The cute queen of online games

Chapter 237 The Weird Confession

Chapter 237 The Weird Confession

Hearing this, Miao Miao didn't feel the slightest blush and heartbeat, but looked at Jing Jing and glared happily, did she think she was an innocent little girl who was easy to deceive?Just a ring! ?It's still in the game!It was still bound to her body!It was she who led the team to fight!Does this require being a couple? !

Withdrawing her left hand, she stared at him coldly: "Are you kidding me? A ring makes me private for life?"

"I seem to be joking?" Looking at Miao Miao, who was still calm and a little cold, he thought she would act softer, but Ji Jing rejoiced to find that he had really found a difficult challenge for himself.

But this challenge will be something that he has to deal with all his life, and it is definitely the most difficult challenge in his life, but so what, his favorite thing is to challenge the impossible!

It is an impossible task to make a woman like Meng Miaomiao emotional and tempted. From about the first time he saw her, he knew that she would not be easy to deal with, but what he thought at that time was controlled by the game The challenge, he never thought that this challenge has not yet been achieved, and he unknowingly began to challenge her heart.

Ji Jinghuanxi thinks she has a lot of talent, but it's a pity that she doesn't have a lover...

"You always seem to be joking." Miao Miao told him frankly, and added, "So you give me the feeling that you are dispensable to everything, and you are dispensable as a couple. I will not accept your ambiguous suggestion, and I can tell you clearly that I don’t want to find a boyfriend in the game, I can play virtual games, but I don’t want to play virtual feelings.”

She simply stated her attitude clearly to prevent him from continuing to have ambiguous thoughts.

"Emotions cannot be virtualized." Ji Jinghuanxi listened to her words seriously. Although she was a little shocked, she also felt that her thoughts were not wrong. The emotions in the game are indeed easy to break, and then he asked her in a deliberative manner, "What about that?" Can you accept the real feelings?"

Miaomiao couldn't understand him a little bit, she stopped eating, turned her head and looked at him warily and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Isn't my meaning clear enough? I want to pursue you, whether it's in a game or in reality, and I've already asked your brother's permission, so your family should not object."

With her eyes wide open, Miaomiao scolded Qiao Nannan in her heart. Did her brother go out of his mind and agree to such an outrageous thing? !

She took a deep breath, and told him slowly and clearly: "Then I can clearly reject you now, we are not the same way, and I will not be with you."

"You're really not tactful at all..." Ji Jing Huanxi didn't show any injury or frustration at all, she still sat there confidently, but her expression still showed a little innocence.

He believes that his throbbing is not just one-sided, and the sense of fit with Miao Miao is definitely not imagined by himself, and Miao Miao must also feel it. She may just resist all virtual feelings, not against his resistance.

What's more, Meng Miaomiao has not indicated that she has someone else she likes, which means that he still has a great chance, no one is more suitable for Meng Miaomiao than him, even if there is, he will kick the other party to death!

Miao Miao also said calmly as if she was negotiating: "Euphemism will only leave you with too much hope, so be thorough, and you will understand that I sincerely reject you."

But who is Ji Jinghuanxi? How could the thickest-skinned god in history shrink back because he was not tactful?

"Well, you can keep your refusal temporarily, but you can't deprive me of the right to pursue, I can take my time, and I will still be your fighting partner until you are willing to give me a chance to become your lover." He looked directly at Miao Miao and said firmly, abandoning his usual casual look.

Miao Miao felt that the atmosphere was weird, she didn't look like someone who had just rejected someone, she was quiet and happy, and she didn't look like someone rejected her at all.

She couldn't help wondering if he said from the bottom of his heart that he wanted to pursue her, and asked him with a corner of his mouth, "Hey, do you really like me? Why can't I see it at all?"

Indeed, both of them were too calm, confessing and refusing seemed to be discussing how to fight.

"I didn't see that you didn't like me, but you just rejected me." As he said this, he silently and happily reflected on it deeply. It seemed that he really didn't show any liking, no wonder the first The confession failed so completely...

Miao Miao felt more and more that this was a joke, and said helplessly: "Do you think that just saying that I want to pursue you is considered a pursuit? Have you ever been in love?"

"Frankly speaking, you are the first person I want to pursue. Do you think I have ever been in love?"

"Should I be honored? Could it be that you used me to practice proficiency?"

"Then I may only be able to practice this skill up to level one, so please forgive me for my low pursuit skills in the future."

This dialogue became more and more weird. As a game master, he always associated everything with the game for no reason.

She directly cut off the topic, and finally made a statement: "Well, since you think you can persevere, then your pursuit is your business, and I declare that I have no obligation to give you any response, and don't place your hopes on I would be moved."

She felt that An Anxiu would eventually lose interest in her, and the matter would be resolved naturally. Even from what he said, she felt that he might not have figured out whether she really liked her.

"Don't be too harsh, I think you will be moved by me." Ji Jinghuan smiled with his white teeth showing. Although this sounded like a cold rejection, he still felt a trace of tolerance, at least the cute meow He didn't completely want to sever ties with him, which was actually a good start.

I wanted to be more ruthless, but after listening to his words, Miao Miao finally said: "Hmm, wait and see."

The two of them had a very tacit understanding and then stopped mentioning this matter, silently and joyfully handing over all kinds of delicious crabs to Miao Miao, being intimate but not crossing the line, Miao Miao didn't want to take his food, but what happened at home The foodie snatched it up and gnawed it.

"By the way, what's the matter with you running over here early to find me?" In order to avoid embarrassment, she sat there and asked about the business.

He said: "Didn't you ask me to enter the devil world to obtain the task? I think it's better to tell you face to face."

When he suddenly confessed his love just now, Miao Miao almost forgot that she had asked him about the quest. After mentioning this, she remembered that she had sent him a text message before. Just thinking of this, she suddenly became annoyed.

She actually took the initiative to leave him her phone number!If I had known that he meant it, I would never have told him!

 It's late again... I won't find any excuses anymore, I just apologize to everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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