Chapter 291

Ji Jinghuanxi also failed to escape the pursuit of resentment, but it proved that the resentment was not caused by Miaomiao's special conditions.

After passing through the deck and entering the cabin, the difficulty of the elite mini-bosses here is a bit higher, but the distribution is relatively scattered, and it is not easy to attract too many at a time. It feels similar to the difficulty of the dungeon boss, but the level is higher. If it is not for Miaomiao and Silence Huanxi is such a godly combination, it is estimated that he would lie down and go back long ago.

The little boss in the cabin finally let Ji Jinghuanxi know the magical effect of the shell shell that Miaomiao hit before.

There is a kind of elite mob named Dark Spirit Crab Guard here. Once it enters its vigilance range, this monster will quickly swing its eight legs to find the nearby small boss to inform. The speed is called scud. A snail shell was thrown over, and the dark spirit crab guard was trapped in the snail shell and could not escape.

The two of them went up and easily killed the bad crab who was snitching, and avoided attracting a group of small bosses.

Solving the small bosses one by one, there are more and more fragments of the treasure map, but there are also a lot of repetitions. Fragments one to five are all there, but one fragment six is ​​completely missing.

In addition, Captain Crule's grievances still appear from time to time, and there is no way to hide every time. At night, Miao Miao's body has become the twelve-fold grievance of Captain Crule. It is better to be silent and joyful. , only six levels of grievances.

"It is impossible to hide something in this game. I must have missed some important information." Miaomiao was surrounded by purple gas with twelve layers of grievances, which made her feel very strange.

"I suspect that the accumulation of resentment to a certain extent will lead to some changes in these purple qi." Ji Jinghuan looked at the floating purple qi on the boat and thought about it.

But now the main problem is how to avoid the accumulation of resentment, even if you guess what will happen, you can't stop the trick.

Miaomiao was thinking about what she had missed, when the system prompt came again.

[System]: The grievance of Captain Crule is approaching you.

She simply stood still, because she really couldn't think of what the resentment was going to do, Jing Jing was happy to see her stop and looked around, and sure enough, the purple air began to condense into a human form.

But this time the speed of condensation seems to be much slower.

Jing Jing happily observed the cloud of purple air and said in the team channel: "The purple air seems to be a little unable to condense."

Miaomiao raised her eyebrows, when she suddenly received another system prompt.

[System]: Captain Crule's grievances are gradually dissipating.

Could it be that if you don’t move and don’t look at it, this resentment will go away by itself? !
Miaomiao was a little surprised, she had been thinking carefully about how to destroy this purple qi before, could it be that the correct way to avoid it is actually playing with resentment with wooden figures?
Jing Jing said happily again: "It's strange, the purple air is dissipating."

She still didn't move while thinking, so the system prompt sounded again.

[System]: Captain Crule's grievances have left.

Alert lifted!

Miao Miao said speechlessly: "I have thought of so many ways before, but in the end I can avoid it by just standing still..."

After speaking, he took a look at the state of resentment on his body, and it turned from twelve to eleven, which is good, one level is missing.

"Not only is it okay, but the grievance has been reduced." She was relieved immediately, and this grievance can be regarded as a solution.

"This grievance is really naughty." Ji Jinghuanxi couldn't help feeling a little funny, looked at the purple qi that had completely dissipated, and opened his mouth to sigh.

"I don't think he's a naughty kid..." Miao Miao really can't imagine the psychology of using naughty to describe this kind of thing.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at the time, it was just 08:30 in the evening, but she was physically and mentally exhausted after fighting the mini-bosses intensively all day, and with the lack of sleep yesterday, she was already feeling tired now, and couldn't help but feel a little tired. I yawned.

"Since you're tired, go off the assembly line and rest early." An Jing saw through her exhausted appearance for a moment of joy, stretched out her hand to rub her hair with some pity, watched her back suddenly straighten under his touch, shook her head and smiled, " Don't be so nervous, I'm just stroking your head."

Miao Miao herself didn't realize that her body had such a big reaction, she was just used to being alert to everything, even though she had been with An Jing for a while, she still couldn't get used to his contact, especially when he came over without saying hello and had some intimate sex move.

It seems that it will take some time to truly fully accept him, at least to overcome the habitual vigilance of his touch, it has been too long to treat him as a pervert!I can't fix it a bit...

After thinking about it, Miao Miao reached out her hand and tried to touch his head back, but she stretched out her hand only to find that she couldn't reach the top of his head even on tiptoes... Such a hateful height!
She looked at the hands stretched out to the side of his face, squinted her eyes for the last time and simply touched his cheek. The movement was not very gentle, it was completely masculine ravage.

Ji Jing Huanxi, whose face was being touched, instantly burst into a big smile. Although the touching was not very beautiful, she took the initiative to touch him to show intimacy, which already made him very happy, and he couldn't help touching Miaomiao's head more tenderly and affectionately.

Then Miao Miao spoke surprisingly, raised her cute little face and raised her eyebrows and said, "The little face is quite slippery."

Quiet and joyful, he suddenly laughed out loud, raised his eyelids, and asked seriously: "You are not teasing me, are you?"

"So what?" Miao Miao asked noncommittally.

"You said that you can't help yourself, but it seems that you should be molested when you are molested." Ji Jinghuanxi gradually lowered his head while talking, his eyes were full of evil, and added in a low voice, "This time I will say hello first. .”

Seeing his handsome face slowly approaching, Miao Miao couldn't help her heart beat faster, she just wanted to reciprocate him for rubbing her hair, but she didn't intend to develop into a passionate kiss...

The distance is getting closer and closer, Jing Jing Huanxi clearly sees Miao Miao's cheeks getting more rosy, his eyes are a little blurred, and seeing that he is about to successfully capture her alluring red lips, his eyes become deeper and more dangerous.

At this moment, Miao Miao suddenly said with a vicious smile, "Sorry, I refuse to be teased back."

After finishing talking, the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms disappeared out of thin air, and Ji Jinghuanxi received the system's cold and ruthless teammate offline prompt...

He stood there and squinted his eyes, then shook his head and smiled wryly, falling in love with a girl like a queen is really his doom!
The kiss failed, and after thinking about the six treasure map fragments that Miaomiao needed, he took up the weapon in his hand and decided to continue searching for the little boss in the cabin.

Miao Miao, who was already offline, naturally didn't know that Ji Ye Huanxi was so caring. After she logged out, she found that her parents were not playing games, but were looking for shoes and clothes in the living room, as if they were about to go out.

 It's late again, I'll tell you that it's so late because I made dumplings yesterday and my hands are disabled...

(End of this chapter)

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