The cute queen of online games

Chapter 280 The Light of the Sun

Chapter 280 The Light of the Sun
This kind of consolation is simply more terrifying than no consolation!

The right hand basically continued to obey the command to fight monsters with tears streaming down his face, but after playing for a while, he found that Qiang Di's command level was really good, concise and precise, worthy of being the vice president of Genesis in the past.

Under Qiang Di's steady command, the blood volume of the two bosses was quickly controlled to reach a balance, reaching 500% almost at the same time. When there was still a trace of blood left, he accurately stopped, and then smashed After a few times, everyone found that the boss's blood volume was only a mere [-] points, and when the other boss called to stop just now, it was almost the same blood volume, which was extremely accurate!

The next thing is to wait for the moment to hand over the night monsters!
Seeing that the other side Jiang Ye gradually brought the other boss back, everyone nervously waited for Qiang Pi's order!
The boss is getting closer and closer, and is already releasing the skills before changing the state, but Qiang Di still hasn't given the order, which makes the team members on the right hand side a little impatient, especially when the dagger in the right hand is almost uncontrollable to kill the boss. However, the good team quality allowed him to control his impatience.

Qiangdi gave the order, but asked everyone to lure away the source of the plague and eliminate it, leaving only Miaomiao standing in front of the boss. Although Miaomiao was enough to wipe out the [-] blood volume without any problem, her right hand was still a little worried and kept looking at this side.

After clearing the mobs, the second boss is about to change!

At this time Qiangdi finally spoke: "Kill!"

Miaomiao made an instant shot, and directly used the fly swatter skill at the boss. This fly swatter is her newly acquired improved skill. It is a pity that it is not as powerful as the improved Explosive Pumpkin Stove, but it has several outstanding auxiliary states. After releasing this skill, it will Gain 30 seconds of doubled attack speed, movement, and release, and all skills are increased by one level!
"Meng God, the electric tower controls double bosses!" Seeing that the boss still had a trace of blood left, Qiang Di said immediately.

Then Miaomiao directly released the electric tower between the two bosses. It turned out that at the moment when the two bosses were transforming, they overlapped in the whirlwind state for a moment!Qiangdi accurately grasped this moment and let Miaomiao unleash her skills!
The electric tower skill can temporarily prevent the boss from changing its state while controlling monsters, so the invincible anti-injury state of one boss was held down, and the other was locked in by the electric tower just when the whirlwind was transformed!
A boss died, and was automatically thrown out of the circle by the electric tower, and instantly fell to the ground for the purple liquid, and at the same time, a countdown number appeared above the purple liquid's head.

Silence and Joy's guess was right!This is obviously the countdown to resurrection!
The mobs on the right hand side have been killed, and everyone couldn't help but look at the number and count down: "Ten, nine, eight..."

Just after counting to eight, another boss was also killed by the electric tower and thrown out. It landed next to the purple liquid and turned into another puddle of purple liquid. Then the countdown number disappeared, and a large piece of equipment and items burst out!
Perfect!The killing interval between the two bosses was actually controlled within three seconds!
Three professional mentor NPCs were about to step forward to check on the dead Plague Regis, when the two pieces of purple liquid slowly merged into one, and then slowly returned to their animal form.

His right hand trembled in fright, he held the dagger and stared wide-eyed: "Could it be possible to resurrect and kill again!"

Everything exploded, so naturally there is no such possibility...

The beast-shaped Plague Regis was already dying, and he let out a laugh of relief as he was dying: "Finally, I don't have to be cursed by the blood of this plague anymore...Thank you."

After speaking, a different-dimensional crack suddenly appeared in front of him, and the crack directly swept him in, and then disappeared together with Plague Regis.

Seeing this situation, Miaomiao remembered that Fengming, the source of the wind, was also swept away by the crack when he died last time, shouldn't it be a coincidence?But who can control the enigmatic interdimensional rift?

The apostle itself is a creature full of mysteries, and Miaomiao naturally couldn't figure out the answer to this.

When the corpse of Plague Regis disappeared, the server announcement began to announce the information and rewards for this customs clearance, and the friendly relationship between the Roulan faction and the Landis faction became more stable.

Mengshen's name was once again on the full server, but everyone seems to be used to it. Except for sighing when Mengshen went to Landis to play dungeons again, they almost didn't lament that she would set a new record...

The right hand was already inspecting the equipment and items, and shouted in surprise: "Epic! Two pieces of epic!"

Not long after the call, he heard him say depressed again: "I'll go! There's nothing we can use! Let you make a lot of money!"

Miao Miao just walked over, seeing the two golden epic equipment falling on the ground, her eyes lit up immediately!No wonder the right hand is depressed, this shape is obviously a broom and a magic wand!

"The right-hand president, I'm sorry for this, and it's not that I want the boss to drop these things. Do any of your people want them?" She said very politely.

The corner of his mouth twitched with his right hand: "Meng God, please stop teasing me! We are either assassins or undead, what are you doing with the broom and wand? Are you playing with it to shoot monsters? Take it and take it! It hurts my eyes!"

"Then I won't be polite." Miao Miao smiled and took the broom in her hand, and directly assigned the wand to Qiang Di.

Qiang Di, who got the epic magic wand by accident, also rarely showed joy. Looking at the magic wand, his eyes sparkled immediately, and he fondled it fondly.

The shape of the broom in Miaomiao's hand is also very beautiful. The golden broom tail is as cute as a ponytail, and there is a delicate little bow tied on it. The entire handle of the broom is gold, and it is embedded with beautiful golden filigree patterns.

"I didn't expect Plague Regis to produce local tyrant gold." Ji Jinghuan watched from the side, and said the characteristics of the two weapons in one sentence.

Everyone immediately laughed, and began to complain about the shape of the two weapons, and all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred turned into strong complaints.

Miao Miao didn't care, and the local tyrant gold couldn't hide the beautiful shape of this weapon, and the attributes were even more astonishing.

[Sunlight] Broom, weapon, durability 69/69, usable above LV60, top level, physical attack power +721, magic attack power +836, independent attack power +451, intelligence +78, fire attribute enhancement +45 , damage increased by 30.00%, fire attribute attack.

Super artifact!
Fire attribute attack and fire attribute enhancement are already super suitable for Miaomiao of the commonly used fire element skills, and this damage increase of 30.00% is a more terrifying attribute, that is, the damage to monsters is directly increased by 30.00%!It is equivalent to increasing the attack power by nearly one-third!

With this artifact, what other boss can kill her!Miao Miao immediately confirmed that this epic broom was bound, even if this weapon got level [-], it would be no problem!

 The typo has been corrected~
(End of this chapter)

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