The cute queen of online games

Chapter 219 The True Face of the Apostles

Chapter 219 The True Face of the Apostles

The next day, Miao Miao continued to follow her own route. The level of monsters on the map behind her gradually increased. She had to carefully avoid the monsters and walked for a long time. Finally, she left the unowned abandoned land and arrived at the apostle territory.

This is a black rainforest map, which is full of black rainforest plants. There are many monsters who are good at camouflage, but the level is not particularly outrageous. The dense vines and various weird plant organs inside are a bit disturbing, which makes Miaomiao have to Slow down and be careful.

Not long after walking, there was a faint cry for help: "Help! Someone help me!"

Suspecting that she had encountered some plot, Miaomiao heard the sound, bypassing the vines and lush rainforest trees, and soon she found the source of the sound.

A tall, big-eyed demon man with his legs entangled by black vines was sitting on the ground calling for help. Miaomiao was a little surprised when he saw this man. Although demons are not the most beautiful race in the game, they are also The beautiful race second only to the elves, even if they are not as handsome and beautiful as the elves, they shouldn't have such a strange appearance.

This demon man's eyes are very big like ET, and his head is still bald with a few tufts of hair. The most difficult thing to look at is that the bridge of his nose is so collapsed that it can hardly be called the bridge of the nose. The nostrils are like two black holes. On his face, if he didn't have the pointy ears and wheat-colored skin of a demon, Miao Miao would definitely regard him as a monster.

"Is there anyone? Can anyone help me?" The man was still calling for help, but judging from the situation, he was not sure that someone would appear nearby, so he sat on the ground and shouted at random, and the cry for help was not very loud. Big, looks like it's killing time...

Miao Miao walked towards him, but the other party didn't notice it, and was still groaning for help.

"What's wrong with you? Do you want me to break the vines for you?" Miaomiao stood in front of him and asked.

"Of course, help me get rid of these damned vines!" The man said bluntly, without any sense of gratitude.

Miao Miao suddenly didn't want to help him a little bit, so she stood aside with her arms folded: "Hey, your hands are not entangled, can't you get rid of the vines by yourself?"

"Don't you see that this vine is dirty and smelly?! How can my noble hands move this thing!"

Miao Miao looked at this man again, and found that although this man was ugly, he was well dressed, but he was too dirty to see his original appearance, but if he was so noble, he would be so dirty when he walked here , still dislike moving a vine?What kind of weird idea is this?

"Then please take a look at your noble hand, it seems not as clean as this vine at the moment." Miao Miao stood there complaining, waiting to see the other party's reaction.

The ugly man immediately stretched out his hand to look, and immediately screamed, louder than calling for help just now, as if he just found out that he was so dirty.

"Oh! Damn it! How could someone as noble as me be allowed to pick black coral flowers! That bastard Pokie! He asked me to do such a thing! I was only temporarily demoted! Lord Muna's favorite person will always be Me! Poki, don’t step on my head again!” The ugly man clenched his fists angrily and cursed.

Miaomiao now knows which apostle's territory this is, but this favorite of Uheimna is too unflattering, Muna's taste is a little bit heavy...

Although the territory she visited belonged to Uheimna, who was not in the right position, Miaomiao decided not to let go of this opportunity easily. She quickly stepped forward and raised the broom with a few skills to scatter the black vines.

"Why be angry? After you regain Lord Muna's trust, I think that Poki will definitely regret doing this to you. By the way, you are looking for the black coral flower. Why don't I get it for you?" Planting flowers, I have always admired Lord Muna, and I especially hope to do something for Lord Muna, if you can give me this opportunity, it would be a great honor."

She even comforted and helped the ugly man and immediately got close to the ugly man. Her attitude was completely different from before. However, NPCs generally don't pay attention to this. The ugly man only noticed that someone was willing to do this dirty and smelly thing for him, and immediately stood up happily. up.

He first patted and cleaned his dirty self, then glanced around Miaomiao, and said with satisfaction: "Although you are a little small, you can still cast spells, so I will force you to do this glorious and sacred thing." .”

I don't know who just dismissed this job as useless, and it turned out to be honorable and sacred to pass it on to someone else. Demons are indeed the most fickle race.

"Thank you so much. May I know the exact location of the black coral flower? By the way, I don't know which adult gave me such a glorious and sacred thing. Please tell me your name, and I will remember it in my heart." Yes." Miao Miao showed a happy face, she was so hypocritical that she happily folded her hands and thanked him.

"I am Kan Moti, the Lord Muna who trusts the most. I have always been looking for beautiful men for the Lord Muna. No one in the dark territory knows me. You didn't recognize me. You are really ignorant." This is called The man from Kanmoti spoke arrogantly, twisting his neck subconsciously, showing his complacency, and finally explained the business, "I don't know where the black coral flower is, anyway, it grows in this black coral flower. Rainforest, you have to find it quickly, remember not to damage the flowers in the slightest, this is the holy product of Lord Muna's beauty."

You heard that right!Miaomiao stood there under the scarred outside and tender inside, looking for a handsome man? !Still beautiful? !So this Uheimna is a lustful evil queen-like apostle? !Could it be that Can Moti is a character similar to an out-of-favor eunuch! ?Then his ugliness can finally be forgiven!

I'm going big!Why hadn't she heard of such a terrifying rumor before!
Believe it or not, the facts are right in front of your eyes. Soon Miaomiao went to look for black coral flowers with her fragile heart that was struck by lightning. The tall and mighty image of the apostles collapsed for the second time after Faro , the beauty of this world is indeed caused by distance, the closer you get to the apostles, the more you will find that these powerful beings are actually perverts!
While walking and fighting monsters, she was still digesting this matter. After gradually realizing the facts, she suddenly sighed why she didn't bring a handsome guy by her side.

But this matter is a bit whimsical. If Muna really has a strong taste, the candidate she brings may not be suitable. It's better to get close to recognize the other party's preferences before talking.

(End of this chapter)

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