Chapter 248

Jing Huanxi, who was chasing behind, saw Qiang Di, an eyesore, suddenly join in, and suddenly put himself in a disguise. Unfortunately, he just learned a book of improved camouflage skills, which made the camouflage skills more magical. One of them That is, it can speed up by [-]% in the camouflaged state!

Miao Miao, who had already reached the tower of the ruins, suddenly felt a gust of wind rushing behind her, and knew that An Jing Huanxi had somehow caught up with her, so she immediately performed a series of jumps, jumped directly into the high air, and then quickly landed on the tower of the ruins A little bit on the ground, lightly on the ground, and jump again.

There are pits and pits on the ruined high tower for running and jumping, so Miaomiao’s method saves the time of walking around the tower, and she jumped to the middle of the tower in two or three extremely fast, and she couldn’t notice it during the hard jump Where did Silent Joy in the disguised state go, but he also knew that he would not be slow.

When she quickly jumped to the top of the tower, Miaomiao was surprised to see that a gust of wind made her reach the top in less than a second.

Ji Jing Huanxi casually placed a small robot to reveal her figure, with a dazzling smile hanging on her face.

"For the sake of me finally beating you once, can we always enjoy the scenery together?"

Miao Miao only blamed herself for not expecting him to surpass the previous speed, and after thinking about it, he must have some tricks in his skills, so she nodded: "Okay, I would like to admit defeat."

Putting the broom away casually, she sat on the edge of the ruins, put her legs outside the ruins, and immediately sat next to her in silence and joy, her tall celestial figure completely blocked the cold wind from above.

"Actually, the scenery is really good. Uheimna didn't talk nonsense." He quietly moved closer to Miaomiao, saying that he was looking at the scenery, but he couldn't help but look at her face from a close distance.

The delicate eyebrows are slightly curved, and they look curved and smiling. The watery almond eyes should be cute and flattering, but her eyes are too sharp and resolute, and they just let the eyes have a bit of evil spirit. With a small and clean nose, it is also cute, but the high nose bridge shows the arrogance in her heart.

It's just such a lively loli face, but exudes a domineering arrogance that surpasses everyone. Such a contradiction attracts him deeply. Unknowingly, he has reached the point where he can't extricate himself. He who has never cared about anyone, but now he is willing Paying for her, waiting for her, and even giving her everything for her, just for her to be connected with him.

For this unique woman, Ji Jinghuanxi understood in just one month what it means to like, what is meant to sacrifice, and what is meant to be willing. When the love comes, it is so natural, and she never thinks about whether it is worthwhile or not. I just want to get closer to her, to see her more clearly...

His eyes wandered on her rosy lips, and he couldn't help but have the urge to take a bite. Before he even realized it, he moved closer to her cheek.

Miao Miao is still sitting there at this moment and really looks at the scenery in the ruins, and feels that this kind of ruined beauty also has a different kind of beauty, especially when thinking of the beautiful scenes that these ruins may have in the past, this kind of broken beauty is It's become a little more touching.

In the past, she sat on the floating island and watched similar scenery in the Lost Paradise of Time and Space, but her mood was very different. There was another person sitting beside her, and her sense of loneliness was just driven away, because she did not face these things alone. .

After watching for a while, he tilted his head and was about to talk to Jing Jinghuanxi, but when he turned his face, he touched Jing Jinghuanxi's face, even the lips unconsciously felt a trace of heat.

Although there is a system in the game to protect women from assault, it is only when the female player has a sense of resistance. If it is an intimate action of a concubine, the game will not punish the player indiscriminately, and this kind of unintentional occurrence Contact, the game is also difficult to define, so there will be no punishment.

Miaomiao's reaction was quick, after she swept her cheek to cheek and Silence joyfully, she leaned back suddenly, and raised her hand to push...

Qiangdi just arrived at the top of the pagoda. As soon as he came up, he saw Ji Jinghuanxi being pushed down by Miaomiao. He suddenly witnessed such a historic moment, and he was stunned!

Ji Jing Huanxi also didn't expect a series of movements. The dignified Killing God was defeated by Miaomiao even his weapon was useless, and he was directly KO'd with his hands. He turned sideways to the edge of the high tower, and then he rushed over with his hands and feet at the same time, hanging on the side of the tower dangerously.

Miaomiao, who reacted completely subconsciously, lowered her head and watched nervously. She was relieved when she saw that he was not killed, and then looked at him from above with a complicated expression... She wanted to deal with this guy's out-of-bounds behavior, but she had already put He pushed it down, and if there was any fire, it should be extinguished immediately, but if he didn't beat him up, he felt very unhappy in his heart!

At this time, the system's server shutdown countdown sounded, which resolved this conflict for her, so she gave Jing Jing Huanxi a distant look and simply logged off.

After logging out, Miaomiao went out of the game cabin and went straight to the living room to drink water. Joe’s father and mother had already been offline and sat in the living room watching TV because of the shutdown of the server. She came out to get a big glass from the water dispenser. The water directly raised his head and drank it, and the two elders were stunned.

"Yo? When did our family raise a big hippopotamus? Drink so much water? This month's water bill is estimated to double." Qiao's mother stared at Miaomiao and sighed in surprise and amused.

"My lord, you are too exaggerated." After pouring a large glass of water, the anger disappeared a lot.

Miao Miao looked at her parents speechlessly, is there such a thing as belittling her own daughter, she is still a girl in her twenties, to describe her as a hippopotamus!
"I didn't expect you to be as knowledgeable and sensible as a lady since I was a child, but it's always right to touch a little bit of jade. I didn't expect that now you are just like that girl who always listens to games, not at all like me back then. Fenghua." Qiao's mother sighed wantonly when Miaomiao said it.

Qiao's father was still nodding fiercely beside him, especially supporting his wife.

As soon as she put the water glass down, Miaomiao hurriedly intercepted her mother's chatterbox, otherwise she would have been talking for a long time, she waved her hands and shouted to stop fearfully: "This is too wronged me, how can I be a woman? You I’ve been playing games for so long, but I haven’t heard many people call me cute, it’s a compliment that I’m cute and cute, no one ever said I’m a girl, my image is so positive and loving!”

It was only in front of her family that she would brag so happily. In the usual games, some people said she was cute and cute, and she vomited to death. I just felt that these people had completely failed to see through her sturdy and powerful sister-in-law.

"Don't bully me and your mother, who just played games and didn't know much. We all know that this group of people called you Mengshen because your game name has a cute word, not because you are cute. The name can actually be used as a reason." Father Qiao complained very hard, and even gestured with a look of pride that he knew very well.

"My dear parents! They are cheating fathers, how can your two elders cheat your daughter..." Miao Miao said weakly, a large part of the reason why she was called the god of cuteness was that everyone thought she was cute, at least She often deliberately pretends to be cute and cute to maintain her image.

"Okay, others don't know you, and I don't know your temperament. Come quickly and tell mom what new things will be released this maintenance? Will the hot pot restaurant opened by our family be affected?" Greeting Miao Miao was next to her, and Mother Qiao was eager to know if there would be any economic crisis.

After all, the older generation is an older generation, and they don’t care much about opening new maps in the game. They just pay attention to their own small shop. The specific rewards for leading the team to open the Demon Realm.

That's good, it can ensure that the parents' game life is pure and happy. If they pay too much attention to the various content in the game, she is worried that those messy gossips will be heard by the elders and have some bad ideas.

Sit down obediently, Miao Miao took Qiao's mother's hand and said: "You should ask Da Qiao about this. He is the team leader of his game company, and he must know more details than me."

She is not worried about the hot pot restaurant at home. No matter what big map is opened, the Arance Continent is still the main plot of the game, and she also saw the level limit of the Demon Realm on the World Channel after the Demon Realm was opened, so she went to the Demon Realm people are still in the minority.

After finishing speaking, she remembered that she had obtained a lot of things in the Demon Realm, and said to her parents: "By the way, I got a lot of recipes and ingredients in the Demon Realm, and I will bring them to you later. In addition, the recipes in the Demon Realm may become popular for a while. dishes, should make a lot of money."

While telling her parents, she also thought that she still has a lot of other materials from the devil world here, and she must sell them at a high price after opening the game, otherwise it will be worthless if everyone gets too many. Many follow-up things after the opening of the Demon Realm, such as Qing Gangshi still needs to be taken over from Faru, and the task of the NPC Qin Tong from the Middle Ancient Continent must also be done, and the map must be marked first... After much deliberation, she still needs to After spending a lot of time in the Demon Realm, the opening of the Heaven Realm will be delayed again.

I heard from Fenghuang Weiyang that Mengsha Pie has been stuck on the last floor for a long time, and several guilds have also reached the last floor. It is really difficult, so wait for Miaomiao to come back and try again.

The demon world has just been opened, and it is estimated that other guilds do not have much energy to focus on the opening of the heaven world, but she must hurry up, most of the marked benefits of the demon world can only be handed over to the Platinum Temple.

While discussing with her parents about the restaurant, suddenly the door heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Miaomiao looked at the door and saw Qiao Nannan coming in. He closed the door and walked in hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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