The cute queen of online games

Chapter 207 Elemental Dharma God

Chapter 207 Elemental Dharma God
The sound of plates breaking immediately attracted the attention of other players sitting in the hot pot restaurant. Miaomiao finally realized that her foodie had gone too far. She looked over and immediately paid more attention when she saw the black cloaked player at that table one time.

This person is obviously wearing a black cloak that hides information. Generally speaking, players will not use such an expensive and impractical black cloak. The black cloak is used only when people know their identity.

So this person made Miaomiao a little puzzled, but the reason why the other person was wearing a black cloak had nothing to do with her, so the doubt was only fleeting, and soon she stood up and planned to clean up the mess of foodies.

At this time, the foodie You Unknowingly was still hitting the dim sum like a whack-a-mole, but the scene of the dim sum moving fell into Miao Miao's eyes. She clearly caught the scene of the other party quickly moving the chopsticks to push away those Jin Chengcheng dim sum. Quick and light, as nimble as a hummingbird.

The pace suddenly slowed down, she couldn't help watching this action one more time, after reconfirming, she couldn't help but look back at Ji Jingxiu, and found that he was watching the other party's movements just like herself, this black cloak player seemed not simple ah……

People who move fast are not uncommon, but players who can be so dexterous that they can hardly be seen are extremely rare, so Miao Miao and Ji Jinghuanxi couldn't help but pay attention to this person.

The speed of actions in this non-combat mode is not determined by the attribute attack speed or anything else, it depends entirely on the pure reaction speed of the player, which is equivalent to the hand speed in the era of keyboard online games, like Silence and Joy every time the hand slips It will reveal his weird speed in this aspect, and the reaction speed of this black cloak player is almost as fast as Silence and Joy.

People with fast hands are often very good at operations. Even in the era of holographic online games, reaction speed is also an essential quality for expert players, so Miao Miao and Ji Jinghuanxi think that this should be an expert player from this point of view.

Then the appearance of this person wearing a black cloak is even more doubtful. Could it be that he really planned to carry out an assassination?Reminiscent of his appearance here, one can't help but suspect that her assassination target may be one of Miaomiao and the others.

Regardless of whether this is the case, this person makes people feel suspicious, but Miao Miao quickly continued to walk over, she grabbed the foodie's neck to stop him from continuing to poison the other party's table.

The foodie was still scratching his hands and feet in the air, looking unwilling.

Miao Miao glared at him, then looked at the black cloak player and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, my pet ruined your dinner."

The other party glanced at Miao Miao and said nothing, then lowered his head and put down his chopsticks, acting like a dumb person.

"To express my apology, why don't I order a new hot pot for you." Miao Miao continued to talk to the other party, mainly in order to induce the other party to show some lies, so that she would know his purpose.

The other party stood up and said indifferently: "No need."

Then he walked forward and passed by Miao Miao, walked out of the hot pot restaurant, and perfectly explained what it means to cherish words like gold from the beginning to the end.

After the person left, the foodie found that the dim sum was still on the other party's table, and immediately broke free from Miaomiao's hand, and fell down on the table with a swipe, then got up, hugged the dim sum and gnawed it. Now he is I finally got what I wanted, and I was shaking my head happily while eating, and I was about to jump up happily.

"It's so delicious! What kind of fruit is in it! It's so delicious!" The foodie happily gnawed and shouted, that greedy little bitch was simply superb.

Miaomiao turned her head to see the dim sum that the foodie was gnawing on, and found that it was actually a few egg tarts. At this moment, Ji Jing Huanxi walked over.

He looked at the egg tart carefully, and said, "This kind of recipe is rare in Roulan Principality."

Then he snatched an egg tart from under the eyes of the foodie, and then broke it open. Miao Miao saw that the egg tart he broke had a kind of pulp like a raisin, but the color was golden orange. If you don’t look carefully Not very easy to spot.

"What kind of fruit is this?" She looked sideways and found that she didn't recognize this kind of fruit at all. For her who had played games for more than eight years, things she didn't recognize at all were not very common.

"Tea orange fruit, I saw it when I was on a mission in the Mar Empire. As far as I know, Roulan can't grow this kind of fruit." Ji Jing Huanxi said very expertly, and sure enough he is far from cooking. Better than Miao Miao.

As soon as the word Mar Empire came out, the two looked at each other and immediately understood each other's thoughts.

"Would you like to chase after it?" Ji Jing Huanxi immediately pointed outside with an expression of interest, and looked in the direction where the player in the black cloak left, as if he had encountered something amusing.

But Miao Miao is also very interested, after listening to her, she picked up the food and threw down a word: "Let's go!"

The two left immediately, and Jiangdong Daqiao, who was still in the fog, found that the two had run away before he could figure out what was going on, and was left alone. He found the world of the great god really hard to understand.

He silently looked at the pile of food on the table, who told him how to pack the hot pot better...

Not long after, in the thorny jungle map on the outskirts of Maz City, the player wearing a black cloak just now slowly walked around the thorns and monsters. After walking for a long time, he did not attract a single monster or a bush of thorns. This map is currently The level is from LV40 to LV45. Although it is not considered a high-level map, but because there are many traps and the monsters are scattered and hidden, there are still very few players who come here. If it is not required by the mission, it can be said that no player will. Come here.

The black cloak player neither fights monsters nor seems to be doing tasks, but has been walking in the thorn forest, and the further he walks, the more he moves towards the dense thorns inside.

After walking for a while, he looked back, and after looking for a long time, he turned back and walked forward again. As soon as he turned around, two hedgehog monsters hidden among the thorns followed his footsteps quietly...

The speed of the two hedgehogs twisting and twisting was quite fast, and it was a joy to follow the player in the black cloak. Unfortunately, the slightly bloated foodie following the two was much bulkier. It can trigger the thorn trap, but his speed can hardly keep up.

In this harmonious stalking atmosphere, the black cloaked player suddenly turned his head and shot, and a pumpkin fireball flew out at a high speed, heading towards the foodie who was struggling forward.

It wasn't until this blow that the foodie realized that he had been beaten, and immediately yelled out unwillingly: "Who dares to beat the world's number one cutest master! You really don't know how to be pitiful!"

While the foodie is being beaten, a flower hedgehog transforms into a cute loli. This cute girl is naturally Miao Miao. When her pet is attacked, the owner can't just ignore it, so she takes the initiative to emerge from the transformation given by the camouflage crystal.

The petite sorcerer was very close to the black cloak player. As soon as he appeared, he took the first step and threw the star bomb. The black cloak player also reacted very quickly. With a flash of footsteps, he dodged the star bomb like a ghost. Miaomiao had noticed her position before she appeared, so he was able to dodge so quickly. After dodging, he pointed his wand at Miaomiao's direction in an instant.

Seeing his weapon, Miaomiao first determined the opponent's occupation.

The pumpkin fireball just now is a common skill for mages, and only elemental mages with incredible attack power like to use magic wands with slightly lower attack power but fast release speed, so the black cloak player is definitely an elemental.

The black cloak player released extremely fast. After Miao Miao shot a star light bomb, he immediately showed his magic skills and cooperated with crazy shooting snowman and dark cat spells.

Such crazy flying spells make it difficult to get close, and as the element of the four mage professions known as the purest Dharma God, this profession is worthy of the title of Dharma God. With the same four-line small skills, this person's skills After the release, even the dark cat and snowman are stronger than Miaomiao's, so even with these small skills, it hurts to get hit!

Miaomiao leaped up and continued to throw pumpkin fireballs at the opponent, using the air superiority she is good at. At the same time, she paid attention to whether there were any bright spots on the soles of her feet, because facing enemies in the air, elements with quick reactions would probably choose flame impact to deal with.

However, the opponent did not attack with flames as Miaomiao expected, but threw out a ball of nothingness floating in the air, and the black sphere with continuous damage from the dark system moved slowly, and its position was exactly where Miaomiao would fall .

Then he slammed down the flower palm to help him move quickly, the direction he was moving was right behind Miao Miao, Miao Miao's heart trembled, knowing that the other party was going to fight back from behind, this was because she wanted to take advantage of her being in the air Time to fight back!
Immediately taking the initiative to release the rapid landing of the Earth Soul Bracelet, not only was it impossible to attack accurately from behind, but the ball of nothingness in front also fell into the air.Miaomiao landed and turned around almost instantly, and the opponent was already leaping into the air behind Miaomiao, intending to hit Miaomiao who was supposed to be in the air.

Seeing Miaomiao falling to the ground, he seemed a little surprised. The wand paused, but still threw the pumpkin fireball. At this time, Miaomiao smiled and flew short, and the enemy in the air was right for her taste!

After the short flight landed quickly, she picked up the broom and hit it!The position was just right to catch the falling black cloak player, and the opponent was inevitably hit.

One hit, two hits...

He was holding the broom and shot the third time in the air, and then suddenly a handful of powder was sprinkled towards the opponent's pocket. When the powder fell, the opponent made a puff at the same time, and a strange-looking straw man appeared in front of the broom.

Miaomiao's eyes lit up, she is another accurate mage who uses the stunt double!
After landing, Miaomiao didn't bother to find the opponent's teleportation location. She turned around and saw the player in the black cloak who had teleported to the farthest distance. She immediately rode a broom and rushed forward to catch up. As soon as it appears, it turns around and flashes...

(End of this chapter)

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