The cute queen of online games

Chapter 102 Acting School

Chapter 102 Acting School

Ji Jinghuanxi was thinking about it, lowered his chin, and a little scarecrow with a strange shape appeared in his sight. The strange shape seemed to say something like "I have a posture and I am proud of it".

He couldn't help but burst out laughing, he actually forgot that mages have the life-saving skill of standing in for straw people!
Feeling relieved, his heart warmed up, and then he saw the direction the rolling stone was coming from, Miaomiao kicked her little leather boots and walked out. Seeing her cute face, he was slack as usual, and rushed to the in front of her.

Miaomiao stopped when she saw him rushing towards him, squinted her eyes and warned: "Your posture? Could it be that you want to hug me? Do you want to leave a souvenir badge on your face?"

Jing Jing stopped in front of Miao Miao with a joyful smile, and a different kind of light flashed across his eyes. He was indeed a little excited, but instead of hugging her, he patted the dust on her shoulder: "I just thank you for saving me. Me, but if it's really worth a hug, a medal is worth it."

Glancing at his hairy hands, Miaomiao said calmly, "I just don't want my teammates to die without knowing why."

She is indifferent to this level of molestation, she is no longer an innocent girl who just listens to handsome guys talking, not to mention that in her mind, Silence and Joy has been branded as dishonest, unreliable, promiscuous, black-hearted evildoers, etc. The bad review label is labeled, so it is a ghost to believe him.

She turned around as if she had never heard of it, took out her weapon and walked in: "I looked at it when I came over. The rolling stone should have been triggered by a mechanism just now. We didn't trigger the mechanism. There are others here. It's better Grab it quickly."

Looking at the pet bar, the foodie was automatically put into the pet bar by the system when she was inhaling the vortex, so she summoned the foodie, and quickly improved various skills and entered the state of preparation for battle.

"I'm afraid it's those two little mice. I didn't expect them to come here too." Jing Jing rejoiced to see her start to move forward, and immediately walked over, as if it was just a joke just now, he also drew the match Come out, with a scornful smile with a trace of cruelty, he said slowly, "The rats in the burrows are interesting, and they can even play tricks."

Miao Miao and Ji Anxi quickly entered the labyrinth-like passage. In addition to eliminating all kinds of ghost believers, various mechanisms and traps appeared from time to time, but after taking precautions, none of these mechanisms could stump them. It is easier for people to track the person who touched the trap to harm them. Not only can they judge where the person in front is from the position of the trap, but also judge from whether the monster's blood bar is full.

The blood bars of many monsters encountered on the road were not full, Miaomiao quickly understood: "Those two people must be together, otherwise they will not be able to pass through here with the level of Qingchun Baby. The cooperation of the two of them can just make the summoned beast To attract the monster's attention, the two of them directly bypassed the monster."

Ji Jinghuanxi knows Ya Die, because this guy is quite famous in Sihai Pavilion. As for Qingchun, he doesn't recognize it, but he knows it is the escaped summoner after hearing the name, and seeing how well Miaomiao understands the other party, there is obviously a difference. Little hate.

"However, judging by the blood volume of the monsters being knocked out, they shouldn't be able to move fast. We'll catch up to them in less than five minutes." Ji Jinghuanxi said confidently. This kind of confrontation with such disparity in strength is really a challenge. It's a little boring, even if his opponent is not strong in combat, he needs to be smarter.

As he said this, within 5 minutes Miaomiao saw several small elf-type summoned creatures appearing not far away, a cultist ghost surrounded by several summoned beasts, and Qingchun Baobao and Yayingdie were struggling If it weren't for the fact that the monsters spawned here are often alone, these two people must have been lying dead long ago.

"I'm going! I'm being overtaken!" Ya Die saw Miaomiao and the others who were catching up unhurriedly, feeling anxious and a little desperate.

He had accidentally discovered that there was a circle of black air around the starting position of the mechanism in the passage, so he came up with the idea of ​​using the mechanism in the passage to kill Meng Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi. It was a good idea, and it went smoothly when it was implemented.

But he didn't take into account that the Great God's reaction ability is absolutely extraordinary, so many flying arrows, poisonous mist and even rolling stones, they all easily dodged them, and they simply ignored those traps. Crying without tears, unintentionally driving myself to a dead end, even being caught up by others, isn't this the rhythm of death!

Baby Qingchun glanced at Ya Die, who was completely scared to pee, and thought she had to rely on herself, so she turned to look at Miaomiao, and suddenly asked for help with a pure and innocent face: "Miaomiao! I'm Qingqing!" I saw you. I asked Da Qiao, who has been looking for you for a long time. Didn’t you say that you asked me to wait at the hanging lighthouse? But I waited for a long time and didn’t see you. I didn’t expect to meet you here. This monster I can't beat it, can you help me?"

When she mentioned this, Miaomiao remembered that she had asked Jiangdong Daqiao to tell Qingjun that Baby Qingchun was waiting for her at the hanging lighthouse, but she ran into a wanted case, and then went to the bar with a red name and forgot about it.

But so what, she originally wanted to test Baby Qingchun's intentions, but now she knows it without testing.

"This girl is an actress. The sense of the camera and the changes in her expressions, and her emotional level are also very deep. She can be judged as a queen." Ji Jing and joyfully clapped her hands twice, as an outsider, he wanted to be Qing Chun's baby Good acting is called a good one.

The mask was punctured, Qingchun baby gritted her teeth, but her goal was Miaomiao, so she still pretended to be ignorant and talked to Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, I have been waiting for you for a long time, are you still not ready?" Forgive me? I already know I was wrong. I really want to save our friendship this time. If you don’t want to see me in reality, then it’s okay for us to become friends again in the game. We can also start games together in the game. A store, decorated in the style of our hometown, recalling the past years together.”

After finishing a paragraph, Baby Qingchun almost moved herself. She has never told such a sincere lie in her life. When she said it, she really remembered the days when she and Miaomiao were friends in the past. She really missed it. Qiao Miaomiao, who was so naive and easy to deceive back then...isn't as difficult to deal with as she is now!
Miao Miao didn't say a word during that sensational moment, Qingchun Baby just looked at this hypocritical woman with a smile, her sharp eyes seemed to tear off the other's mask, under such gaze, Qingchun Baby gradually I couldn't pretend anymore, and I couldn't help being a little afraid, so I took a few steps back secretly.

Suddenly a knife slashed her in the back, Baby Qingchun turned around in surprise, and found that her baby had been wiped out by the ghost of the cultist, that guy Ya Die had already run away, and she was the only one left standing here stupidly. Want to gain sympathy.

Seeing that Miaomiao was not moved by her words, Baby Qingchun thought that the quiet and joyful words had affected Miaomiao, so she quickly trotted away from the monster's attack range and quickly summoned a black knight to entangle the monster, and then approached Miaomiao from a distance. Miao shouted: "Did this guy next to you make you cruel? Let me tell you, I know him. He always kills people randomly in the game. He is an out-and-out bad guy. You must not Be with this person."

 Double watch day, see you at [-]:[-] pm~
(End of this chapter)

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