Chapter 293
Miaomiao's skill of instantly killing men with one hand is astonishingly lethal, which also shows how deep the hostility towards men is. The gangster who was beaten immediately rolled into a ball on the ground.

Seeing all four of them fell to the ground, Miao Miao was a little disappointed, thinking that Si Hai could find some kind of expert to beat her up, but in the end there were only a few trash.

Glancing at the food splashed all over the floor, she regretted, "It's such a pity that my food was wasted."

The thug who fell to the ground screaming in pain immediately burst into tears, what kind of quality is this girl!Are you from a killer? !After beating them all disabled, she still regrets the food!
Miaomiao insists on exercising every day and doing martial arts training from time to time. It's not for nothing, just to prevent herself from being retaliated against, but these soft-legged shrimps are really not enough. It stands to reason that even if Sihai despises her, she shouldn't Would call out such a poor beater.

Isn't it the work of the four seas?
After raising her spirits to fight, the feeling of exhaustion hit again, without the coat to keep out the cold, her body also felt a little chilly, Miao Miao felt a little powerless to sort out this mess for a while.

Just as she was about to catch someone out to ask for clarification, suddenly there was a gust of wind behind her, and she turned her head immediately, and found that one of the two people who were pinched by her clothes broke free and slashed at her with a knife.

She shot quickly, but the tip of the knife was close in front of her eyes. She was cold and unresponsive at the moment, she hurriedly lowered her head and blocked her body with her arms, and stabbed the opponent's wrist with the other hand with a Swiss knife, and kicked at her feet very quickly. go out.

There was a hot pain from the arm that was blocking her body. At the same time, she also stabbed the opponent's wrist and kicked him.

Miaomiao endured the pain and looked at the wound on her left hand. Fortunately, she was hit in time, and she was wearing thick clothes in winter. The incision was not too deep, but blood was gushing out, and it seemed that a few stitches were needed.

Immediately strangled the wound with the scarf, Miao Miao immediately stepped on the back of the thug who cut her, then bent down and pressed the tip of the knife against his neck, gritted her teeth and asked, "Who told you to come here?"

The other party was frightened at this moment, and immediately replied tremblingly: "Female, female hero, please forgive me, there is a woman who hired, hired us to tie you up, I don't know her name, I just make money, don't kill me! "

female?Miao Miao suddenly thought of Luo Qingqing, it seemed that she had fallen out of favor with Four Seas recently, could it be that she had blamed herself?It's ridiculous!
She pressed: "Are you hired to kidnap me? What about her?"

The kidnapper was obviously an amateur, and he replied in a completely unqualified crying voice: "I just made an appointment, as long as we tie you up and send you there, we'll have nothing to do with you."

Miaomiao asked again about the place they had agreed with Luo Qingqing, and then knocked him unconscious with a hand knife.

Then she picked up her mobile phone and started dialing. The two thugs who were not dizzy saw her calling and thought they were going to call the police.

At this time, Miaomiao's phone was connected. Instead of calling the police, she called Zero Gunpowder.

The zero-degree gunpowder meant that Xiao Yan was still in the game when he received the call, and he answered the call directly from the game. She thought Miaomiao was here to wish him a merry Christmas, but she was shocked immediately when she told her about it, so she hurriedly answered the call. Exit from the game and continue talking with Miaomiao.

"I probably won't play games these days, help me with Luo Qingqing." Miaomiao said on the phone.

Xiao Yan was speechless, how could this tone be exactly the same as Ji Jing Huanxi!When he is a babysitter, everything can be solved.

He immediately wondered: "How can I solve it? Also find a group of people to tie her up? That's illegal, you should call the police."

"President Gunyan, is it okay to say something against your will to a seriously injured friend? Don't you think I don't know anything about your background on Platinum? It's not good to underestimate me." Miao Miao said with a light smile, Then he wrote lightly, "Don't be humble, can't you do this little thing? I don't need you to do anything to her, just lock her up for a year or so and let me be quiet and quiet."

Of course, Miao Miao is not absolutely clear about the power behind Platinum, but she also vaguely knows that the power behind Platinum is the kind that can enjoy both black and white. She doesn't want to call the police and deal with the police. She has been chasing her when she fled. It is the police, so this matter had to ask Zero Gunsmoke to help.

After hearing this, Xiao Yan sighed. It is not easy to raise a great god. After taking care of the game, he has to take care of the outside of the game, but whether it is about friendship or cooperation, he really should help with this job.

"Mengshen, if you have something to do, can I not agree? I'll go and solve it for you." He accepted the appointment.

After hanging up the phone, Miaomiao knew that Xiao Yan would keep his word, so she covered her arms with confidence, and immediately went to the street to take a taxi to the hospital for stitches after leaving this remote river.

When she went back at night, everyone at home was already home. I thought she had already closed the door to sleep, but when she saw that she had hung up the lottery and came back, she was frightened. Give her the same as the Queen Mother.

When asked how Miao Miao was injured, she casually said that it was because the night road was too dark and glass shards fell on it, and she was able to cope with it, but was strictly prohibited by the elders from playing games for a week, so she was allowed to recuperate at home.

The next day Miaomiao was probably injured and overtired, so she had a low-grade fever. She stayed at home in a daze and was served by Qiao's mother attentively. When the meal came, she opened her mouth and stretched out her hand, so warm that she almost shed tears.

During the period, Xiao Yan also called to report that the task she entrusted had been completed. Luo Qingqing had dirty hands and feet when she was in Rainbow International, and the attempted kidnapping by hired people was also found out, and she was directly investigated and imprisoned for three years.

When people are happy and refreshed, Miaomiao's fever subsides immediately, and she immediately jumps up and down, and immediately cannot bear such a boring recuperating day.

It's comfortable to be served, but it's too boring to be idle all the time...

On the third day of recuperation, Qiao's father opened a shop in the game, Qiao's mother went out to sell vegetables, and Miaomiao, a big idler, sat on the sofa and watched TV at home bored.

It happened to be broadcast on a game competition channel that was broadcasting the commercials and promotional videos of "The Field of Origin". In addition to the content recorded by the players last time, a celebrity was also invited to speak for it.

The star of the ad endorsement is a popular first-line actress in China, who played the role of the tall and charming dark night messenger. Miaomiao saw that the third-tier star Li Sha who went to Tianlai Game Company last time also played the role of a female mage, her acting skills are very lame and blunt .

After looking at it for a while, I suddenly heard a tinkling sound outside the door. It seemed that someone was moving things in the corridor. Just as I was about to see what was going on, there was the sound of a key turning at the door, and Mother Qiao just came back from selling vegetables outside. , Miao Miao looked along the door, there was indeed a moving company moving things outside.

(End of this chapter)

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