The cute queen of online games

Chapter 228 Special Collection

Chapter 228 Special Collection
"My dear sister! You must not leak the secret, I must do this, please don't do it for me!" Qiao Nannan immediately cupped her fists to beg for forgiveness, begging her sister to show her respect.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Nannan's cell phone rang suddenly. He took out the cell phone and looked at the number on it, a little puzzled, and muttered, "Why is it an unfamiliar number? Who is it?"

Miaomiao watched him answer the phone, only to see Qiao Nannan smile after talking for a while, hung up the phone after speaking, and hugged Miaomiao excitedly.

"Hahaha! I have a new job! Xiao Qiao, you are too accurate. Just now, Tianlai Games approached me and wanted to recruit me to be a game planner. I am also the team leader! Let me go for an interview in the afternoon. If there is no problem, please Sign the contract immediately!" Qiao Nannan laughed and hugged Miao Miao tightly.

Miaomiao really wanted to congratulate him, but she couldn't say anything after being hugged enthusiastically by Qiao Nannan. When she was put down by Qiao Nannan, she said, "I'll just say it. Sure enough, there are companies vying for you, and they're going to be a team member directly." Boss, have you been promoted?"

"Tian Lai Game is the company we are playing in Yuanzhi Domain. From now on, Lin Yuan and I will work together, and I can secretly give you gossip! Haha, and it is Lin Yuan's leader! I will treat him to dinner tomorrow. !" Qiao Nannan immediately got carried away.

Miaomiao was a little speechless, really sad for Lin Yuan to have such a good friend...

The new home has been settled, and Da Qiao's work is almost done. Miao Miao plans to prepare the method of obtaining the task according to the agreement with Luo Qingqing, so she asks for a quiet and happy call from Fenghuang Weiyang.

After getting the number, Miaomiao keyed it into her mobile phone. After thinking about it, she didn’t call. Instead, she sent a WeChat voice message to ask how to obtain the task. Miaomiao didn’t shy away from saying that she was going to sell it to Sihai Pavilion, would she like it? Disclosure is entirely up to him.

The message was sent out and there was no reply quickly. It is estimated that Ji Jing Huanxi is still in the game at this time, but Miao Miao is not in a hurry, so he played the game again in the afternoon.

The online character still stays in the library. She left the Wuyun Palace directly to the streets of Duoyu City. The deal agreed with Vincent last time has come, so she went to get the blue steel stone.

Arriving at the Doma Lane that Wen Sen mentioned, Miao Miao found his house without much trouble, because there were many NPCs surrounding the door of Wen Sen's house, and it was difficult for her to miss it.

Seeing this situation, Miao Miao slowly approached and inquired with the NPCs around the door.

"Did something happen here?"

An aunt from the demon tribe immediately approached enthusiastically, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Oh, you don't know yet, the young man of this family came back from the outside and was crippled by a berserk monster. It's really pitiful. The family is so poor. I can't even pay for the bone, but if the bone is not connected, the future will be useless, and the elderly at home will not be able to support them, so I borrowed money to see a doctor. What about the things at home?"

The aunt's mouth is expressive. After saying this, the matter will be fully understood immediately. This is a bit similar to borrowing a usury loan in reality.

Miao Miao nodded and squeezed in, and immediately saw that the dilapidated small house was turned upside down by several people, poor Wen Sen fell on the ground with a limping leg, begging, and two elderly people who seemed to be Wen Sen Parents, they are wiping tears tremblingly watching these people make a mess of their own house.

Since the goods she needed were still in Wen Sen's hands, Miao Miao, who had never been enthusiastic, had to come forward to help him, and she quickly walked out of the crowd of onlookers.

"Stop, I'm Lord Muna's guest, Lord Faru's messenger, you dare to bully my friend, aren't you afraid of being arrested?" Miao Miao was too lazy to bother, and directly used her identity to suppress others. Far more direct and deterrent than fighting.

As soon as the group of saboteurs heard about Miaomiao's identity, they all ran away in fright, and the onlookers outside gradually dispersed when they saw that nothing was going on, and Wen Sen's house became quiet.

Miao Miao helped Wen Sen to a chair and sat down, and the whole family wiped their tears to thank Miao Miao immediately.

"Don't thank me either. I've heard about everything. If I hadn't helped me to mine blue steel, I wouldn't have been broken by monsters. Speaking of which, I have some responsibilities."

Miao Miao said very politely, although she didn't quite understand the reason for the plot arrangement, but there must be a reason for it, it seemed that some side plot was triggered, she never let go of any mission opportunities, naturally Be kind and amiable.

Wen Sen quickly waved his hands and explained in fear: "No, it's all my own fault. Originally, this road would not enter a place with berserk monsters. I was greedy and wanted to collect some more materials for food, so I encountered Monster, you must not blame yourself."

"Anyway, seeing your situation, I definitely want to help. Didn't I just say that you are my friend, and you should help. Is your injury serious? Do you want to see a doctor again? ?" Miao Miao acted particularly righteous, and looked at Wen Sen's injured leg with concern.

This Vincent seems to be a dutiful son. In order to support his parents, he works hard every day to collect some materials that are not very valuable, but his family still seems to be extremely poor.

"It's okay, the bones have been connected, and it will be healed after a while of rest. I'm afraid it's my family who is recuperating..." Wen Sen showed a sad look, thinking that he couldn't make money to take care of his parents, and he couldn't continue talking.

"Are you worried that you won't be able to eat at home?" Miaomiao immediately took out a bag of gold coins and put them on the table next to her, "The money will be used to buy food and medicine for you, and I can also borrow a servant from Lord Muna to take care of you." For a while, if you need anything else, just tell me."

Vincent was speechless for a moment, seeing that Miaomiao was about to kneel down, and then considering that he had broken a leg, he put his head on the armrest of the chair and saluted Miaomiao.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! It's just that I won't be able to pay back these in the future, so please don't bother you too much, as long as there is food and drink at home, you don't need to find someone to take care of me..."

Seeing his refusal, Miaomiao didn't insist too much. For such a simple demon boy, too much preferential treatment would be a burden to him.

Thinking of the experience of this guy's broken leg, Miao Miao was a little puzzled, so she asked him: "By the way, although the materials you collected are very precious, they are not worth much here. Why don't you do something else to make money?"

Speaking of this, Vincent immediately looked at his parents, and then sighed: "Actually, this is a skill inherited from my family. It can directly collect some precious materials that need to be disassembled and processed. It used to be quite profitable, but now gradually no one I need these things, and I don’t want this skill to lose its inheritance here, so I have been insisting on collecting materials, and I don’t know much about other things, so I can only do some chores.”

Miaomiao was stunned for a moment. It is true that these high-level sub-professional materials in the game cannot be obtained directly. Some of them are exploded by killing monsters, and some are obtained through dismantling. She never expected that these materials of Wen Sen were directly collected. No wonder there were so many rare materials on his stall last time.

After hesitating for a while, Miaomiao tentatively asked: "Can this skill be passed on?"

Vincent understood Miaomiao's meaning right away, and immediately asked: "Do you want to learn? Of course, you are my benefactor. This skill is useless nowadays, and it is not particularly worth hiding. Things, it is my honor that you are willing to learn, and it is also the honor of our entire family!"

Miaomiao suppressed the joy in her heart, which is a great benefit, but she won't show it so obviously.

She smiled, nodded and looked at Wen Sen and said, "Okay, then, just take it as a reward for teaching me this skill, and don't say anything about it, we will be good friends from now on, and I will definitely help you if I can help you." I will do my best to help you."

Wen Sen couldn't help thanking her for a long time, and then began to explain to Miaomiao how to collect precious materials. After learning it, Miaomiao acquired a new skill called special collection among life skills.

After looking at the skill description, this kind of collection is actually more against the sky than she imagined. It can directly collect the materials on the equipment without destroying the equipment. Moreover, when collecting materials from monsters, in addition to collecting monster corpses, there is a chance to obtain the monster's energy. The materials that burst out, using this skill, can directly stun the undead monster for ten seconds, and then the monster is in an invincible stun, and then use the special collection again to directly collect the materials that the monster will explode.

Skills have different chances of success according to their proficiency levels. Vertigo also has a longer CD. If the level is high, there is a chance to collect multiple materials at once.

For the first time, she discovered that life skills can have a certain fighting nature. This skill is a bit more difficult to use when fighting monsters. After all, monsters are invincible after being stunned, but it is definitely a good skill that can be used to save life.

After learning special collection, Vincent gave Miao Miao the blue steel stone that he was going to trade last time. Miaomiao was a little disappointed when he got the fine steel stone to check. This thing is really blue steel stone instead of fine steel stone.

Moreover, this blue steel stone did not specify what it is useful for. It only stated that it can be used after smelting, but it seems that there is no such life skill as smelting. Equipment blacksmiths also directly use materials to make equipment, and there is no such step as smelting raw materials. , I don’t know how to smelt the blue steel stone...

She asked Wen Sen about the method of smelting blue steel stone. Wen Sen was not proficient in this, but told her that there were some masters who specialized in smelting blue steel stone in the sinful territory.

Resentfully putting away the blue steel stones, Miaomiao had to inquire again next time she went to the evil domain. She already had some suspicions that what the muse brought by Qiangdi said last time that there were many steel stones in the devil world was not true.

After leaving Vincent's house, she immediately devoted herself to the nearby map to practice special collection. You must know that the Demon Realm has many precious materials that are different from those in the Alans Continent. Instantly earn a fortune!
(End of this chapter)

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