The world of Ultraman with random lottery

Chapter 353 Battle inside and outside

Chapter 353 Battle inside and outside

Bo Jiaru agreed in a low voice, and then quickly disappeared beside Lai Youde.The next second after he disappeared, a whip whizzed towards Lai Youde.But Lai Youde has long seen this cosmic queen Gina who is lurking in the surrounding chaos. Baby Aile, who has been waiting for a long time, calmly spit out an arrow-shaped light bullet and shot down the whistling bat magic whip.

At this time, the sky is full of rays of light piercing the sky, and even the taboo M87 Ray·A type has shot up from the ground more than once, let alone other attacks, and the bones of monsters are scattered on the ground , on the side is the portrait of Altman after his death, but in the end they were all crushed into the dust.From time to time billowing black mist rises in the sky trying to drag the world into darkness, but the next moment soft light will pierce the darkness and bring the world back to light.

At this time, Bogaru was already standing in the deepest part of the base, and as he pressed a button, an invisible wave swept across the entire earth, and the originally smooth space gate became sluggish, and then It started to fluctuate and finally exploded.And those monsters who played with space found that the entire space began to stagnate, and then they lost their space ability, and they were turned into flying ash by their opponents in the next shot.

At the same time, the mechanical Ultraman who lost his support soon fell into a disadvantage, and began to gradually fall into a disadvantage. At this time, the support from the Kingdom of Light—red balls wrapped around the Ultra fighters descended from the sky.Different from the familiar faces that appeared when Beria attacked the Kingdom of Light in the movie, the Ultra fighters who came to support this time truly fit the identity of the Kingdom of Light, a country that maintains the stability and tranquility of the universe.Hundreds of Ultra fighters joined the battlefield under the leadership of Zoffy.

They skillfully inserted into the battlefield, then skillfully used the cross barrier to seal the opponents, and then retreated to the back to receive the treatment and energy replenishment from Miss Silver Crusader. Soon most of the opponents were sealed, but there were also some Several very difficult opponents are still stubbornly resisting. For example, the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Gatanjeh is raging everywhere against everyone's attacks, and completely ignores everyone's attacks except for dodging combo skills such as the magnificent spark. It doesn't hurt much, but it's as disgusting as a shit stick.

Another example is Hypageton. Although he has lost the ability to move in space, his speed is not something that ordinary Ultra fighters can catch up with. I won't be able to hold him for a while.

But the Ultra fighters are not vegetarians either. They were the first to discover the way to deal with Gatanjah. Dozens of chains transformed from Ultra bracelets quickly entangled Gatanjaeh. Then several Dynas in power form , and the Ultra fighters headed by Tiga firmly pulled the chains. Although Gatanjae's struggle was able to break free one or two chains, more chains were entangled in the next second. It swept across him fiercely, and the hard shell was destroyed together with the entangled chains, and without the shell, he was slaughtered like pork on the chopping board.

Followed by Dark Lucifer, although he delayed the Ultra warrior for a while by playing with human nature, but
 Don't think that Gatanjae is weak, or shouldn't be so weak, but with so many big bosses of the dark department here, the negative energy on the earth has been drained long ago. Without the dark power to strengthen and repair the shell, such a dish is also It is not difficult to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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