The cute queen of online games

Chapter 287 Versatile

Chapter 287 Versatile
Seeing that Miao Miao was about to open up but then backed away quickly, An Jinghuan was a little disappointed, but at least she had initially accepted him, and she was not as resistant to his pursuit as before, which is good news anyway.

"It's better to have progress than no progress, so I can join your adventure journey?" He said and glanced around.

This place seems to be a hidden base under the sea, with all kinds of high-end equipment everywhere, and even consoles embedded in the walls and some military devices, but the most obvious one is the row in the middle of the cave that seems to be The transportation of submarines and trains has some moss on it, and it seems that it has not been used for a long time.

Miao Miao looked a little hesitant, and finally nodded after thinking about it: "Okay, but I don't want to tell you the ins and outs of the task, you can only follow me to complete it, don't ask why, and you can't stop me."

This requirement is really harsh, and directly prohibits any curiosity and exploration of Anxi and Joy.

"Okay, then I'll follow you once." He agreed without hesitation, because he knew that if Miaomiao didn't want to tell him something, he wouldn't get an answer even if he asked, but at least if he participated with her, he could always Watch her guard her.

After nodding, he asked her a little obediently: "I am so obedient, is there any reward?"

Miaomiao turned her head to think for a moment, and just about to answer, she leaned over and pecked lightly on her lips.

She didn't have time to avoid being kissed, she was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously kicked her with beautiful eyes, but the perpetrator had already taken advantage of the moment when she was in a daze and ran out with a shovel.

After he dodged, he managed to urge Miaomiao with a smile: "Okay, the reward has been obtained, let's hurry up and do the task!"

It seemed that Miao Miao was making a fuss, she immediately looked at him with wide eyes, and she just agreed to a hug!He expressed a little bit that he wanted to try to accept him, and he didn't even say he agreed to the relationship!He actually sneaked into her kiss so intimately!Go ahead!
She couldn't help holding up the broom sinisterly to warn him: "God of Joy! Please don't go too far, I didn't agree to associate with you, if you behave like this again, I'll kill you back!"

She seldom threatens people so directly. Like Ji Jinghuanxi, Miaomiao likes to torture others by turning corners, but when she is facing Ji Jinghuanxi, whose skin is thicker than a city wall, turning corners is a waste of time, and it is useless to scold him directly. It must work!

"OK, next time I will say hello first, but if you have any uncontrollable thoughts about my lips, you don't need to say hello, I agree at any time." Ji Jinghuanxi made an OK gesture, with a smile on his face I nodded slightly understandingly.

Miaomiao immediately rubbed her forehead with itchy teeth, felt a little headache, and felt infinitely regretful in her heart, why did she accidentally show a little intention to accept him?I should have known that he would do this a long time ago, it is better to keep a distance from this guy!

At least let her deal with this task quietly first!
Wei Wei went crazy for a while, Miao Miao finally managed to keep calm and walked over to check those submarines and trains, so as to continue the task.

But for some reason, after being told by Ji Jing Huanxi, the pervert, she couldn't help but really look at his lips. His somewhat mean thin lips are indeed very sexy and alluring, and they are still lingering in front of her eyes all the time...

"Don't get so close to me, okay?" She withdrew her gaze and said in a cold tone. This guy has been staying very close to her, and deliberately kept looking for opportunities to get close to her face, completely disturbing her thinking .

"You didn't say what you were going to do, so I can only stand next to you and observe." He said very innocently, but his tone was in the kind of angry that people would not pay for their lives.

Taking a deep breath, Miaomiao decided to speak clearly, looked directly at him and said calmly, "Jie Jing is happy, I can tell you clearly about your pursuit, I don't reject it now, and I'm also a little touched. I may also be a little bit moved, trying to accept you, I am a person who is slow to love, I don’t accept love at first sight, and it is impossible to live with your love immediately, so you have to give me some space and time, let me think clearly about you Not the one who can be with me for the rest of my life."

Ji Jinghuan couldn't help touching his nose, and sighed slightly: "You are so rational? Didn't you say that you will lose your mind if you love someone? It seems that you haven't fallen in love with me."

Miaomiao snorted and snorted, "I'm not at the age where I lose my mind so easily."

"Old-fashioned, are you very old? You seem to be younger than me, cute little meow." He leaned on a submarine, folded his arms and looked at her with a slightly funny smile.

Looking at her with a cute face but an old-fashioned look, I couldn't help but tease her.

Miao Miao couldn't help but feel chilled by something like Little Miao Miao, but she came up with this cute name herself, so she couldn't complain.

"You're not old, but your heart is old, isn't it? It's too late to dislike it." Miaomiao didn't want to explain to him, she said casually, and then watched the submarine he was leaning on raised her chin, and stretched out her hand to grab his waist. Shoulder, "Get out of the way, you're blocking me."

"Don't dislike it, your mental age will not stop me from thinking about you at all."

For her unceremonious indifference, Ji Jingxi blamed her anger after her intentions were discovered. Tsundere girls are like this, he thinks it's cute, the more she wants to beat him up, the more he Feeling full of joy, I couldn't help being a little excited, as if this was the performance of myself that she liked...

Of course, Miaomiao didn’t notice this guy’s perverted mentality, and had already started to check the small submarine. To say it was a submarine was an exaggeration. It can only be called a diving device, surrounded by some kind of transparent material similar to glass. There are also propellers, which feel like an underwater helicopter.

After looking at the submarine in the entire cave, only this door was open and well preserved, so she opened the door and got in.

Ji Jinghuanxi followed her in without her saying a word, sat in the co-pilot seat, didn't ask or speak, only had an expectant look on her face, as obedient as he promised.

Although Miaomiao was very satisfied with his obedience, she fiddled with the console and searched around the diving equipment, and she was a little speechless.

How come there are no instructions and operation tips?It's different from when she was doing the mission before she was reborn. Last time she got the operating instructions and posture skill book on the console and learned a skill to drive a diving device, but this time she didn't have anything. Could it be that she came to do the mission too early? So the mission changed?Or is the official really making it more difficult for the follow-up content of Heaven and Demon Realm?
As a last resort, she knocked on the console, looked helplessly at An Jing and asked joyfully, "Can you drive this thing?"

Smiling confidently, An Jing happily glanced at the console: "It might be possible, I'll try."

The two changed positions, but Miao Miao didn't hold any hope at all, she was just giving him a try, after all, most people probably don't know how to use this kind of thing...

Who knew that he had just sat in the driver's seat, pressed a few times on the console, and the diving device started with two beeps, and then under Miaomiao's surprised eyes, the device slowly moved forward, and then Smoothly slide out along a large passage in front of the cave!

Is it crooked? !It can't be such a coincidence, can it?
Miaomiao looked at Ji Jinghuan, who quickly entered the state and began to look like driving the diving device, and found it incredible, so she couldn't help asking him: "How do you know how to drive it?"

"Don't forget that my profession is a machine gunner. Is there any machine that I can't control? And this thing seems to be similar to flying a plane." He said it very lightly.

"You know how to fly a plane?" Miaomiao felt that this was surprising, and asked, "Are you a pilot?"

"No, I just learned to play casually. My current occupation is a game player."

Who would learn to fly a plane casually?Miaomiao immediately positioned Ji Jinghuanxi as an abnormal person. Thinking about it carefully, she really didn't know much about this man. She didn't like to explore others before, but now this man wants to pursue her, and she is also Try to accept it, it seems that you need to understand it carefully.

"What else have you learned?" Miao Miao expressed her curiosity about Ji Jingqing in life differently from the past.

"Let's think about it, I've learned painting, law, programming, cooking, a little nursing, astronomy, astrophysics, that's all, I learned casually," he said. , which seems to be a casual enumeration.

As Miaomiao listened, a few words appeared in her mind...not doing business properly.

How can anyone learn all kinds of things like this, it’s good to have a specialization in art, but thinking of his cooking and game skills, she actually got a little jealous, his talent is really good, cooking and game skills The operation is quite good, especially the game, which is completely top-notch, and it is estimated that other learning should not be bad.

How can he be so versatile!She worked very hard to get to the level of the game today!His talent is not as high as his!

"But apart from cooking, it's useless to learn anything else." He said lightly.

"That's the same as me." She immediately regained her mental balance and said calmly.

No matter how versatile he is, he finally became a professional player just like himself.

Ji Jinghuanxi drove the diving device into the sea water, and suddenly found a hidden submarine passage outside the large exit of the cave, which guides the diving device like a track, so he continued to move forward in the passage without asking anything.

Miaomiao looked at him who was familiar with the road and driving the diving equipment, and suddenly felt that his posture was quite handsome, and he really looked like a pilot.

 The relationship between the two gods is definitely confirmed, and finally a little progress~
(End of this chapter)

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