The cute queen of online games

Chapter 250 Shimizu Hibiscus

Chapter 250 Shimizu Hibiscus
After waking up, Miaomiao felt a little flushed, and with her age before rebirth, she was long past the time of a young girl Huaichun, how could an inexplicable kiss make her have such a big reaction?Could it be that the idol worship in the early years caused her to still have any illusions about silence and joy in her heart?
Depressedly, she patted her face lightly, remembering the explicit kiss in the dream, is she having a erotic dream? !
Some beautiful dreams made her sit on the bed for a long time without getting up. At first, she wanted to reflect and wake up, but she couldn't help recalling that in the dream, she and An Jinghuan held hands and cheeks, and looked at each other and smiled very well. She actually remembered all kinds of dreams that made her want to get into the cracks in the ground clearly.

She shook her head vigorously, and when she touched her cheek, the heat on her face increased instead of receding, which made her feel unbearable.

Sitting on the bed and sighing to herself, she admitted that she was not completely indifferent to silence and joy, but she was not to the point of having a erotic dream, and she insisted that now is not the time for her to be in love with her children, and she will not let the world After a crushing defeat, she was in no mood to invest in a new relationship.

Quiet Joy, which shouldn't have appeared in her life trajectory, insisted on squeezing into her life, and kept saying that it wanted to capture her heart, playing cards unreasonably to disrupt her footsteps.

This was not in her plan at all, so she flatly refused, but she couldn't stop him...

Ji Jing Huanxi is obviously a difficult guy, whether as an opponent, enemy or partner, it will give Miao Miao a headache, but the most troublesome thing is that he suddenly became his suitor.

Miao Miao couldn't help thinking, could it be that she was born unable to attract normal people?Everyone who wants to pursue her is so perverted, even the most normal Lin Yuan actually likes Sassy Girlfriend in a weird way...

Scratching at her hair, she couldn't figure out this kind of thing. She gave up trying to figure it out, and felt the heat on her face subside a little before getting up to wash up.

After freshening up, the time turned out to be an hour later than usual. Miaomiao remembered that today she was going to shoot a video at Tian Lai Game, so she quickly packed the omelette made by her mother from the dining table and went out to exercise...

It wasn't that she didn't hurry up, it was because of her habit of exercising every morning, and Qiao Nannan didn't tell her the specific time, so she went for a run first as usual.

As a result, Qiao Nannan called her while running, begging her grandpa to tell her grandma to come quickly, and all the other players had already arrived.

Fortunately, it was very close to the company of Tianlai Games, so she just ran there, and it was already 10:30 in the morning when she got there.

After entering, Miaomiao went to the front desk to ask where the video was taken. Just as she said hello, she heard a lively noise at the door. Looking back, she saw a woman walking in surrounded by a large group of people. This woman was not afraid of the cold and was wearing a white jumpsuit. A short skirt, a white hat on his head, and huge sunglasses on his face.

Although the sunglasses blocked most of her face, she could still see the delicate makeup on her face. Among the group of people, there were a few people with microphones who seemed to be interviewing her, and there were also bodyguards dressed in black rudely clearing the scene. .

Miao Miaoyi looked at the front desk, and felt that this woman seemed to be a celebrity, but she seldom paid attention to these things, and she didn't even watch TV much, and the other party had sunglasses covering her face, so she couldn't recognize who she was at all , but it feels vaguely familiar.

Probably this is the game company that invited them to endorse. She turned her head not very interested, and was about to take the elevator upstairs, but overheard the whispered conversation between the two young girls at the front desk.

"This is the one our company invited to endorse? It seems to be Li Sha? It's okay to wear such big sunglasses and have so many bodyguards. Do you want to be recognized or not? By the way, I heard that she also plays games."

"It's not decided yet, just come and take a look, she's just a third-rate starlet, her acting is the worst, I heard that she's a rich second generation, and she pays for her own fame, in case others won't recognize her, so she's the one who speaks for her image Isn't our game purely for destroying our game, just don't choose her."

"Yeah, I've watched a few episodes of the TV series she acted in, and her acting skills are so bad that I can't watch it anymore. Why did I choose her? It turns out that she is the second generation of rich people!"

"What can I do if my family has money? Anyway, a daughter doesn't need to inherit the family business. If my family has money, I will also become a star."

"Just dream..."

The whispers of the two fell into Miao Miao's ears, but she had never heard of the name Li Sha, so it seemed that she was not a particularly popular actress.

After hearing this, she wasn't very interested, so she walked towards the elevator again, and as soon as she stood in front of the elevator, the group of people surrounding Li Sha crowded over.

A bodyguard was about to push away Miaomiao and the reporter next to him with his hands, and said, "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Let Ms. Li Sha go first."

There were three elevators in front of her, and Miaomiao didn't bother to argue with them about first-come-first-served, so she moved half a step away to the door of the next elevator, but the bodyguards continued to clear the scene, as if they were going to occupy the seats of the three elevators.

The bodyguard didn't know what was going on, so he reached out to Miaomiao's side again, but this time Miaomiao wouldn't let him in. Isn't such a big place enough for these few people to enter?It's not a group of [-]-jin fat people.

As soon as the bodyguard's hand came over, Miaomiao glanced at it coldly, raised her elbow calmly, stretched out her hand to pinch the fat man's wrist, and squeezed it secretly, the bodyguard suddenly groaned and broke out in cold sweat, waiting for him to raise his head fiercely When he looked over, Miao Miao had already let go of his hand and moved aside. The bodyguard couldn't find who attacked him. He wanted to suspect Miao Miao, but felt that such a weak girl was impossible, so he stared for a while and was caught. The bodyguard next to him urged him, so he rubbed his wrist and gave up.

Miaomiao stood there waiting for the elevator as if nothing had happened, holding a packaged love quiche in her hand, as if she hadn't done anything.

Looking at the floor shown above, she suddenly felt that someone was staring at her, so she turned her head and found that Li Sha, who was surrounded by starlets, was staring at her directly through the sunglasses. Hostile, Miaomiao frowned slightly and looked directly at the other party.

Li Sha took a few more glances before turning her head away. At this time, the elevator in front of her came, and a group of people hugged her into the elevator.

It's so bizarre...

Before Miao Miao thought about it, the elevator in front of her also arrived, so she stepped into the elevator.

According to the instructions from the front desk, Miaomiao went up to the sixth floor. There are not many rooms on this floor, so she found the place easily. Before entering, she saw Qiao Nannan, Lin Yuan and another person standing at the door of the room. All three of them hung up. Looking at the work card, we are talking together.

Lin Yuan and Qiao Nannan hadn't noticed Miao Miao's approach, but the staff member who didn't know her saw her at a glance, and quickly reached out to greet her: "Meng God! Here! Here! This is the room!"

She walked straight over, feeling a little awkward about the other person's address. Although she was used to being called that, it was not in the game, and being called Mengshen seemed a bit weird.

"Hi, just call me Qiao Miaomiao." After walking over, she said politely.

The man laughed a little, touched his head and explained in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I'm also your fan, I'm used to calling you cute, and we often talk about you in our group. I also admire Brother Nan, and I especially envy him for having a cute little sister!"

Qiao Nannan had already turned her head to see Miaomiao, and smiled triumphantly when she heard this, "Look, I am a brother and a sister! I am very popular in the group because of the light of the Great God!"

"Isn't that right, you've become Brother Nan, how many younger brothers have you accepted?" Miao Miao said narrowly to him.

"Not too many, just Chen Nuo." Qiao Nannan pointed at the person who called Miaomiaomeng just now and said brazenly.

Chen Nuo nodded earnestly. He really admired Miaomiao. He was the one who was on duty with Lin Yuan and saw Miaomiao break into the [-]th floor of the crime burial alone. My memory is still fresh, and I have become Miaomiao's fan since then. Later, Qiao Nannan transferred me. He happened to be in Qiao Nannan's group. As soon as he heard that Qiao Nannan was Miaomiao's twin brother, he asked Qiao Nannan enthusiastically all day long. Inquire about the glorious deeds of Mengshen.

Such a die-hard fan can naturally recognize his idol at a glance, that's why he greeted Miaomiao so warmly just now.

Lin Yuan on the side was quite dedicated, interrupted their chat and reminded: "Let's go in first, the other players have already started, go in and familiarize yourself with today's process before chatting."

When he spoke, he just glanced at Miao Miao lightly. Looking at Lin Yuan who was so calm, Miao Miao found that his eyes no longer had the fiery eyes of the past, but were replaced by the familiar and friendly eyes of friends. This calm look couldn't be calmer.

"Okay." Miaomiao smiled and nodded at him, feeling a big stone in her heart, it seems that Lin Yuan has completely let go of her attachment, this is a good thing, it is good for her and Lin Yuan.

Four people pushed the door and entered. There was a large console connected to several built-in game cabins in the room. A super-large blue-ray screen was floating in the air. Several game screens were being displayed on the screen, and many seats were placed in front of the screen. , Many players and staff were sitting there watching.

When the four people came in, many people looked back, and suddenly many people's eyes stayed on Miaomiao for a long time before moving away.

Seeing a pretty girl with a loli face was second to none. The group of people were a little surprised when they saw her attire first, and then they noticed Miaomiao's face.

Because she came here while running, Miao Miao was wearing a blue-gray sportswear that could not tell her figure at all, but it was difficult to conceal the full curve of her chest. I applied makeup and powder, but my skin was rosy and full of luster, exactly like a hibiscus coming out of clear water.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket and reward for a pot of tea in Huajian ~ ok, readers should have seen it, right?This is the rhythm to meet~
(End of this chapter)

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