The cute queen of online games

Chapter 289 Corrupting the Mermaid

Chapter 289 Corrupting the Mermaid

Soon there was a crazily shouted foodie from the front: "Help! Big monster! It's so ugly! Master save me!"

At this moment, Miao Miao and Ji An Huanxi are already ready to fight the boss, but the one chasing the foodie is not the elite little boss as imagined, but a small wave of rotten mermaids with sharp teeth and strange shapes, one by one, chasing the foodie with a sickle in hand up.

The faces of these mermaids are still beautiful, but their bodies are already bruised and rotten, and their expressions are extremely fierce. They seem to be planning to swallow everything they see alive at any time, holding a sickle like a god of death, no wonder even the evil spirits have to retreat three feet.

Seeing that it wasn't a boss, Miaomiao immediately thought it was funny, because the foodie who used to run after food was actually chased by monsters as food today, this counterattack is so interesting!

These corrupted mermaids Miaomiao naturally fought before their rebirth, but at that time these monsters seemed to only move within the scope of the ghost ship, but now they have all wandered outside the ship, and the missions are indeed different.

The Ghost Sea area is actually an unexplored hidden map of the heavens, so the current map belongs to a high-difficulty mode to be developed, and these vicious corrupted mermaids are just the beginning of this difficulty!
Match flew back with foodies. These two pets were particularly self-aware and knew that they couldn't deal with these vicious corrupt mermaids, so they came back to ask their masters for help.

Miao Miao glanced at it from a distance, the level of Corrosion Mermaid has reached LV69, monsters higher than level [-] of the player will be punished by a certain level, the hit rate is relatively low, the chance of monsters hitting them is very high...

The Corrosion Mermaid comes fast and fierce. This monster will be contaminated with the Corrosion buff if it gets close. Miaomiao throws it directly to provoke the puppet Xiululu, and then adds acid rain to the lava. The big skill Explosive Pumpkin Stove is used directly. To deal with this monster, it is very fast Be sure, otherwise, if you give them a long time, the mermaid will have some terrible skills.

Ji Jing Huanxi also saw the situation and installed the Viper Cannon, so that after Xiululu exploded, he could also use the Viper Cannon to fight back the monsters for a period of time. With Miaomiao's control of the field, he consciously threw out various mechanical blasting skills, but unfortunately the damage was High, the hit reduction is still annoying.

The two reacted quickly and swallowed the hit potion. Even so, under the crazy burning of the pumpkin furnace accompanied by mechanical detonation and the tracking of G-series skills, the damage value one after another was still wave after wave like a miss. Xiu Lulu exploded, and after a round of skills, there were still two corrupted mermaids alive.

The foodie saw that there were only two monsters left who chased and killed him just now, and suddenly felt that the opportunity for revenge had come, so he rushed over and shouted: "Dare to chase and kill the world's cute Lord! Humph! I want to take revenge myself!"

Miaomiao didn't stop him, she really stopped to see how the foodies would end up.

After rushing over, the foodie suddenly became restless. He remembered that he only had one offensive skill... Devour.

This skill is a little tricky...but it has already been rushed out, and the foodie feels that it should not be too embarrassing, so he opened his mouth and swallowed the corrupting mermaid.

Not one hit!

The chances of cheating will definitely not hit!

The corroded mermaid has already got rid of the repelling suppression of the poisonous snake cannon at this moment, and ran towards the foodie fiercely holding the sickle. The skills are no longer needed, and he rushed directly to the two monsters, only to see two surrounding red rays of light rubbing against the top of Matchstick's head, and with a powerful flame light, they rushed out along with Matchstick's figure .

The corrosive mermaid was hit instantly, and was knocked back by more than two meters. There was also a very wonderful damage value on the head, and then fell to the ground and died into a pile of fish bones.

The foodie immediately went over to hug the match with tears of gratitude, and Miaomiao looked a little dazed again.

Ji Jinghuan couldn't help laughing and said, "The system congratulates my pet again for comprehending the skill Flame Shock."

Dare to Miaomiao summon foodies to make wedding dresses for others!
I was completely disappointed with the foodie Miao Miao, and in the end I couldn't take it anymore and took the trash back and summoned the sheriff. As expected, the sheriff is more capable in fighting monsters and doing meritorious deeds.

Match picked up the items dropped by the corroded mermaid. Except for a few worthless materials and equipment, there was a doll recipe for the corroded mermaid. Miaomiao saw that it was an artifact, so she learned it directly. But I can't make it yet, so I don't know how the puppet is.

Next, I fought a few waves of mermaids wandering outside the ghost ship, and even dropped a formula for a corrosive potion. Naturally, I learned it directly from Ji Jing Huanxi. Corrosion can be said to be a negative state, because it will see a certain amount of blood, and it will also reduce the resistance of the four attributes, that is, the resistance to the four-attribute skills will be reduced, but at the same time, the damage and attack speed release will be doubled, and the duration is only ten seconds. , it can be described as a skill that can hurt the enemy by one thousand and self-damage by eight hundred. After taking this medicine, it is hard to tell whether it is suicide or murder...

This is a very useful potion for long-distance occupations. It is absolutely good to drink this DPS remotely when you will not be harmed!

"It's a good thing, but it's a pity that I can't use it now, otherwise I can try the effect later." Miaomiao looked at this recipe with great interest.

After finishing speaking, I killed a small wave of corrosive mermaids, and actually dropped a few bottles of weak corrosive potions directly. The potions dropped directly by monsters are relatively weaker, and the effects of self-injury and increased damage are half of corrosive potions .

After taking the potion, the two of them have arrived at the foot of the ghost ship. This ship is terrifyingly big, already comparable to the size of the Titanic. The ship is surrounded by green light and purple air, full of eerie atmosphere, a very There were long, wide steps leading to the boat, and there were no monsters loitering at the entrance, which made it even more dangerous.

The sheriff and Match took the lead to open the way for the owner, and Miaomiao and Jingjing boarded the boat happily and calmly, but Miaomiao felt cold when she saw the purple air around the boat. It turned into a broken body and a ferocious face, and seemed to make a slight strange cry, which was so vivid, as if the purple air was alive!
This is a setting that the ghost ship did not have before Miaomiao was reborn. This layer of purple air looks too abnormal, and it made her a little vigilant all of a sudden.

She reminded An Jing Huan Xi: "These purple qi are weird."

"Maybe it's a monster, let's see." Ji Jing nodded happily.

When she got on the ghost ship, she couldn't see any monsters on the deck. Miaomiao pointed to the broken sail and walked there first. She knew very well that there were not many mobs on this boat, and almost all of them were killed by elite mobs. Occupied by the boss, the location she pointed to was the location of a small boss in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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