The cute queen of online games

Chapter 278 Surprised by Dual Professions

Chapter 278 Surprised by Dual Professions

When everyone was expecting the boss to appear, a wave of No. 20 monsters appeared. These monsters are all incorporeal plague source monsters. The difficulty is not high, and each one has a great chance to drop Remnants of the Book of Occupations.

The three instructors were much more active in fighting monsters than before. They would hand over the broken pages to their students. As for the broken pages that the team got, they were picked up by the captain. So I got less nights.

The next four consecutive waves of monsters are all kinds of plague-causing monsters, all of which will drop torn pages. Lin Lin finally figured it out, and all four of them got about [-] torn pages. Let’s take a look at the professional book that was originally progressing slowly. The sub-progress is advancing by leaps and bounds, and I feel that after finishing the dungeon, I can directly carry out several steps of professional tasks with the book of occupations!
The next five waves of monsters that drop broken pages are like reward rooms. Although only those with professional quests will get the rewards, it’s good if someone is happy.

No.20 Five waves of monsters have passed, and the plague realm has changed. The originally dark and purple sky suddenly turned into a strange dark purple red. Countless purple plague winds are born on the ground, and they will be in a plague state as soon as they get close.

Then in the center of the village, a black-purple substance slowly gushed out. Everyone already recognized this substance, which was exactly the same purple gas as when Plague Regis appeared in the Well of Pollution.

Plague Regis slowly condensed into shape, and turned into the prototype of the animal form that everyone had seen before, but it was much larger in size.

As soon as he appeared, he saw three NPC mentors, so he lowered his eyelids and said in a low voice: "Are some helpers here? But the power is still not strong enough. It seems that it is still far away from destroying me."

His tone when he said this was not any kind of arrogance, but genuine, deep concern.

The priesthood instructor, Gloria, was the first to speak: "Plague Regis! Why did you spread the plague here?! Also, was the plague that happened on the black land last time also your actions? Why did you do this?! "

Galantis is the younger sister of Mars, the leader of the jihad's avengers. Before Mars betrayed the sacred teachings, Galantis respected his brother very much. Even now he still thinks that the change of his brother is a conspiracy of some organizations. She still firmly believes that her brother is a good person who is loyal to the sacred teachings, so she pays more attention to everything that happens in the black land than anyone else.

"I don't want to explain anything to you ignorant people. If you want to kill me, please do it quickly." Plague Regis didn't want to explain anything at all, and he didn't know about those things at all, and he also deeply I understand that even if I tell it, no one will believe it...

"I will absolutely not allow anyone to pollute the continent of Alans! I will not allow anyone to harm my compatriots! Not even the apostles! Die! Plague Regis!" Shalan, who has always been gentle and kind, stared at the blue Big eyes said angrily.

Then Sharon raised her right hand, and a streamlined wand inlaid with a huge sapphire appeared in her hand.

Both Miaomiao and Qiangdi couldn't help being a little surprised. Shalan never used weapons to attack, because a magician has reached a certain level and can possess powerful mana even without weapons.

But this doesn't mean she doesn't have a weapon, every magician must have a weapon at hand, and Sharan's wand is extraordinary at first glance.

After taking out the weapon, Sharan waved her wand and chanted a spell, a huge magic halo formed under her feet, and the king of the elemental elves appeared here under her summons.

This time, not only Miaomiao and Qiangdi who are mages were amazed, but everyone else was also amazed. Shalan is a famous elemental mage. I didn't expect her to be able to use this kind of great summoning skills. She actually has dual professions? !Does this mean that there will be dual occupations in the game in the future? !
After the Elf King appeared, Shalan's actions were not over yet. She chanted again, and a magic halo appeared, and the summoned beast that came out of it this time was even more amazing!
"Battle Apostle Cass!" Miao Miao couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Battle Apostle Cass is a very famous apostle in the devil world. He is very aggressive. He has challenged almost all apostles and well-known strong men, and he can be said to be invincible. Cass can only win in front of the undead Eun. However, when he challenged the Great Summoner Hemer, he was defeated by mistake, so he signed a summoning contract with Hemer, so that he could often challenge all kinds of strong men if he was aggressive. Afterwards, Hemer passed on this contract. , Even after Hemo's death, anyone who has learned this summoning technique can summon Battle Cass for 60 seconds to help fight according to the contract.

And this contract skill is the summoner's awakening skill!

Seeing Shalan use this skill, her dual career is even more certain. She can reach the awakening state of both professions, and she is worthy of being the president of the Magician's Guild!
Because the contract summons are all summoned by the real body, after the battle Cass appeared, he glanced at Plague Regis and was a little surprised, and then smiled: "I didn't expect to be able to fight you on the mainland. You didn't have enough time last time." Do your best, this time you can't take it lightly!"

Sure enough, he is a militant, he never asks the reason, as long as it is a fight, no matter who the opponent is, he is willing to fight.

After Cass finished speaking, he didn't care about the reaction of Plague Regis, and rushed up to fight with Regis.

At this time, the elf king summoned earlier had already launched an attack. Seeing that the two summoned beasts had already charged forward, the three mentors immediately rushed forward to fight Plague Regis fiercely.

Although the mentor Shalan made too many surprises, seeing this situation, everyone didn't have time to be amazed. Miaomiao immediately led the team to attack.

The advantage of this kind of group fighting will definitely not last too long. If you don't hurry up and consume more HP of Plague Regis, the remaining blood bars will be difficult to beat!

Everyone went up and threw all kinds of skills to fight, and saw that the blood volume of Plague Regis was dropping violently.

Plague Regis laughed lowly in this group fight: "Do you think it's so easy to kill me? The blood of the plague is flowing in my body."

After speaking, a black symbol suddenly appeared above his head.

Miaomiao had a bad premonition for a moment, and immediately shouted: "Stop!"

The moment she shouted, Plague Reggie became invincible, but the frightening thing was that the skills that hit him in the next moment all returned to the shooter, and a terrible amount of bleeding came out, and four team members had no time to stop Hold skills, lie dead directly...

The instructor suffered more serious injuries, but their blood volume was also exceptionally thick, so after the three of them retaliated, their blood bars dropped by about one-tenth, and then they quickly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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