Chapter 302
Yuan Fang immediately thought of the alliance relationship between the Mengsha faction and Wufeng Pavilion, and wondered in her heart, could it be that the forces behind Mengmiaomiao were also secretly supporting Wu Qinghan!
Thinking of this, Yuan Fang suddenly understood, then nodded calmly and said: "Thank you for your guidance, I know it well."

After speaking, Yuan Fang seemed to want to express his position, so he quit Sihai Pavilion on the spot, and his badge was gone, as were the few people he led. In fact, the so-called confidants of Sihai in the whole Sihai Pavilion were actually Yuan As soon as Yuan Fang greeted Fang's confidant, the elites of Sihai Pavilion followed him in minutes.

Afterwards, Yuan Fang led the group of people who didn't have an emblem and went back directly. The simplicity and neatness are really impressive, and the decisiveness is a mess!

Of course, Miaomiao didn't stop him, the fewer enemies who are more intelligent and understand the situation, the better, and if he can stand on Wu Qinghan's side, it will undoubtedly be the biggest blow to the world!She can already foresee that Sihai Pavilion will collapse in the near future, and Wufeng Pavilion will soon grow stronger, and the corresponding Mengsha faction should receive a lot of gifts from Wu Qinghan.

After Yuan Fang left, Miao Miao suddenly felt a little funny, and couldn't help but put away the broom and stood where she was, laughing out loud.

In fact, what she said to Si Hai and Yuan Fang just now was intentionally misleading. Miaomiao didn't know if there was any evidence of Si Hai's corruption in Baby Qingjun, but with Si Hai's scum attribute, such things probably happened, so she said casually, Unexpectedly, Si Hai was frightened and collapsed.

As for what she said to Yuan Fang, she just guided her casually. Yuan Fang is a shrewd person, but sometimes he thinks too much, and he immediately thinks too much about Wu Qinghan's strength when he thinks about it casually.

It seems simple to defeat Sihai Pavilion just like this, but it is also because Sihai Pavilion has been continuously suppressed by the Four Guild Alliance under the Miaomiao plan, and it has already been on the verge of defeat, otherwise it would not have been solved so easily .

Miaomiao felt a little melancholy for a moment, although her plan to bring down Sihai did not develop as expected, and now this lesson is still too light for Sihai's actions, but the plan can't keep up with the changes, and she no longer has such deep hatred , just treat it as killing harm for all players on the server.

Silently and joyfully, she leaned over and hugged Miaomiao from behind.

Before Miaomiao expressed any opinion, Ji Jinghuanxi asked in a strong nasal voice: "Your mission is over, I should be able to feel free, right? Besides, when are you going to give out such rich rewards as the Manchu Banquet?"

I really don't change my mind...

Miaomiao was already a little used to his hands and feet, so she was held in his arms and replied: "Then allow you to be involuntary once in a while, as for rewards..."

She stretched out her hand and grabbed a handful of small green fruits from the package, and took Ji Jingxiu's hand and placed it in his.

"Take it." She looked very generous.

Ji Jinghuan curled her lips a little dissatisfied, where is the Manchu Banquet that was agreed?It turned into a few shriveled green fruits?How could there be such a wonderful warm and fragrant nephrite jade!

However, thinking of Si Hai’s cruel torture just now, and Yuan Fang’s frightened look when they saw this little fruit, even though An Jingxi didn’t see that Si Hai was tortured after being forced to eat this fruit, he probably knew that it was this The effect of the fruit.

So he let go of Miao Miao who was perfunctory for the time being, raised his hand to look at the attributes of the small green fruit, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

The name of the fruit is Life Fruit, which can be taken by oneself, or put into the mouth within [-] seconds after the death of the opponent or teammate, and it will take effect immediately. Within [-] seconds, it can be revived unlimitedly without loss of experience. In PVE, each revival will increase a little Killing value, being killed in PVP will pass on the opponent's killing value.

Ji Jinghuan looked at the attributes of the fruit of life in surprise. He never thought that such an inconspicuous little item would have such terrifying attributes. This thing really has the double effect of killing and saving lives. Although it is a double-edged sword, it can kill opponents if used properly. You can also save your teammates or yourself, which is really amazing!

Looking at the small green fruit in amazement of Jing Jing and joy, Miaomiao herself started to play with one, kneading the small fruit with her index finger and thumb, and her mind was full of thoughts.

The fruit of life... is this thing that caused Miaomiao to jump off the cliff and abyss before being reborn. It is not so much a life fruit as a fatal fruit...

"Can I ask how this magical little fruit came about?" Ji Jing Huanxi asked a little curiously.

Now that the task has been completed and the hatred has been put down, Miao Miao feels that there is nothing to say about the origin of the little green fruit.

So she pinched the small fruit and said lightly: "This is a special offering of the Nilin Pirates. It belongs to the leader's private possession. There is also a devil flower that can dissolve the effect of the life fruit. It is also the leader's dead person's item."

Her explanation is very simple, and the origin of the small green fruit is indeed the same, but the current life fruit is actually different.

Miao Miao couldn't help recalling the deepest and most painful scenes of being injured in the past... In the past, when she got the life fruit before her rebirth, she also got the devil flower that can dissolve the effect of the life fruit.

After getting two things, she shared this magical fruit with Sihai at that time, but soon discovered that this fruit had a terrible bug when using it in a copy, that is, after using it, if it was revived more than ten times, it would cause severe mental stress , a team member passed out after being revived ten times, but the bug of the Life Fruit caused this person to be recognized as sleeping in the game state by the game cabin, so he was stuck in the game in a coma, until Miaomiao panicked after being unconscious for most of the day After trying to use the devil flower to remove the effect, this person woke up after tossing and turning, and nothing happened.

Miaomiao felt that this fruit was a bit scary at the time, and wanted to seal it up and never use it again, but Sihai told her that the fruit of life was a good thing to make money. He taught Miaomiao to take the fruit of life to the auction house to be auctioned at a high price. , sell the antidote of the devil flower at a high price, so that you can definitely earn a sky-high price!
Miao Miao was very conflicted at that time, but at that time Sihai lied to her that he needed a sum of money to upgrade the guild, and said that he would keep the devil flower well, and if someone fell into a coma, he would contact him immediately to sell the devil flower, so that there would be no mistakes. In this way, there will be no problems at all, and the bug is caused by the game, even if there is a problem, it has nothing to do with Miao Miao, she can sit back and relax.

After several hesitation, it was also because Miao Miao was not deeply involved in the world at that time, and she couldn't stand Si Hai's persuasion, so she agreed in a muddle-headed manner. As a result, something went wrong soon after the life fruit was sold, and Si Hai immediately went back and hid everything. Devil Flower!
 The third update is here~ I finally wrote it with green eyes!Thank you ╰︶ぃMianmianren for the monthly pass, I love you so much, so much~
(End of this chapter)

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