The cute queen of online games

Chapter 235 Couple Rings

Chapter 235 Couple Rings
It’s strange that there are no other ideas. As a magician, whoever sees this weapon will have no idea. Miao Miao is really hard to give up. Although she is a bit disgusted with this embarrassing and divine shape, she holds it in her hand after seeing the attributes. I can't put it down at all...

Miao Miao smiled, shook her head and said, "Don't let it be too obvious, just now you used the Acid Rain skill to lower the boss's ice resistance, I saw it clearly, and you said you didn't repair the ice system, but in fact you didn't repair it. I’m the one with the ice system, everyone has seen that I’ve only used the most basic frost yeti.”

Embarrassed for a moment, Wu Xiaoxiao lowered her head and pointed at her fingers, muttering: "It would be a waste for me to hold such a good weapon, and the strongest effect can be exerted in the hands of Mengshen."

The others didn't feel embarrassed to say anything, but they all thought that Wu Xiaoxiao's skills were top-notch among magicians. This girl is really not ordinary modesty.

Miaomiao thought for a while, and saw that Wu Xiaoxiao's level was just 51, and quickly thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, so she said: "Well, you can't get your current level, I will use it first, and wait until you reach level [-]." This weapon will be given to you without deducting any contribution value."

Wu Xiaoxiao raised her hand and was about to decline, Miaomiao immediately said seriously: "This broom is good, but it's really not the most suitable for me, so it's settled, no objection is allowed."

However, Wu Xiaoxiao thanked Miaomiao with a happy smile in the end, and it was finally settled happily.

After the broom looked at it, Miaomiao took out two rings, one ring was called Love of Crabs, the other was called Love of Mushrooms, and the rings could only be worn at LV65, which was different from usual, showing the limitation of Love of Crabs It is worn by men, and Mushroom Love is worn by women, and the attributes on it are grayed out. Only at the bottom is it written that it is bound after wearing, and the attributes are displayed after being equipped.

Miao Miao had never seen such a strange equipment, so she brought it in front of everyone and asked, "These two rings are a bit weird, who wants it?"

As soon as she stretched out her hand, the two rings were placed in the palm of her hand, and everyone immediately saw the shape of the rings. The two rings were both small and exquisite silver rings. There was a crab pattern on the crab's love, and there was a sunken heart on the crab's chest. On the top of the mushroom is a mushroom pattern, and there is a protruding heart shape on the mushroom. The two hearts can obviously be put together. It is clearly a pair of couple rings!
"I'll go! I don't want this kind of couple ring, whoever I send, bully me as a bachelor!" You Baili from the Platinum Temple was the first to back away.

The other bachelors also retreated one after another. This thing doesn't know the attributes, and the second level is not enough. The most important thing is that they can't find a partner to show their affection together!
Uncle Xuan, the only non-single dad in the team, also shook his head and retreated: "My wife doesn't play games, so wearing this kind of thing makes me want to die."

Wu Xiaoxiao, Wu Xiaomo, and Feng Suxin thought the pattern was pretty, but unfortunately the three of them were not married yet, and it was embarrassing for a girl to give a ring to a man, so they immediately said no.

In the end, only Ji Jinghuanxi stood there watching for a long time, then looked at the others walking away, raised his eyebrows and said: "It seems that I am the only one who wants it?"

Uncle Xuan stood on the side and waved his hands happily and shouted: "God of Huanxi, take it quickly, this ring belongs to you."

The clown, who didn't know why, asked in a daze, "Why? God of joy has a girlfriend?"

Uncle Xuan glared at him, he didn't expect Possessed Clown to be so slow.

Ji Jinghuanxi responded very generously: "Well, it will be available soon, so make an appointment first."

Hearing this, some people snickered and others were surprised. Of course, there were some unknown reasons, such as the whirling clown, but Miao Miao narrowed her eyes and frowned slightly. For some reason, she felt that his words were a bit weird, and felt a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, An Jing Huanxi took the pair of rings from Miaomiao's hand, she was about to withdraw her hand, but Jing Jing Huanxi gently grasped the outstretched palm, her middle finger felt slightly cold, and she saw the mushroom love ring on her face Putting it on his middle finger, and raising his eyes again, the silent and joyful left middle finger also put on the love of crab.

Miaomiao was about to ask him what he meant, but Ji Jinghuan looked at Miaomiao's middle finger in surprise first, and said in a low voice: "Hey, why did I slip my hand again? The ring accidentally slipped onto your hand?"

This acting is too exaggerated...

Miaomiao squinted her eyes and raised her left hand to show the ring, said through the gap between her teeth: "You are too slippery!"

After speaking, she reached out to pull out the ring, but was prompted by the system that the ring was bound and could not be removed, and asked her if she wanted to destroy it...

I go!Is this system negotiated with An Jing Huanxi? !

Ji Jinghuanxi touched the ring first and sighed: "It turned out to be worn and bound. It seems that I can't get it back. Forget it, I will let you wear one."

Everyone: "..."

Turning around with an uneasy face, Miaomiao calmly began to distribute the many spoils she just got.

In view of the fact that the three pieces of equipment were taken by the Mengsha faction, and most of the other items were distributed to the teammates of the alliance guild, she was very methodical with a cold face, so that the four guilds had a good harvest.

After distributing the things, Miaomiao immediately led the team back to Duoyu City, her face was calm all the way, but she didn't say a word to Ji Jinghuanxi...

This kind of tranquility is particularly terrifying. Everyone in the team who dared to speak out was so scared that they were a little nervous and watched the leaders Miao Miao and Ji Jingxiu... Are the two gods at odds?Isn't it just a pair of rings?Why?

After a while, Miaomiao called the clown Posuo to her side, and asked him about the encounters and discoveries of the team after they arrived in the Demon Realm.

The clown asked Miaomiao bluntly: "The God of Joy is the captain, he knows better than me..."

Miaomiao interrupted him: "I am now in team P mode and can send you back to the continent of Alans."

His whole body shivered, and he immediately reported in detail how the team met Faru in the Demon Realm, and even reported which monsters he fought to upgrade and what things dropped, for fear that the cute god would not be the same. Shunxin sent him out of the devil world... But he still didn't understand how he became a superfluous person, he was also a coquettish main force after all!
After listening to the report, Miaomiao had a more detailed understanding of the situation in Guiguiyuan.

Then she asked, "Why didn't you come here with Faro tomorrow? He should be able to bring you all here directly."

The clown Posa replied honestly: "Because the God of Joy said that he has something to look for you..."

Speaking of this, he still has a little complaint. He could take the express train of the apostle to play teleportation, but the God of Joy forced the whole team to train in hell and ran to the black territory like a marathon across so many maps. What a crime!
 Huh, I'm actually late again... I'm stuck with resentment because I can't continue writing about hairy crabs... Can that be used as an excuse?

(End of this chapter)

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