The cute queen of online games

Chapter 264 Self-defeating

Chapter 264 Self-defeating
According to Burton's instructions, the two found Burton's residence in the ancient city of Moro. Although the house had collapsed, the design was preserved intact.

Unsurprisingly, these design drawings are of extremely precious pink quality, and their preciousness has actually surpassed its quality level. There are many kinds of fire shooting crossbows, catapults, flame carts, ice traps, etc. If these things are used in urban warfare in the future, they will definitely be of great help!

After getting the blueprints, the map in Miller's Whale has nothing more to explore. After all, this map has been opened, and if there is anything new, the right hand of God will probably explore it.

I went back to the copy and found all the Moro jewelry sets, looked at the navigation map, and finally arrived at the plague area of ​​the Principality of Landis.

The two sat down and rested in the bonfire area where they were resting.

Having teamed up with Ji Jing Huanxi to do missions so many times, Miao Miao felt a little embarrassed for the first time, because his pursuit had made her a little unsure how to deal with it.

Although she is always very clear about her goals and thinks that she is very mature psychologically, but in terms of emotions, she just talked to a scumbag before her rebirth. Apart from that, she has no real and complete emotional experience. It's half a catty.

Waiting for the time to arrive in the plague area, Miao Miao simply sat in front of the campfire and packed the package again and again, quietly and joyfully sitting on the side feeding food and match snacks, her eyes fell on her from time to time.

Every time his eyes swept over, Miao Miao could clearly feel the heat in his eyes even without raising her head, she couldn't help scratching her hair, the feeling of disrupting the plan was really not very good, she suddenly felt the time when silence and joy appeared Not quite right, if another time...

Immediately, she didn't dare to think about it anymore, she wasn't sure that there would be a beautiful ending in another time, the reality was already like this, she still had to go on step by step.

Finally, the route was shown to reach the destination, and Miaomiao stood up relieved and said, "We can go down now. I have already notified the right hand to wait for us in the plague area. As for the whereabouts of the mentor, he has not found it yet. I am afraid that we must help him promote the story dungeon first." OK."

Ji Jing Huanxi was originally a man of action, so he didn't hesitate to pursue Miao Miao, but unfortunately he failed after a short experience. Seeing Miao Miao's current state of matter-of-fact, he realized that he probably had to take his time.

What he thought in his heart was that chasing girls is probably so difficult. In fact, he was completely unaware of his qualifications and enthusiasm. Ordinary girls have already rushed to him. The reason why it is so difficult is entirely because he likes to fight. Make up your mind to have a hard-hearted cute meow!

"No problem, but how much is the right hand going to pay me?" Jing Jing Huanxi of course knew that the Great God couldn't just ask for help for nothing.

Miaomiao glanced at him and said: "I only talked to him about my salary, he didn't know that he could invite the God of Huanxi to come here too, just ask him to pay you an extra share later."

"That's natural, just put it away for me." He nodded and put away the snacks, and put the matches back into the pet pen.

She glanced at him again, thinking that she wouldn't dare to accept him for being so generous?She even let him join the trade union regardless of his contribution, so there is nothing he dare not take.

"No problem, just treat it as a sponsorship fee for the guild."

After she finished speaking, she directly opened the teleportation array that left from Miller Whale through the effect of the title, took the foodie away, and walked into the teleportation array first, looking at her silently and joyfully, she seemed to be a bit angry, but thought it was a good sign , immediately followed with a smile on his face.

Miaomiao teleported directly to the portal of the most polluted area in the plague area. Right hand had been waiting here for a long time with the push team.

Immediately, he looked like he saw his relatives, and said excitedly: "Sweet God! I've been looking forward to the stars and the moon, so I'm looking forward to you!"

"Actually, you've already discussed the remuneration, and I've come here a long time ago." Miao Miao gave him a sad look, as if she was worried about her right hand's brain.

If you want to hire foreign aid, you must first negotiate the price, right?

The enthusiasm on the right hand's face suddenly turned into embarrassment, isn't he afraid that Miao Miao will be offended by the matter of the night last time, who knows that the cute god doesn't mind at all!

Miaomiao greeted her right hand jokingly, then looked up and saw that Jiang Ye was also standing in the team led by her right hand, she raised her eyebrows slightly, she thought her right hand was very sensible, it seems that she still overestimated Right hand EQ...and IQ.

Just as the right hand was about to say a few words to save himself some face, Ji Jing Huanxi was also sent over, making the right hand's eyes widen immediately, staring at him as if he didn't know Ji Jing Huanxi.

With a hammer on his chest, he felt that he was going to be beaten to death this time. If he knew that silence and joy would come, how could he dare to call Jiang Ye!
When the right hand led the team this time, Jiang Ye asked to participate. He thought that Jiang Ye was thinking of working hard again, and he thought to himself that Mengshen came alone anyway, so why not create a chance to see it? Self-defeating...

"God of Huanxi, why are you here?" Right hand stepped forward, laughing awkwardly.

"Of course it's not for nothing. I'll just pay Miao Miao double the reward later." Ji Jing Huanxi walked to Miao Miao's side, and talked directly about the money in a very practical way.

The right hand dared not object, and nodded directly: "Of course, it is my wish to have the God of Joy to help me."

Then Ji Jinghuanxi looked at the team he brought, just glanced at Jiang Ye lightly, and asked seemingly unintentionally: "The team you lead has one more person, who are you going to kick out?"

Knowing that Miaomiao was coming, the nine-man team brought by his right hand came over, and this time Silence and Joy also came, so naturally there was one more person, but who would he kick out to make this killer feel comfortable...

The right hand was immediately tangled, the answer was obvious, but if he really did this, it would hurt the brotherhood too much.

He was struggling here, Jiang Ye took the initiative to come out, and said calmly: "I'll quit the team."

"Then how can we do it? Jiang Ye is the number one assassin, an indispensable main player." Ji Jinghuanxi unexpectedly disagreed with Jiang Ye's withdrawal from the team, and then he pointed to his right hand, "It's not as good as you, anyway, you It's just the president, it doesn't matter whether you push it or not."

His right hand opened his mouth wide and wanted to cry, but there were no tears...God of joy, you are too revengeful!Casually hurt people's self-esteem!What does it mean to be the president... what does it mean to be insignificant...

He's not that kind of nominal president!He is also a great player of Landis!

Jiang Ye came out again and shook his head and said, "No need, I'm the insignificant person. I'm not familiar with this team, and I haven't gotten used to it yet. My right hand has been following the team, and I know the team's situation and the content of the dungeon best."

 My son has been too noisy recently, and I can't always finish it ahead of schedule... Today is still two thousand in the morning and three thousand in the afternoon, and we will correct the typo together in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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