go to see it.

The first thing you see is the text.

Immediately he was terribly angry.

[What a big tone! 】

【I will die someday!I don't even beg you! 】

[Even if my human race is exterminated, I will not kneel down and beg you. 】

[You take yourself too seriously, don't you?If you are a disaster of extermination, I think you can't protect yourself. How can you save mankind? Do you really regard yourself as the savior? 】

[This is definitely the best joke of the year. 】

[This big talk, I can laugh for a year. 】

[I would like to see, this so-called evidence, what do we humans owe the ancient country? 】

[I'll take a look too! 】

[I watch it too! 】

Everyone rushes in to watch the video, which is in 5D.

As long as you go in, you will feel like you are on the scene, watching some three-dimensional characters busy.

And 5D also has one of the biggest features, that is, this video cannot be faked.

Can only record, not P.

It can only be cut, and characters cannot be added or subtracted. This is also the most authentic imaging technology that cannot be faked.

Ye Qianxing not only cut out the contents of the beads, but also cut out the memories she got in Shennongjia.

At the beginning of the screen, there is a scene where the flames of war are raging, and Dr. Gu Qiu boards the plane.

With black hair and yellow skin, one can tell at a glance that this is a person from the ancient country.

At the same time, the information of Dr. Gu Qiu appeared in everyone's mind.

The genius girl doctor, a scientist, made great contributions to the spaceship program in that critical era.

The video materials of that era are extremely precious.

At the same time, due to the raging flames of war, there are very few video materials of that era.

So when everyone watched it, they were somewhat fascinated.

They thought that their ancestors must have gone through untold hardships to escape, but they did not expect such hardships.

They watched Gu Qiu sleep less than two hours a day.

Looking at her eyes full of red blood, she led a group of researchers to study desperately.

Everyone muttered stiffly: [What the hell, playing the emotional card. 】

[At that time, whoever has the ability and whoever contributes, that is what should be done. 】

[Is this called owe her life? 】

Everyone talked and complained, but they still didn't calm down. After all, what Ye Qianxing said just now was really arrogant.

They are really angry!
But as they saw that these experimenters did not eat or drink water.

Gu Qiu was afraid that everyone would be worried, so he ran to the bathroom to vomit blood.

Seeing her originally gentle face wrinkled into a ball, panting violently because of the pain, seeing the blood she spit out mixed with pieces of internal organs.

Watching her tidy up her things with a flat face, she went to pay attention to the experimental data.

Gradually the noise became smaller.

Seeing many people swaying and falling down, they said that there were not enough planes and medicines.

When they refused treatment, when those gray-haired old professors said that they lived enough at 80 years old, their rebuttals became a little softer.

They continued to watch, and the group of researchers said, it's okay, they're dead, it's okay, humans are still alive.

Listening to them dreaming about the future, talking about their descendants might soar into the universe, see the vast starry sky, and become strong, there seems to be light in their eyes.

Everyone fell silent, and they had an urge to tell them.

We did see the vast starry sky, and we took humans to the top.

Watch them die in the lab.

Watching the Zerg's unscrupulous destruction.

Watching them ask if they are afraid, watching them say out loud that they are not afraid.

Because humans are alive, they say.

Look at the light in their eyes, buried with the dust.

Many juniors from the ancient country who watched the video had red eyes.

At the same time, there was great pride in my heart.

That is their ancestor.

They are brave and fearless, and they are proud of themselves.

Humans other than the ancient country did not make any noise, they just quietly watched the flesh and blood mixed with the soil, dyeing the earth red.

Immediately after the screen turned, there was a huge round table.

Humans of all colors.

Many people were shocked, this is their ancestor.

It turned out that their ancestors looked like this.

He has golden hair, blue eyes, and black skin.

They looked at their ancestors talking about the critical situation, talking about letting the people of the ancient country die.

They said: "Lu Han, those who are capable will do more work, and those who are able will benefit the world. You are the best warriors and the bravest country. Facing catastrophe, we must unite as one. We are human beings. If we are not united, our human beings will die." Lost in the long river of history."

They said, "Lu Han!"

"We are for all mankind!"

"Lu Han! Let's watch and help each other!"

"Lu Han! We will take good care of the descendants of the ancient country in the future, and we will always respect the descendants of the ancient country as we respect you."

"Lu Han, inherit the great kindness, and never forget it!"

"Lu Han, these will enter our tombstones and be written into our inheritance. The history of your ancient country will be remembered by our descendants forever."

Then they looked at the tall and straight general named Lu Han with black hair and black eyes, and strode back to the ancient camp.

His back was straight and he carried the dignity of a soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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